Sedjil going to random directions that aren't even painted by the radar

I’ve been having problems with the new Sedjil missile, if I launch it at someone, midway through the course it’ll either take a very steep climb or go turn off to one side. Very unreliable guidance with clear issues.

After a few more matches these things are completely unusable at range. They have no idea where they are going.

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Ive had the same issues, either gaijin got the sedjil wrong or its just iranian engineering, still a good missile when it works properly though.


The seeker seems to be WAY too sensitive. I’ve had do a complete 180 and try to attack a teammate to my left.

Yeah could be other F14s messing with its guidance, like you said “sensitive”. Its not said to have IOG or Data link so it could be like the pre buff sparrows where once you lose lock your not getting it back, even then it still flys solo for a while. First set of problems is peeling off and self destructing/crashing if that doesn’t happen half of the time it targets someone else, which roots my guess of other radars potentially confusing it, if it gets past those problems it can still be notched/evaded. I was hoping this missile could counter Aim54 spammers by flying on the deck and shooting upwards from 20-30kms away, Hopefully this isnt the real sedjil and its just bugs. Not even a need for such an unreliable missile if thats its true form.

This thing cant even track targets in fucking test flight lmao.

Im getting a feeling it not only Sedjil issue, but with SARH missiles in general for they sometimes (but quite rarely) do just fly in completely different direction, which is not even being painted by radar and/or outright empty space (more noticeable for missiles without datalink)

This one I think because Sedjil is one of the few SARH missile which have loft and game logic being not very logical. Still, I imagine, it need to document every case then it does at relatively close range and submit a bug report

I feel like they gave it some sort of active radar or something as a bug. I had my lock drop and i watched my missile continue to track the enemy and get the kill.

Actually lock drop (disengage) or just locked on shaff? If later then its fine for missile goes for the signal reflected from enemy plane and it does not, strictly speaking, required to be locked on, just have your radar highlight them (be in the radar cone or being caught in it spilloverl)

Lock drop. The radar has been pretty bad and is will lose the lock when the enemy is slightly notching. The lock gets dropped and the radar went back to search mode.

Absolutely, this is something I immediately noticed after trying to use the Sedjil. The amount of “dud” launches with this missiles are way too frequent. I’m aware of the concept of radar side lobes that can make your missile go towards unintended targets but I’m pretty sure this has nothing to do with this.

In this situation I was cruising @5k meters, lock a target at about the same altitude, 50km or so away, fire the Sedjil and… it immediately nosedives. No enemies, no friendlies, no AI planes, no nothing. It’s like it was being pulled by some invisible force. Never seen anything like this. This is just the one time I decided to record it but it happened way too often, especially since you have only 2 of those at most. Combined with the fact that this thing can’t seem to even pull past 10G this is one of the most useless missiles in the game. What a shame for such an unique weapon system.


Yea, this seems to be working as intended.

The game seems to always have exaggerated some quirks of radars for some reason. My best guess is that it’s a mix voluntary exaggerations for balancing purposes (like the obscene amount of ground reflections that make you near immune to radar guided weapons when flying under 100m AGL) and real bugs or misunderstandings.

In the case of the sidelobes, the secondary lobes of a dish antenna (PESA too I think) are easily 20-30 dBs weaker than the main lobe. Now if you know your math, you remember dBs are a logarithmic scale, which means those parasite lobes are MUCH weaker than the main one. But if you don’t know that and just look at a directivity diagram, it’s not that obvious. And you may end up designing a game mechanism where the sidelobes are absurdly strong (though still a bit weaker than the main one). I guess that may be the reason why fox-1s have always had a huge tendency to get lost in the game. Now for the sedjil, I’m pretty sure there has to be a bug on top of it. It loves to go towards directions that are not even remotely close to the axis of the main lobe (we’re talking easily 45° here) and I don’t believe that would be a mistake, it looks like a proper bug to me.

Anyway it would be nice if the devs shared their technical sources publicly. If we could look at the documents that made them make those decisions in the game we could perhaps have a better chance at figuring out what’s really wrong. Speculating in the forums doesn’t get us far.

TL;DR pls take a closer look at your radar code there seem to be quite a few mistakes


Also, there is the fact that Warthunder radars pickup, track, and prioritize enemy missiles far too easily.

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The Sedjil currently uses a copied seeker from the AIM-7F so whatever happens on the Sedjil could happen to the AIM-7F in certain instances.

lol, after using the F-4S to grind the event I can confirm that the AIM-7F goes stupid a lot.

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Oh yeah, they gave missiles the RCS of a 747. If you add to that the fact that apparently the game considers a missile’s rocket engine to be about as hot as a star, missiles are the most efficient type of countermeasures currently available in the game.

Ah, war thunder modeling. Giant missiles, flares not being a dice roll and more so being a “yes or no,” and the weirdly modeled engine heat. Oh, don’t forget the netcode that makes it look like you weren’t hit (seriously, check replays) but you actually were