Mind linking it?
its probably 3 years old should be easy to find …Pro tip yea lotsa dummies dont bring chaff aim9C is your friend and it 1 circle anything even a Tiger
Mentioning a 3 year old video for an argument today. lol.
The only difference is the fact the Crusaders wings dont rip so easily did you play them say the first couple years??? A basic roll while max pitch would snap your wings at 900kmh …Crusader far better today then it was when Defyn made the Tiger hunter video soley of him blowing prem F-5’s outa the sky with it…
You do realize DEFYN is one of Air RB’s best pilots, and on top of that the F-5C pilots are well, dumb.
Just listen to yourself mate…All Skoshi pilots are dumb and die to anything…on on the other hand its untouchable… Then we will come up with skilled pilots are untouchable in it to nobody is perfect when they do die…Ive never said the Tiger is a bad dogfighter Ive said its glory is GREATLY exaggerated and its not META dominant…Its the best dogfighter tho for its BR bracket
Looks like you got my point. It’s not untouchable, it’s definitely the best dogfighter at it’s BR, and plagued by bad pilots.
Look at my games, look at how much I’ve played and the variety. Do you honestly think I can’t infer the difference between the F-5E and the F-5C and extrapolate it OR just know how the jet performs because I’m well versed in the game and with almost all jets involved? I could also point at your stats and just say they’re bad and thus you can’t know what you’re talking about… doing this gets us nowhere.
I mean F-16C vipers lost to A-10’s…its called asymetrical combat and yea it beat an F-15 too ends up expensive vehicles meant to fight a certain way should do exactly that and not things they where never meant to…
No, the F-5s are very good actually, you just have to play them according to their strength (the great energy retention for one).
You can’t out-turn most enemies by pulling inside their turn circle, you should avoid this. If you turn-fight too aggressively or attempt to slow down deliberately your aircraft will turn into a brick, thus losing the fight.
The following is general advice, you shouldn’t always do this, but it’s what I do most of the time:
Keep your speed as high as possible while turning (slowly) with the enemy, this is aided by the F-5s good energy retention during maneuvers. Just focus on keeping yourself out of the enemy’s sights and the engagement should gradually turn in your favor as the enemy struggles to maintain their energy. Ideally this results in the enemy stalling out or no longer being able to keep up their turn fight, in that case you have secured your kill.
Remember, the missiles are secondary, guns are your real asset. I should also mention the ridiculously low heat signature of the engines, flaring missiles is trivial even on full afterburner.
Here are the stats to back me up
«AV-8C, F-8U, A-10A, all benefit from F-5 SL pinatas.»
Hahaha, ffs!
AV-8 and A-10??
You are trolling, right? Right?
A-10A easily turns inside F-5s, and AV-8C has won dozens of headons. F-5s are SL pinatas with thighs to me, and nothing more.
Woow, you won a few headons. Must make it a superior plane then?
And it takes a F-5C player with negative IQ to lose a fight with a A-10.
Them being better fighters is actually the dumbest takes i’ve seen in a long, long time.
Good job
The F-5E FCU is very potent, especially in Sim EC, even for me who rarely flies fighters:
What’s particularly noteworthy here is that the majority of those 33 deaths are TK’s. I had streaks where I shot down I think 35 enemy planes without a single loss of my own FCU caused by the enemy.
Important: Keep your radar off at all times (except gunfights against enemies that already spotted you), as it has no look-down capability and no IFF, and use SA and RWR to find targets. You operate at a BR range where most rely on their RWR for defense, not actually using radar then makes you very dangerous.
Stay low, stay stealthy, use landscape, then pounce when in range. Just like a real Tiger, actually, come to think of it…
almost as if there was a reason why the Manufacturer country didn’t use many of them
It was a good reason, it was meant to be a low-cost export fighter
I can agree. The F-5 can catch a lot of things I never thought, F4s, Mig-23, etc.
They’re especially deadly in Sim, the only true possibly “lacking one” is the F-5A, which has no SAS modes, which makes it hell to fly in sim.
For once, we both agree.
The YaK-38 is just free food for it.
Bro really let a subsonic turn with him and fail. Why don’t you just , you know , run and regain your position ? Or are you afraid that A-10A can catch you if you do so ?