Finally, add NATO vs. Warsaw Pact teams in simulator battles

Why are the teams still just Axis vs. Red or all mixed up for no reason? Why can’t the Germans play with the Americans? High Tier has become so predictable and boring.

That doesn’t solve the whole problem. Germany, Italy and Sweden have MIG15, MIG17, MIG19, MIG21, MIG23, MIG29 and SU22. China has F84, F86, F100, F104, F5, F16.
All you need is to unbind the aircraft to the country and let NATO vehicles into the Blue team. Warsaw Pact and Chinese vehicles enter Red team.


I had proposed this idea some time ago and people were rather for it.

Team selection based on aircraft played - Game Discussion / Simulator Battle - War Thunder — official forum

gaijin need to do separation by User country, not Research country

BTW, even with separation - there still will be MiG-29s on Blue side - 29G


I thought the matchmaker was NATO vs USSR and China.

+1,This will make simulator battles more immersive,It also solved the problem of spy vehicles.

No, in Sim several “presets” can be selected, but the countries within each group are a bit restricted. IIRC Germany is nearly always with Italy and Russia, UK nearly always with US.

It really is important to check what country combinations one joins, as this determines together with the BR range what potential opponents you will face.

Oh, sim air; yeah.

They would have to do matchmaking based on individual vehicles like ground sim does. But yes, they should aside from a few “mixed” matches (auto generated) and also some where there’s a few NATO aircraft on the PACT side to bolster numbers if need be

Also sim air on NATO v PACT is the whole reason I made this lol

I personally think it would be awesome to see, especially if servers need to get filled one way or the other, that way NATO carrier aircraft can still have a method of carrier takeoff should the player want to use it

As a sidenote this is why I personally think they should have done MiG-29A and MiG-29A/L instead of one A and one G because then you have the better one on the NATO side for whatever reason

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