F-4F KWS LV dev thread

Its gonna suck 100%. Its the only top tier jet that has no irccm heatseekers, it has the worst airframe. Its supposed upsied, its advanced radar, is just about on par with what the other nations get. It gets aim120 A’s instead of B’s despite it using B’s historically (no big difference but hey).

The only thing it will do is bomb bases and gaijin is nerfing that because everybody and their mom are bombing bases in air rb.
Germany needs an eurofighter badly. Not only does Germany lack any competitive CAS at top tier (the tornardo sucks ass) but it wouldnt be that op, if gaijn doesnt immediatly jum for one of the newer one, you know the ones that can thrust vector and carry meteors and iris-t’s. With only aim9l-i1s and AIM 120s it would probably be the best jet in the game, but not invincible.


Looks like a weirdly painted targeting pod, alto i cant remember these ever carrying guided air to ground ordenance that would neccessitate one. the only pods it should have would be jamming pods

Sensor pod as used for recording of IRIS-T testing

Having an IR-capable pod (if this one is) is invaluable, especially when trying to find targets for the TV-guided mavericks. Better to have and not need, I’d say. Request for both.

I spaded it on the dev server and after you get all the Airframe upgrades and AiM-120s it’s not that bad

with these missiles you can comfortably fly to the mountains in maps that have them and then do BVR shots while staying behind terrain cover as much as possible

you’ll only ever need to use the Sidewinders if something went horribly wrong and some Mirage had the same Idea as you had

the stock grind to be perfectly honest is the worst Hell I’ve experienced in Warthunder so far

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Bugs me that the F-4 have that nice outboard pylon never being used for ordinance…


the outboard wing pylon never carries AAM’s, sorry i meant air to air weapons

first of all remember that this is a 70s aircraft

then keep in mind Wiring for Guided munitions was at that time expensive and massively complex so they just designated 8 stations which used their Missile and almost nothing else, that reduced weight, complexity and cost as you could just have all other starions work like they used to in the 50s and 60s

at this point in time nobody expected there to be a need to carry 16 Radar honing Missiles and 6 IR ones in addition to a Sears catalogue worth of different Guided Ordenance on random pylons chosen by the pilot and ground crew individually for every mission

it’s just one of the problems with Gen 3 Jets in general, the transition from Fully analogue and Mechanical to Fully digital didn’t just happen overnight

Hello guys.

We wanted to keep you informed the developers are currently considering introducing AIM-9Li for the F-4F ICE, upgrading the AGM-65 variant and are reviewing the reports submitted on the aircraft during the dev server opening.



prasied be the snail!

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ohh wait a moment Smin while we are at it ,we found new prove for AIM 120B as well even an f4f ice advertised with them ! Community Bug Reporting System

Just needs to be forwarded

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AIM-120A/B are identical in game terms. So it wont make any difference which one it has.

But the report will be reviewed.


All we want


Awesome! Aim-9Li would be a considerable performance boost!

What about the IRIS-T?

thats a no

Because no other nations have an equivalent?

That didn’t stop them from adding the R-73 or the SRAAM.

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