F-14AM - The Iranian Tomcat - History, Performance, and Discussion

What the hell is going on with the sedjeel??? They are decent…when they work but are completely unreliable. Every other game or so they’ll just dive straight down to the ground or even pitch up to god knows where. They are supposed to have the same seeker as the aim-7f/m which are known to have a similar issue but those are still are pretty reliable overall.

With the sedjeel every time you launch one it’s a coin flip whether or not it will f*** you over (like in the second clip). Too bad because like I said when they work they feel great but you’re probably still better off using the R-27R still, at least they are predictable.

aim54C should be pulling 25g right now aim 54c performs like aim54a

They are huge missile. You probably need more speed or altitude or both. Yea you launched it way too close.

What does the weight of the missile have to do with them pitching straight down to the ground right after launch?? Or up for that matter. Also the Fakours are even heavier than the sedjeel and they don’t have any issue…

These are just 2 clips among dozens. There’s an entire post dedicated to this issue.

Here’s another clip when launching at a 50km target around the same altitude. It immediately dives towards the ground. There’s no correlation between this behavior and the distance they are launched. It happens regardless.

I think that’s a bug. Send it to bug report if you want.

New bug report:

Sedjeel & Fakour wrong explosive type:


Another bug report:

AIM-54A/C & Fakour-90 incorrect antenna beam width:


Tbh the behavior is rather consistent.

If the target is too far away the missile will loose lock and start drifting as it has no INS, and if the target starts turning away it will also lose lock and start drifting, and so on.

Its very wacky behavior, but it is consistent, and also usefull as you can relock targets assuming your lock crosses the drifting search cone.

I have hit people who ducked behind mountains abd re-emerged using that.

If your report uses datamined values we cannot accept it.

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If I make the report again and say the “beam width should be 6 deg” without mentioning the datamines would it be forwardable?

You could use a replay with the sensor view enabled showing the width. We have forwarded a report on this basis before;



Can you please open the report and change it to info requested? I will edit it and remove the datamine stuff and add the replay stuff

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Thanks, fixed it:


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Forwarded cheers.


New bug report

AIM-54A should continue receiving datalink updates after going active:


Most likely applies to basically all ARH missiles … Same was reported for AAM-4 using a patent.


After quite a bit of digging, seems like that last picture might be for the Basic Hawk.

The I-Hawk also used a monopulse seeker with a planar array antenna and solid state electronics that looked not much different from the Iranian Hawk (Shalamcheh) seeker:

ADA017242 Missile Manufacturing Technology Conference Held at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina on 22-26 September 1975. Panel Presentations: Guidance.

ADA017241 Missile Manufacturing Technology Conference Held at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina on 22-26 September 1975. Panel Presentations: Control.

Also seems like it should have inertial guidance similar to R-24R:


Bug report:

Sedjeel missing inertial guidance (IOG):



"Mach 5.5 no problem as fakour90 answer"

“i hope the sedjeel get its IOG as with better f14 Rader you can use it and be more useful then r24r with mig23 Rader”

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