Trust me, it’s not worth it with this guy. Think Vimlad and Mantis combined.
Cool! Airbrakes, however, aren’t the only factor in a dogfight.
That was not the point of my response at all? I was correcting you. Stop taking my responses out of context.
Your entire response was stating the F-5 has airbrakes
Whats the only factor in a dogfight??? Did you know you can BnZ instead of trying to outrate something in a turn that turns better and loses less speed…lol yes if you are deciding to circle fight an F-5 I expect you to lose EVENTUALLY… like put your brain back in your head
He’s just trolling atp-
And the F-5 can dodge all day.
I was correcting you because you implied in your previous post that it didn’t have a airbrake.
No, you were the only one implying that.
Either way, my point still stands that F8U easily beats F-5 in a dogfight.
Then I guess Defyn must suk cause I seen him lose and get shot down in his F-5C plenty of times over the years heck I even killed him with an Aim-9B in my japanese F-86 couple years ago when it was 9.3 and F-5C was 10.3…
My bad, you said better airbrake.
Let’s compare your near 1:1 k/d in the F-5C versus his 6.4. Hmm, I wonder…
yes this True but they will never believe you cause they only play againts and notice Tigers at 9.7 …I wonder why they dont notice them in 11.7 or such my guess is cause the Tigers are 15 km behind teammates stuck at mach 1.01 or less at the deck…
An F-8 losing a dogfight to an F-5 is a severe skill issue on the F-8’s end.
you the one saying it can dodge all day yet so called experts get killed by us plebs still…yea Defyn is a better player than me Im pretty sure he better than you too mate …yet he still died to a 9.3 with AIM-9B’s in his F-5C so…
You’re riding one kill that could also not be true. DEFYN isn’t superhuman, he doesn’t never die.
bud I said F-86 not F-8 rofl… The Sabre not the Crusader and yes the F-8E spankx F-5C
I replied to the wrong person, and also no, the F-8E doesn’t spank the F-5C.
F-5 is very touchable, it’s slow and is not equipped with good missiles. But statistically the F-5C spanks almost everything in it’s BR bracket in a dogfight.