Fighters with napalm


If we are purely talking about the ability to bomb a base in ARB. F-111F is faster and has a better chance of getting to the target.

Which is the core of this thread.

On top of that, the F-111F has a better chance of suriving if/when something decides to attack, Especially as it can just about outrun something like a Mig-23 but a Tornado IDS cannot

idk about a MiG-23, those things are very very fast

but yeah, for just base bombing the F-111F is better than the Tornado IDS, not all that much else though

To keep it short, one is in the forums, and the other is in the game.

To de-concise aforementioned claim:
One is under constant surveillance by a team of moderators and the other has too many separate, isolated matches in which statements are said which are logged, but will not reach moderators until it has been reported

LOL It doesnt.

Tornados(at the least F.3) turns like brick and not sure it is even possible to win against Phantoms.

Bingo. However, I would recommend not speaking PR speech(Aka business language). Very confusing. Keep the statements straight and simple cause not everyone has a clue what you just said.

While the behavior of the TS is deplorable, there are solutions.
Plan A: If he is only after grinding, he could consider arcade. In most matches there is endless base and endless bombs.
Plan B: If he fails to get the first set of bases, he can farm the second one from the start of the match.

Pretentenglish is my strongsuit and shall forever be (I barely know what I said)

Im sorry what?

My entire experience with A-5Cs is hating the damn things because of how insanely strong they are as fighters. They always climb up into space and top down you with the bonkers good Magics.

The only people I see bombing bases with them are idiots who hace no clue what they are doing.

If you are teamkilling someone for ANY reason such as “they stole your kill/base/whatever” or anything pathetic like that, you need to get a god damn life and go on an anger management course.


I remember the days the A5C was introduced. Not a single player carried bombs. They had an airspawn, climbed to orbit, fall down and shot their missiles. Braindead.

I repeat myself so often:
Base bombing in ARB is totally nonsense in higher BRs because it has not a single effect to the battle.
It’s only egoistic farming and leaving your team in the dust.



Qiangjiji literally means Attacker.

No comments on the napalm issue since I don’t do it anyways therefore no right to comment;
Just fyi

Yeah the MAGIC I spam haha… I used 9Ps until a few months after they added A-10 or was it Su-25 idk (1 9P + 1 MAGIC I after they introduced the custom loadout thing) anyways. Was pretty braindead but it does generate fun lol…
I stopped playing A5C long ago. I still dont understand how gaijin managed to place A5C and J7D at the same BR.

When I used Kfir canard to grind basically the entire Israel line if uptiered ill just give up base bombing since basically impossible to compete with the F-4S swarm and use a missile + gunpod payload hunting enemy planes. Shot down a few F-14s… (was before the massive BR change thing) but when I get downtiered i do basebomb first then i go dogfight on the return trip. Actually did speedup my grind…
Still I agree that zombie bombers crash themselves upon bombing complete or idiots TKing just because can’t get a base or smoothbrainers in J-7E bomb doesnt provide anything to the team.

TKing over base should be banned tbh. Or to fix this, speedup the base timer thingy or just place more base…
And/Or improve gains in player frags and bring back points gain from dogfighting. ;)

Was before the FM changes when on min fuel, but these days, I dont think so. the New FM both improved a lot of things, but also made the FM worse in other ways, especially as its not technically even correct or finished and its a kinda wierd half way point between what it was and what it should be.

This is why the fighters with napalms are supposed to carry it.

My stats, with MiG-23 carrying bombs and J-7D doesn’t. In the same amount of battles, the bomber makes 1.2x amount of SL and 2.2x amount of RP. Not mentioned that the fighter J-7D often need to play the whole battle to get high reward, while bomber MiG-23 reliably gain 10k RP for simply bombing one base and RTB for 7 minutes.

The Mig-23ML also has a higher SL and RP multiplier.

And having a negative KD in a MiG-23 doesn’t look good on your scorecard.


f111f is just superior, yes I have both aircraft so I can confidentiality say that (unlike you). The ONLY advantage the tornado would have is a better targeting pod (even then you get far worse guided ordnance)

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So, what I understand, a poor guy buys a premium plane and spends his days doing base bombing on and on like a hamster?
And team kills other base bombing hamsters?

Sums it up pretty well… You forgot about swearing though… ;-)

Oh ok thanks