F15 E Airfield bombing in sim

The F-15E players are exploiting game mechanics to an extreme degree. They ARE using the aircraft’s superior altitude capabilities to climb to a significant height, possibly reaching a point where they are effectively out of range of most other nations capabilities. From this point, they are bombing the enemy spawn point, guaranteeing easy bombing to inflate their score. Then they eject immediately, to maximize their score gain without risk, as there’s no penalty for the aircraft being destroyed besides some SL, and allows them to repeat their actions from the beginning. This behavior makes it only likely that they will die from ejecting rather than fighting other players, as their primary focus is on maximizing their score gain. They often have over 20 deaths and an incredible score… I understand some nations have 120s to at least deter this exploit… but this results in a disruptive and unsportsmanlike gameplay experience for other players. Can we do something about this? I have gotten 20+ kill games before and they are getting higher scores from just J’n out.

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Typhoon and Rafale if nothing else easily can match their climb rate, but nothing stopping the Su-27SM or J-10 from match their height, just takes a little longer

This isn’t new. Have you never played Sim during an air event? Its actually a little refreshing they are doing something a little different for a change.

The mitigation is the SL cost from respawning, they are making 0 SLs from those attacks its purely score to grind the event.

The question is… How to “stop” this? (especially given how bad the event grinds are, is it actually a problem of exploitation or a problem of the events taking too long and being “unfun” and Gaijin only made it worse when they nerfed the SB event score)

This gets raised every single air event and the solutions some players throw out there are horrific and would do nothing but harm Sim even more. The best and only solution (imo) would be to only reward score from attacking AFs upon a succesful RTB.

Strictly speaking. The F-15E is the “ground attack” variant of the F-15 and using it for ground attack is its correct usage within a match. I assume they are making use of the GBU-39s and thus can release at a fair distance from the target. None of this is an “exploit” and could be considered “correct” usage of the aircraft and available weapons and is on the team to intercept them, just… the maps are too small.

J’ing out is unsporting behaviour but I dont know if it is actually against the ToS. @Schindibee Whats the stance on J’ing out like this? Actually a reportable offence?


The loadout and flight model in the F15e makes this method exploitable, not so much with other planes. They just need to change the reward system to where you dont get any rewards or very very minimal for not landing and give ALOT more if you land. Nothing is more frustrating than putting in over an hour into a sim match and losing because 1 or even more, people are doing this and you literally cannot do anything about it. it is fine in other tiers because they simply cant exploit like you can in the f15e.

Have you never seen the F-111As, F-4S or Su-39s dive bombing an AF spamming rockets in the 10.3-12.0 brackets?

This is nothing new. I did add a bit to my last comment just after you responded, but strictly speaking. Using the F-15E in this manner is exactly what it was designed to do and is strictly speaking not an exploit. J’ing out is unsporting though and does need some better form of mitigation perhaps.

I agree, this would be the way to mitigate it without removing the AFs as viable targets.

Welcome to Sim during an Air event. Like I said, kinda nice they’ve switched to new tactics, but the Typhoons on your team should easily be able to stop them.


theres nothing wrong with spawn bombing… i love going after them high up… the issue is J’n out and exploiting. also, the score gained from dying to other players doesnt mean anything because its faster to just J out.

Yes. I agree. The J’ing out or suicide ramming for the instant reset is a problem and the only issue here.

Definely needs a form of mitigation that is fair (attacking AFs should be a 100% viable way of playing Sim including grinding an event) but just need most or at least a good chunk of the reward to be given only upon an RTB.

Gaijin have a habbit of just blanket nerfs. Last time they reduced the SB multiplier for events by quite a bit, it used to be 3x now its a little above 2x iirc. which sucks. Id fear them just nerfing it even more for everyone, no matter the source rather than addressing the problem fairly.

I hate to say it, because i hate it in ARB, but crash or J out should give a time penalty. At least experiment with it, because the majority of regular sim players don’t just crash in error. More SL for respawn is just to limiting to being able to play the game. people should take SIM more seriously and not just J out or crash anyways, plus that would leave more players in the air for a more lively game.

