F14A IRIAF needs to go higher after missiles changes

In the last major update the fakour-90s and the sedjils got a massive buff and are now able to pull 20g instead of 15g. That made them almost impossible to dodge them kinetically, only if they are not launched from a 60 degrees angle on you. So the times has come to bring this plane onto a higher BR.

One thig to say is that yes I was chaffing and yes I tried all possible stuff to dodge them but when they are send from 7-8km there is not much you can do when you have some altitude.
What BR should it be…

  • 12.7
  • 13.0
0 voters

wheres 12.0 option?


didn’t know I was a 12.0 option

You can send gajin some nudes maybe it helps

They might even give him a discount.

Yeah he probably gets a 70% discount when he does it

Mhm mhm

you’re missing the 12.3 option

Where’s the option for 11.3


All my homies hate the F-4C

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