what do you want done?
After consideration I think the best solution would be moving the F-5E up to 11.3, and move the top BR up to 14.0 to compensate. The F-5C should not be fighting sub 10.0 planes. Hopefully this satisfies peoples weird idea that Gaijin is biased against the F-5C (they’re not). Besides, this could give aircraft such as the J-35XS a little more breathing room.
Again what you talking about is "F-5C should not be fighting Sub 10. Jet’s " if you look closely at the BRs your point is not valid at all why let me explain
Sub-Sonic 8.7 fights Jets till 9.7 not only that but you have some really nasty Jet’s there that kill with impunity and ppl take advantage of that, if you look for balance WT is not one of those games
Why do Premiums need to get 0.7 to 1 BR up with no radar no missiles less engine power and many others in particular RUS and China don’t got BR up at all
Your statement is false again because if someone have F-5C , XS , Cannard people that support the game so others play for free and need to pay the price of Decompression that does not exist for them
Because you don’t see a lot of J7-E is not an excuse to leave them at 11BR with 0 chance one of the most OP jet’s in his BR pure DogFighter is better than F-5E and 80% of other Jet’s with Fantasy Flying Characteristic
5.F-5C should be close to Mig-21MF
Like Toskat says Lazul is 11.3 not to mention MLD at 11.7
Teacher English is not my main language but seems some ppl who need to defend totally idiotic chances got angry with the truth and tried to insult others with meaningless insults in the Forum
‘Butthurt’ with the smallest chance say the dude with a new account and 500 battles allegedly lost the old account laughable at best where you see the smallest chance from 10.3 to 11 with better Jet’s don’t got be at all or minor chance of 0.3
It’s not the player’s fault Gaijin breaks the BR brackets selling premium Vechicles but you can’t bump them to play again’s 40 years difference Jet’s because you think so
Wird that 1 person from 80 other posts Defend the idiotic chance it’s you Congrats you should get rewarded from Gaijin Mister Teacher
This is going nowhere to I’m going to stop engaging with you, you don’t seem to understand what I’m saying and I guess I don’t understand what you’re saying. Agree to disagree. Gaijin needs to decompress all BRs, reserve to top tier. If you want your jet to be moved down then lose a lot of games because that’s how things are balanced. If it underperforms where it is right now it will be moved down but I have the feeling it will perform the same and allow jets below it to have more fun. Have fun man, just a game.
but still far better than Aim-9E´s …
IMO F-5C is really fine at current its BR or 10.7BR because in the 1v1 situations, that sometimes happened in the old matchmakers, some aircraft had no way to defend themselves against the F-5C such as Hunter F.6/FGA.9/FGA.58, J32B, G.91YS, A-4N, Harriers.
These aircraft should never face against F-5C’s, because they can send subsonic platforms back to their hangars without being penalized for their mistakes.
As for the J-7E, to begin with it should have had the same BR as the MiG-21bis. Because it is a dogfighter as good or better than the F-5E, also in terms of avionics, the RWR is literally comparable to top tier jets, albeit without decent radars.
They should never have gotten a de facto BR drop.
Read ok it out performing everything in 10.3 then move it up a bit not this much before I was playable now I vs constant every game never anything below MiG 23,f-5,mirages and more that have aim 9js and aim 9L how is this fair to a plane that is slower, worse turn rate, and worse missiles that can be out turned not needing flares I never vs that constantly ever there’s no learning to fly against that its like putting an f-22 against an f-16 no argument needed everything that the f-16 does the 22 does better as with the f-5c every lobby I go into all those jets are better not to mention the 4-6 missiles some can carry.
not to mention when i get locked from 4 to 6 miles out and cant even tell when i can only lock in from 2-3
Can’t wait until you figure out everyone got moved up and it fought them before the BR changes
oh really but not every single game that is full of em
And if you play 12.0 it’s a full up tier to M4K, F-16, Gripen, MiG-29, M2K every game. The matchmaker is broken, live with it.
I pretty much agree with you, and to add on to the argument; F-5C has no speed to catch its current enemies at all, missiles are dogsh*t and even when you sneak up on people, when they simply turn without noticing your missile they dodge them. Its main ability was dogfighting capabilities but as of now that is mostly negated due to thing it faces having very same capabilities, not even considering radar missiles it faces. Moreover, other F-5 variants either being same BR or simply just one bracket high is pretty laughable and J-7E being called “not op” is pretty fucking hilarious to me.
dam welp that’s just to bad doesn’t give any clarification for your argument you just added to it that is a another problem too
dam welp that’s just to bad doesn’t give any clarification for your argument you just added to it that is a another problem too
I just said the same thing you did and it applies to your arguments about uptiers. We’re getting nowhere productive here are we?
Try to get more than 3 kills in a match-up like this and talk to me about uptiered is “rare”
Ducking delusional. This plane is unusable now
i made a game with 6 kills and 1 assist. (and was an uptiered, i killed 2 mig23) 2 days ago. I posteed above.
On average i get 2 kills per game.
It is great for dogfight
Quote me were I said it was rare
It’s the same planes you fought before in an uptier, you’re clearly misunderstanding what happened with the BR movements
Cry me a river you can’t club 9.3s anymore
The question is did you make 6 kills and 1 assist in every single match? Or just got it in every 20 battle or just lucky in that single match compared to other match
i believe the enemy team was a bit weak. so you can say i got lucky. But that plane is a great dogfighter
People have a hard time on it because they rely on it missiles.
On average i get about 2 kills. i will sent later my in game stats with f5c .