F15E vs F15I "controversy" and the real problem of the American main-based player


The ingame Baz Meshupar is an F-15C that was upgraded in the BAZ-2000 program. The Baz Meshupar program was applied to ALL Israeli Eagle aircraft, A, B, C, and D (obviously without the F-15E Strike Eagle).

I thought it was an upgraded F-15A.

Gaijin could possibly add a Baz Meshupar of a different F-15 variant in the future.

Pathetic answer for a pathetic person

"ImM MuRiCa Hudur "
typical answer from someone who will never bother to learn more than one language


this UFCD has only been seen as of recent (upwards of 2019) the cockpit in game is correct.

No one really knows but the upgrades are assumed to of been performed within the last 10 years, not 5 and it would be a nice addition regardless, to prevent the screams of copy-paste from US players

i know, i advocated for it when the Meshupar was first added, Bowie brought up the points i did. i expect them to add a Baz Meshupar (2019) mostly cause the UFCD wasnt added in the main Baz-2000 upgrade package and was added later on.

given this upgrade was performed a while before the company even received a request for the UFCD display, it’s only logical that this it wasn’t included, but this cockpit revamp alone should NOT be used as an excuse to add a second single seat Baz Meshupar, and instead should be implemented onto it at a later date, alongside newer generation AMRAAMs and Python 4/5s

we can only hope

Indeed, gaijin has proven time and time again that they are not willing to be transparent about Israel as a whole, it’s a game of chance to see what we get added lol

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More Magach and more disabled CAS combat capability American second-hand aircraft designed and produced by Gaijin

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it has 1 less weapon and 120 more countermeasure youl live,
dont know why people are suddenly treating mavs like some team wiping superweapon at top tier, if yall put half the effort you put into hating on American players into just asking for mavs on the f15i they would have added it before the dev closed

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I’m tired of reading this kind of words. Is there any other new ideas?


well in that case getting mad at the US players makes even less sense since the ireali 1 was not nerfed for some us based reason and was never gonna be better in cas anyway while still being better in air rb since it has 120 more countermeasures

Your address is wrong. I can’t find it

It could be equal / better to the E if the snail, for once, actually added even a single Israeli munition.

But instead they only give US copy paste, and where copy paste isn’t possible, they add nothing.

again how is that the us players fault, they have never asked for it not to come with those weapons so being mad at them still seems pointless and childish


I am neither blaming nor mad at US players.

I dislike the entitlement some US players exhibit, thinking they always should have better versions of things they’ve exported, but the feelings of this fringe group of players has questionable sway so it’s whatever.

The shortcomings F-15I faces of are the snails doing, not US players doing.