I would like to talk for 2 minutes about the Finnish F-18C. If I understood correctly, it is an F/A-18 version C Early, so it does not have a HMD, the radar is not very good and in game it is of no use in support because it has no air-to-ground weaponry.
My question is therefore the following:
In what world, a plane whose only real advantage is its maneuverability, must be in 14.0?
No HMD, no possibility of ergonomics in close combat, a practically ineffective radar and finally we cannot have fun shooting at AI on the ground or bombing bases because there is no air-to-ground weaponry.
AND, I almost forgot, the number of RP for the modifications, it’s crazy to ask for that much.
AND FINALLY, one last thing (I hope), the number of countermeasures, 120 if I’m not mistaken and these are small calibers while it seems to me that the F/A-18C can have BOL pods.
I think that an MLU version would be more balanced for 14.0 or else, lower the br to 13.3 between an f-4f which does not have HMD but remains good in the air and has air-ground and the su-27sm which have everything that the F-18C does not have.
I leave, if there are any, more specialized than me to correct me and tell me if yes currently in 14.0 it is ridiculous.
Well my air force didn’t order A2G munitions until quite recently, however the HMS has been in use for over a decade, and should be added regardless of variant chosen
It should have a plethora of air to ground weaponry, as Finland recently upgraded their F/A-18C’s back to the US standard of ground strike capabilities a few years back.
Other than that, yes, the F-18 will be able to out rate everything in a one circle fight, but gripen will still be the king.
The current vesion in the dev server is the “F-18C (MLU1)”: wich has HMD
(also it should have aim-9x, but not to rush new missiles since they are not needed).
Gajin will probably add later “F/A-18C (MLU2)” witch will have proper air to ground + aim-120C-7
(There is the original version before first midlife upgrade but I dont think it will be added )
(maybe as premium)
Only if it also receives the new “turn off FCS” button, the jets with this new feature in DEV are currently complete ufos that can fly backwards at will XD
I personally hope for the HMS and IFF update at the very least.
The later upgrades and the ground ordinance i don’t mind coming to a different plane later in the tree.
before this post I found this post about the Finnish F-18s and as it shows, the C Early version looks very similar to the current one in game and that’s why I think they would add another improved F-18 later.
(I say hoping to be wrong)
Yeah in the current state it should be 13.0 or 13.3 .
Between I’ve heard smth abt the aim 9x and the aim 120c? Is it just theoretically getting implemented or is it getting really added, and when yes are these missiles getting added to the Finnish f18?
Added now, I don’t think so, nor in the next update but at the end of the year it’s likely, at least, for the ASRAAM (IRIST, MICA IR etc), as for the AIM 120, R77M or METEOR, I think we’ll have to wait a little longer.
And if it will have hmd then it will be the best dogfighter at its br because hmd paired with aim9m on a plane that can outrate anything, is a deadly combination in dogfights
Just No. it has up to 10xAim 120Bs, no other plane at those Br’s can carry anything close to that number of ARHs.
13.7 would be the lowest it should be