Finnish F-18C

One minor nick pick I currently have for Sim is that the HUD appears to only show a bracket around the target when you have locked it and not if you are mearly following it in TWS as the HUD on the JA37s and JAS39s does

File a bug report, as it is not correct.

I sadly dont have the sources to make one

It had 9M… it seems like you came here to talk about germany so please talk this to another topic if you hve no interest in adding to the Finnish Hornet

Edit: thank you for changing it to stay on topic

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So there were better options they could have added to fill the gaps. They could have added the first upgrade (to my understanding, someone correct me if wrong) to bring the A2A performance on parity with the American one. But as it stands, it doesn’t bring much more competent A2A than what’s already present, and doesn’t contribute air to ground which is the primary limitation of the tree.

If we had good air to ground already, I would wager folk would have significantly less frustrations getting this one.

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Yes, the MLU1 gave the JHMCS and along with it the 9X, there are multiple JHMCS program aircraft already in the game but this one can’t have the same treatment for some reason the MLU2 upgraded the AMRAAMs in the AAM department

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No, that wasn’t the case. My point was about tell that the Finnish F-18 is as-is provided and that you should accept, like I have to accept that there is no Swiss F-18 in the german tree. Thats all. It was compairing and obviously censored.

In the Swedish tree, the F-18C will be the very best A2A fighter. I have the AJ37Di. Its really not good, but helps me to finalize the grind. After this is will be history and removed from any lineup

No, your post prior was focusing on how Germany didn’t get the F-18 and that its unfair Sweden did before i asked you to change it to be on topic. Sorry the EFT wasn’t enough. I get the Swiss F-18 would be a nice addition but considering gaijin just added the EFT it was a longshot to assume it would be added. Now i would like to remind you that this topic is about Finnish F-18’s if you have no interest in Finnish F-18’s then please stop commenting and leave.

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This is a very poor take when we have Gripen which does what this aircraft does, yet better.


Couldn’t even get the JA37Di name right lol, regardless the F-18 will be food. Without HMD you can’t properly defend against ARH meaning my Gripen will always be able to both defend and attack while staying notched. Hes either inexperienced in air or has no idea what hes talking about considering his comment.


You are incorrect. All i deleted was the comment about being happy to get the Finnish modded as Swiss. And this is exactly what I am all about.

Well at least I have real life flight experience in a F/A-18D from Swiss Air Force, during the time I was in active service back in 2006.

Depends in pilot skills in the end.

If you want to carry on about the Swiss plane, the germans would love to have you. Your want for it being shafted does not justify the hindrance to the Swedish tree this addition causes.


Considering your statement, means that without HMD a fighter is useless in AirSB, really?
Thats nonsense. Even with a Tiger F-5E you are able to take out a Gripen. No need of HMD.

But I agree, it makes it easier, depending on the level of implementation.

Irrelevant to the topic again? Look i get that you’re an F-18 fan but again this topic is more so referring to the general balance of it(Finnish F-18C) and so far not having HMD is going to always put you at a disadvantage. 2 equal skill pilots will always have the one with HMD winning as he can play far more aggressive.

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I am happy with the addition of the F-18C in the Swedish tree and I am happy how it was implemented. I will never grind the EFT because I don’t wanna fly it. no interest.

I said your insistence on this implementation because you want a Swiss plane (which you should bother the Germans about) does not justify the hindrance this abysmal implementation causes the Swedish tree. We know you are happy with it. That’s irrelevant in all bar you’re insisting they shaft us for the sake of it.


I would be more than happy to help you on this. Believe me. I don’t have finnish flight manuals at hand from the first F-18 shipped.

I just dont get why all the Swiss fans get upset with the Finnish for getting a gimped vehicle at the same BR as the US model depsite being worse? All we wanted was an on par 14.0 but gaijin couldn’t even be bothered to actually add something useful again. We’re stuck with the Gripen C until we see the MLU 2 which i cant wait for it to be 14.3 because it has BOL cm pods…