F16 to germany?

You sound as if “nationalist pride” is only a thing for lesser nations. Imagine the Germans or the French (or anyone else) if they didn’t have their own TT.

I agree with you that it would have been much better to have technology trees instead of national trees. As I said once, we stopped having tech trees in the game when the game moved beyond the WWII era. Gaijin chose the “nation” format probably for balance reasons and also because they get more benefits this way (they can replicate a vehicle in several nations).

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hey hi hello, ‘‘german main’’ here, former Leo 2 Loader. love my german cats. dont need the kindergarden BS that is the what techtree should get what now. i can live without nations, as long as i have a game where i can play the vehiecles that im interessted in. hence why i suggested it.

not all of ‘‘us’’ are a moron…


I didn’t say you were an moron.

Only you complain about the “excess nationalism” that the community has and in the same comment you feel so proud of your German nationalism.

It is not necessary to get angry to exchange ideas, because that does not take away the fact that Hungary is in the Italian TT.

Should it continue to be called “Italian tech tree”? Complicated really.

I’m also upset that I didn’t receive my lynx, but it’s not the Hungarian or Italian community’s fault.

while im proud, i can be realistic too. and if this little change would help improving the game, i can part ways with nations for something that causes less friction within the community. cuz at the end of the day this is a damn game. games are supposed to distract you and are supposed to be fun to play. and this constant bickering ‘‘what nation should/shouldn’t get what’’ is just a fun killer…


As I had already told you, I agree with you 100% on this.

National trees make no sense, because in addition to generating these frictions, the MM sucks anyway.

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Amen brother.
Its 90% of the time civil war anyway at the times i get to sit down and play 😅

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lol, the kfir is complete overtiered dogwater.

The Kfir C.7 is under tiered honestly, if the damn flight model was fixed and you didn’t rip your wings just from normally turning then it would be much higher easily.

LMAO thanks for the laughs tbh, too much larping to be a successful troll though

Its very much not

Yes it is

Not trolling, things a murder weapon if played right, sure it’s suffers in full uptiers and lacks radar missiles, but its engine, airframe (when it’s not imploding) and missiles make it extremely capable. Haven’t played it extremely recently, but last time I picked it up after I aced it and spades it I had a bunch of good matches and a few easy aces. Absolute beast in downtiers too.

It is not even 20% better than Canard yet it versus new opponents that are over 100% better. Completely a waste of time unless spading for lulz.

Wow you get 2 more missiles of equally trash quality (1 flare so miss anyway) and now have to deal with ripping and F14B, F16, MiG29, F15 and basically every enemy goes from having 0 PD to guaranteed which means you can never merge or fly towards anyone ever again like Canard.

See when people like you write things like “play right” I guarantee you mean play like a rat and let your enemy bait all the enemy and than Kfir just come in and attempt KS. Some people even use softer words like “Support plane”

1: The Kfir canard is under tiered tbf, just bc of its lack of armament and premium players tanking the stats like I did back when I got it. Playing it now it’s like a unkillable god of a plane.
2: pythons are nutty, use them on unsuspecting enemies, keeping your radar off is a good idea, and late game, flying high at about 5km will help you stay out of their view a lot easier.
That’s just full uptiers, which really any 11.3 will suffer, but even then F-14s are no problem, and their BOL won’t even save their hot engines from getting a large telephone pole showed up their exhaust, even the Aim-9L seemed the python has will track that thing at 100% throttle. This thing is still more than capable of holding its own against the next gen fighters as well, even in a dogfight it has the ability to beat a MiG-29 if you know how to play it. Is it better than a F-16 and MiG-29? No, it’s not 12.0 anyway, it’s expected. Is it still an extremely capable 11.3? Yes
3: yes the play style varies, kill stealing is pathetic as well. Will I rely on my team with this plane? Absolutely, keeping enemies distracted and their focus off of you will help, but it can still be a one man show. If you use your nutty acceleration and engine power to your advantage you can easily take on opponents alone if you know how to use an opponents airframe against them. The kfirs js an extremely responsive and capable airframe which I find easy to use and is more than capable of turning an enemies plane sharing itself.

What play style do I recommend? Stay low, stay fast, use afterburner stages whenever you can to conserve fuel, use pythons on unsuspecting enemies or high probability of kill shots, use your guns a lot and learn the lead, avoid headons, and try to never stay slow, disengage if you get slow and use your acceleration to reset fights.
Play as a Support plane? No.
Play as an Aggressor and be stealthy? Yes.

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Hope enemy has 20iq*

My brother the F-14A is literally 11.7. M2k is 11.7.

What we need is totally Kfir C7 fighting Su-27, F-16C and Mirage 4000 for lulz.

You write about tanking its stats when you started it, yet the plane has only gotten harder as time goes on. When the C.7 came out, the F-14A did not even exist.

When it came out, it’s pythons didn’t exist yet either, and it was still one of the best planes in the game then beaming everything with 9Gs from space.

In the absolute chaos that is 16v16 Air Rb, it’s not that hard, since you can use your high top speed to get to a good side of the map and flank the enemy team, as without radar pings (keep the radar rangefinder off unless you need a missile lock assist from it), it’s unlikely they’ll see you. When the match’s player count gets reduced (praying it does) then it will likely suffer a bit more…

The chaos of 16v16 works against you too in this environment. You only have 36 cm, unlike others with 60-720 (average is prob 90)

There’s just so many more PD’s and all aspect missiles than ever before as well, everyone can take you head on but you cannot take anyone. So basically you just have to rat the entire time while spending a lot of time notching and giving up positions.

The speed is very over-rated because if anyone is behind you, you can never reverse anyway and so many also go 1400+ it’s quite lame, while also having PD. It’s actually quite surprising how many go 1400 when you think about it.

About that. Here’s Argentina’s first F-16B MLU.