it didn’t need a flight model, when it could fire at you and you had no idea it was firing at you when you were chasing it
??? The R73 has never been that good on live server and the HMD isnt capable of locking things behind you… spoken like a true armchair warrior who doesnt play the game lol
All valid points. But to me, the fact Su-27 forced F15 on the defensive in BVR, and then in WVR could just pull high AOA and shove an R73 up your exhaust from insane off bore… Was a game changer.
Lack of HMD on F15A really made it feel clunky to me. Constantly had to put the nose up and leave MP safety to get launch solutions.
if by “forced onto the defensive” you meant “just made them ride the deck like everyone else is already doing” then yeah, this is pre MP nerf when it was piss easy
you dont have the su 27 at all you dont have it
you dont even have the F-15. so why are you typing at all?
I can’t think of any other vehicle that uses R73s and HMD at the same time!
Mig 29?
Because I play the game and have the skill to infer what I don’t play and what I do play is the majority…
MiG-29G, yes. He’s just being ignorant.
so once again you prove you didn’t fly when the SU 27 was out, because i had many pilots turn there plane and fire a missile at me and the missile did a 60 degree turn when i was behind them, in my F15 when i got uptiered.
we aren’t talking about the mig 29 now, are we.
So you just let them use HMD like anybody would expect somebody to use it and wasnt preflaring? Your previous wording indicated to me that you were BEHIND somebody… not just in the very start of the rear quadrant while he’s rapidly making that into a frontal engagement… that is literally textbook HMD usage and should be expected and countered ahead of time.
Again, valid point.
You don’t have to agree with my take. These things can be subjective. I just felt like Su27 had more powerful tools at it’s disposal. (I’m not one who ever bought into the whole ‘F15A DOA!’ silliness or anything though). It was definitely close.
Your literal only talking point regarding the su27 was that the R73s were good and the HMD was good, guess what the 29G has?
I speak matter of factly and bluntly, I am just disagreeing.
You can literally go ahead and quote to the class any plane of your choosing and its stats from my statcard There’s also the fact I spaded the entire nation of Italy and am now spading the entire nation of France (up to 8.7 in air currently)
stop them from using the HMD, if only i could stop people from firing a missile at me too!
why / how would i pre flare someone im chasing and they fire at me in under 3 seconds a missile that most likely wont even be affected by the flares . There are literal videos proving everything you type wrong
I don’t think anything i have said about Su27 having better kit is fictional.
I weigh this greater than F-15’s FM advantages. Your mileage may vary.
In interest of helping you out, its called recognizing the weapon employment zone of the aircraft you’re facing, staying outside of said WEZ, and pre-flaring when you happen to find yourself inside of it. You’re welcome!
That isn’t how any fight goes. if somebody is directly in FRONT of you, you cant be fired upon that quickly. They have to get you within their WEZ and you have to not avoid it…