F-4C, F-5C, F-111A, F-105 And the problem with the BR's of these aircraft

Good afternoon, today I want to bring attention to several planes that have suffered from the recent decompression upgrade.

I will begin with F-5C, the plane is still very good. It is the simplest to correct. The issue is that it shares a BR with F-5E, which is better in every way. The solution is to either move F-5C down, or move F-5E up. Othewise AIM-9J could be added to the plane to level the playing field.

The next patient is F-4C. The earliest Phantom II represented in the game. The issue is that at 10.7 this aircraft is uncompetitive. Flareless, relatively slow, unmaneuverable plane with no internal cannon, weak FOX-2 and FOX-1 missiles. The plane cannot compete at the BR, especially if it gets into an uptier. Solution - move the plane back down to 10.0, or 10.3.

F-105D is a simple case. Bomber plane with no flares. Does not belong at 10.3. No flareless plane should share a BR with A-10 and Su-25, and other All aspect missile armed planes. Solution - change the BR to 9.7 or 10.0

F-111A is the most difficult situation, as the plane was already nearly unplayable even before the BR change. The plane has an awful flight model that bleeds all speed with the slightest turn, is missing it’s air to air weaponry (AIM-9E/AIM-9J) on the outer pylons. Also, the plane is missing the ability to jettison the outer 2 pairs of pylons, which makes it unable to carry a substantial load. Solution - bring the BR down to 10.0 or 10.3. Alternatively, fix the FM and implement the missing features and keep the plane at current BR.


the f4c is not slow if you climb somewhat high you can easily hit mach 1.3 or maybe even mach 1.4 and if anyone tries to say that this doesnt work in an actual match then your wrong I’ve done It several time


F-5E (with chinese and japanese counterparts) can simply be higher with no issues.


The BR changes are cooked but in no world should a F4C be 10.7, that thing could stay at 10.0 and it would have been a non issue since everyone is just using it as a bomber and its fighting capabilities are non existent.
F5C/E being same BR is also just plain stupid and hopefully just an oversight by gaijin. (or they want people to buy the F4S now)
And for the other bombsleds, I dont think anyone would mind if they went down a BR step or two.


I have no problem with that. F5EFCU does fine after all.


While true, it is comparatively very slow if you consider it’s opponents. Fighting against Mig-21SMT and J-7D/E and J-8B is very painful. They are faster, and have significant advantage in acceleration.


Much appreciated, Bomber planes with weak A2A capability have no place at their current BR’s. They don’t even make it to bases half the time.


They even were undertiered in the past.

you mean overtiered?

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Nuh uh. They had lower BR than should with their UFO flight performance.

The F-4C is still slow compared to it’s opponents. Yeah, the F-4C goes faster at higher altitude, but so do it’s opponents, that and the fact that it has no chaff which means anything with a remotely competent SARH missile will absolutely wipe the floor with the F-4C at high altitude.

the f4-c doesn’t fight ARH and the f-15 maxes out at mach 1.5 I’m pretty sure

F-4C is just an lol moment, being kicked to 10.7 while F8U-2 stays 10.0.

My BIGGEST issues with these changes are as follows though:

F-4EJ Kai, F-104S ASA, Doppler Phantoms, Mirage F1 do NOT need to see JAS-39A at ALL, you are CREATING compression rather than DECOMPRESSING. On that note, WHY is the F-16A ADF the SAME BR as the JAS-39A??? NONE of this makes ANY sense.

MiG-23MLD has NO reason WHATSOEVER to be a lower BR than an F-104S ASA is. Cease shafting Italy, we have lost another already bad plane to the realm of unplayability.

F-5E, F-5A (CN) and F-5E FCU are NOT equals. F-5A has worse performance than a STOCK F-5E, and F-5E FCU wields better missiles and MORE missiles than the other two. Fix please!

F-15A is 13.0, same BR as the much worse equipped F-16A ADF. Why???

DO NOT pull out the “player performance” and “average efficiency” garbage on me, it simply doesnt work. Find a new way to balance the planes, how about actually listen to feedback you recieved in the thread too? A game balanced BY THE PLAYERS THEMSELVES is a MUCH better way to go in MANY cases. Simply because you guys at Gaijin have no idea how to balance your game.


I said SARH, not ARH.
An AIM-7F or R-24 will obliterate an F-4C.

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What bomber plane has UFO performance?

The only bombers in the US tree with a goofy turn radius are the B-57s, lol

F-5 is a fighter, not a bomber

oh my bad

The b-29 (lol jk)