F15E vs F15I "controversy" and the real problem of the American main-based player

I really don’t understand the main USA’s crying.
You have the best f16C, the Israeli one has a worse radar, an inferior engine but more countermeasures.
You have the best f15C in the game, Israel’s f15C spent months using the same radar as the f15A, without datalink and without TWS.
The Japanese F15C in theory has better missiles like the AAM3 and AAM4, but in practice the AAM4 is worse than the AIM120.
When the f16AM came to the game, there was the same cry saying “the best f16 in the game is not American”, being that the f16AM does not have HDM, has an inferior radar, a worse engine, but is lighter and has a better FM.
Always the same crying for nothing.
Over all USA is always in the meta, always has the best aircraft overall, always consistent in all updates, stop crying just a little
I didn’t see any French main crying when he heard about the Mirage 2000-5EI for China
Is the problem with the nation or the players?
When the Seek and Destroy update was released, Israel had the F16D with Derby and the F15C without DL and TWS, China only had J11A, Sweden has not received anything since the Air Superiority update… and everything is ok.
The game has its metas, nations have their ups and downs throughout the meta.
The problem is that the main USA doesn’t know how to deal with this, You don’t know how to take advantage of the nation’s strengths and overcome its weaknesses.
Main USA is a spoiled child !
You have a need for the entire game to be balanced around you and your disabilities.
Every update you receive something, EVERY UPDATE WITHOUT EXCEPTION… You are always in the meta, you are always in the top 3 strongest nations of every update, you never run out of content…You have an extremely consistent game in the early, mid and late game.

For God’s sake…stop crying just a little and enjoy the nation you grinded.
Make the most of your nations, both their strengths and weaknesses, and learn from them. Just enjoy the game.

Let other nations have some spoty light too, why this constant need to have everything, all the time, at all moment and leaves no space for the rest of us.
Go grind another nation besides the USA so you can have a reality check.
Go touch the grass, get out of the basement…but for the love of God stop crying and complaining about everything amarican mains… pls


Hold on, even I don’t agree with this. It’s a stupid move adding worse engines to one plane because they felt like it. But the F-15E should’ve not been added all together, US have been getting a top tier plane every single update and all of them were CAS capable


It’s tiring seeing US get a completely new multi-role aircraft every single update. Imagine if they could put half as much effort as they’re putting into making sure that US is fed better than a zoo animal, into minor nations. F-15C is how many patches old, again? Not even two me thinks, and they’re already getting another F-15.


while Germany enjoys your powerful f4f ICE


that’s funny to see only things in which “export” models are worser.
why you didnt point on that F-15J(M) is lighter than both F-15C’s? not convenient?


Reminder we can’t even get the ASSTA 3 because “Germany has already got three Tornados” according to Smin (within 2 years, one of which is an event, and the other is a premium, but they’re the exact same overall, with only ASSTA 1 being special because of LGBs), US is getting their 3rd F-15 within a year and apparently that’s fine?


Real buff that is not necessary, the f15E has its advantages like being able to use AGM, while the f15I does not have this option and that’s okay.

No one with any common sense asks for python 4 and 5.
Just like there are USA main asking for aim9X and aim174b.
You also ignore the fact that the USA is receiving the game’s first stealth aircraft in this same patch as the F15E, but not the American main are special, it needs to receive everything good and the best otherwise it cannot play and have a win rate equal to or less than 40%.
bunch of crybabies


I would whip out a Portal reference, but I don’t know if anyone would get it.


Umm ok. Some less informed individuals might ask for that yes. You think this represents all US players?

You see the word “stealth” and fixate on this one attribute, paying no attention to the aircraft as a whole. It will be serve little purpose other than being a vehicle to test stealth mechanics on. You must have missed all the commotion since F-117 was announced, the majority of people doubt it’s usefulness in game.


Mr Von, I’d like to bring your attention to this thread and the vote that is held there

Do you seriously think a post could get so much support with over 1k votes, 87% of which agree, on the backs of these supposed “US mains” alone?

This is an entirely reasonable request and the widespread support for it only proves my point


i understand both side but i have to side with “american main” for this, before you ask no i’m not an american main, if anything i’m a german main

the producer nation, in this case US for f15, should have at least the similar performing vehicle an export nation have atleast at the same time, we don’t want, should not want, a repeat of strv122’s “accident” where sweden became a better german in top tier ground because sweden have better leo2 and more in number

don’t get me wrong i also want other tree to have it’s “spot light” too, but i also don’t want producer nation get shafted because other nation “spot light” vehicle is an export vehicle thus to keep the “spot light” the producer nation cant get the similar performing vehicle even tough they have it


Straight up untrue.

Debatable, F-16AM is better in everything except it lacks HMD.

We can’t even feel disappointed anymore.

Very true.

Would be easier if it didn’t take months to unlock a nation for an average player.


Bro, doesn’t understand development.

It goes without saying I support this message


They did

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same with ground, many US mains will mewl and cry about the Abrams as if it isn’t the second best top tank family after the Leo 2s and the US ground top lineup isn’t decidedly in the top 3 in the game.
I will say though that the F-15E should receive 229s- and both it and the I should be 14.0. This is a bad balancing decision by Gaijin, but not because US suffers.


The U.S brings the most revenue to the snail. ;)


baz menshupar equals f15C, and the f15J (M) changes the missiles and it is a little lighter, but they all have the same flight performance and the f15J (M) is almost not seen in matches and even those that are seen use the aim120 instead of the aam4.
the difference is so minimal that they are practically the same plane.
the only real advantage of the f15j(M) is the ir missiles, and it’s literally an aim9(m) with different fins that give 5g more.
the difference is in the missiles not in the plane itself

f16AM is the f16 mlu with fox 3, nothing more… the f16C both block 40 and block 50 are superior in all other aspects, except FM, but overall the f16C is better.

and also the biggest headache as a bonus.

because if the kindergarten doesn’t like it, the crying starts


Where was our vigilante when Baz Menshupar used the F15A radar without DL and without TWS?
It took months to fix Baz Menshupar… except for the Israeli players, no one mobilized, quite the opposite, you’re just crying because your beloved nation received a plane or a little weaker on the test server.
You are not only a demagogue are u a crybaby too
Pls bro

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