F-4F KWS LV dev thread

buddy just take the no , when someone says it, the jump to iris t is sth completly else


did the ICE ever use IRIS-T?


the bug report for it got shot down as the iris t is too powerful for the game rn in the devs opinion. We still might get aim120b and aim9li.

Really? I knew the german airforce situation was dire but good lord I didn’t realize they upgraded them to use iris-t, that’d be post them getting the first typhoon batches

Some of the best test footage of early life IRIS-T is actually from an F-4F:

we should clarify, the f4f iris t was the first platform where the iris-t were tested. The Eurofighter didnt quite exist yet at that point


oooh test vehicle, that makes way more sense then

no they were used on them as well. Like i said the typhoons didnt even exist yet.
And tornados arent exactly great interceptors lol…

IRIS-T is far too advanced for the game currently. We have no plans to introduce this for the F-4F ICE.


propably Typhoon only

A BIIIIIG maybe for the tornado assta 3.1 if gajin feels realy generous


The IRIS-T wouldnt be as substantial an addition if we had proper spacing tools, like fox 3’s that didnt have their effectiveness almost completely invalidated by multipath for example…

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Seems like it did

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Almost every nation has a equivalent

You are not being asked to EFT with IRIS-T, but only for the beaten F4F ICE. EFT has HMD, F4F ICE does not have HMD. He loses to everyone in the vicinity in a turn. Even P-73s wouldn’t help here if they were.

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You don’t need IRIS-T mate

9L(i) will be fine for 12.7 with AMRAAMs

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Don’t make me laugh and everyone who’s sitting here will read this…


Everyone besides US, poor US with the aim 9x

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USSR would be the worse really