F-4F KWS LV dev thread

AIM is defo dummy cuz filled rocket motor side,
9L idk abt tbh

I’ve heard some F-4F ICE could carry SPS-141 that is used for GDR jets so, they can gets additional CM pods?

they did, but it was a different model that didnt come with any CM launchers

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thats a drop tank and NOT a bomb right?

Its a Russian ECM pod

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Were those explicitly for the Starfighters or for the Tornados? I’m not at all familiar with launch rails

the thing on the center pylon? Its a ex-soviet SS-N-2 anti ship missile

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termit casually mounted centerline of an F4F

… why is that thing there?

Also, interesting placement of an AN/ALQ-184 ECCM pod (whenever EWAR gets added)


That things massive… i assume its radar guided?

After reunion, WTD 61 tested lots of GDR weapon systems.

this is not the type that contains any CMs

they’re pure Jammers

I asked this a few months back and I’m just repeating TMs response btw


interesting that ICE carried that… seems to be a better kormoran tbh

From my understanding (there really isnt alot on this), it was carried to simulate attacks by anti ship missiles. Thats also why it lacks the wings. It was never launched


+1, I’d love the chance to drop a whole ass termit on the unsuspecting enemy team, even as a dumb bomb lol

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Or a rocket propelled bomb…
What have i created…

That’s AN/ALQ-119 not AN/ALQ-184

Are there any visual differences between AIM-120A and AIM-120B?


Damn, that thing old

Also, found a wing-mounted sensor pod on F-4F (37+15) Any idea what that is? Could be useful for scouting targets.

37-15 | McDonnell Douglas F-4F Phantom II | Germany - Air Force | M.Linde | JetPhotos