I have always wondered why its not possible to detect that behaviour and put some cap on it.

Like J’ing out / suiciding too many times in a row locking you out from event rewards for a 15 minute cycle or dying very shortly after attacking an AF just not giving any reward after doing it too many times.

Also with the GBU-39 spam and J out. I assume they are J’ing out before the bombs impact. I imagine should be possible to just have the GBU-39s not give any score if the playerJs out/suicides before they impact. (being killed is fine though)

Bombers use to have an insane SL respawn. Buc S2 for example use to be about triple what everything else was. It was unplayable due to that alone. So im glad that is gone, but perhaps expontetial SL costse for J outs/suicides. So once is fine and it resets every 15-20 minutes but your SL costs increase often if you keep doing it

“PvE only lobbies” are against the ToS and anyone who is engaging in it. Especially if they are harrassing players who want to do PvP in a PvPvE gamemode should be banned from the game.


I strongly dislike the SL cost to spawn in regular air sim, it is very limiting quality of life because if I just buy a new plane or spend all my SL, it makes playing the game i want to play, literally impossible. I always have to grind up SL in ARB before i actually get to play what i want to play, probably a gimmick for people to jump into ARB, but what do i know.

Just some sort of J out / Crash time out would be great. I cant tell you how many times ive been in the middle of fights or just found somebody, and they just J out.

They could do a warning of like; three in a row J out / crash, as a buffer, then a time penalty the next time they crash something. Or if you crashed / J out, within a certain amount of time, you get a respawn penalty. Could help the exploiters and also make some people play a bit more fair.

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Me and my friends were doing this over the weekend in big lobby’s. One of us would fly the F15E and the other 2 escort in the F16C. We did it because it was fun and made sim more challenging. Not everyone bombs for score.

Edit ingore this i’m stupid you were talking about zombers

Yeah, my go to is NRB for SL farming and its rare, usually after a new aircraft is added, but i’ll have to do a few matches in NRB before I can jump back into ASB.

Yeah, this made me rather mad. Its one thing what they normally do to farm events, but this really annoyed me

Yeah, its needed. SB is inherrently hard and you get a lot of people dying when they are learning to play for the first time. So needs to be some grace period (Perhaps also include a 1 minute grace period where if you suicide 1 min after taking off, you dont get that penalty at all)

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Yeah, bombing is fine.
bombing an AF is fine
Bombing an AF and then J-out or suiciding for instant reset to go again… is a bit of a grey area and probably should be considered an exploit.

I quite enjoy tossing bombs at an AF in the Tornado.


I have escorted my teammates many of times, when i grinded France i protected//CAS a10s and f111s, for pretty much the entirety of my time grinded France, so we would always win the match. Very fun.

The issue is the time it takes to fly out and bomb in a f15e then J out immediately afterwards, and rinse and repeat.


YEP… not very common but it happens. Also will teach people the hard way on ripping wings LOL.

I just tested it in sim, fully loaded f15e, in Spain, got to their spawn in 3 mins.

Yeah, though not overly unique to the F-15E. Typhoon is probably faster, but doesnt carry quite as many weapons nor can they be released from as far.

But SB maps are too small and they have been for the past 1.5 years imo

Bigger maps for BR 13.3 - 14.0 could also help with this as well, or maybe bigger maps for BR 14.0+ and beyond.

I feel the point where I kinda wish I had bigger maps starts about 11.0 and grows a lot stronger past 12.0

also fuel becomes an issue with bigger maps. i suggested in-flight refueling plane to oxy but she didn’t think it would be very different than going back to spawn.


Even with a doubling of maps sizes, its just not needed and would be a nightmare for people to camp and kill people as they tried to hook up.

Already happens enough with Carriers.

But a greater emphasis on fuel management would be nice, very rarely do I ahve to think about it