Have you even read the post i linked for you? Ofc you don’t
You talk about decompression and and not how even some 11.0 have all aspect missiles while been fast almost like the 104 while being far more agile or like how 11.3 Planes like the mig 23 and the F4S can Just kill you fron the other side of the map. You can decompress those Plane to 12.0 and the f104 Will still be unplayable
FFs i have that Plane, can’t turn at all and no martter how many screenshot you give to in in “practice mode” the F4 Just turn far Better than the 104
In pratice mode the 104S radar work, in real game can’t lock shit
In the end, let me get things straight
F104S/Taf weapons
the ir missiles follow the first flare that got pop
the radar missile are shit, the radar never lock on anything
the plane do not turn
but you keep saying is fine at 11.0 where it face better planes.
How can two photos of F-104s with an AIM-9L prove it is an OG F-104S when outwardly there is little distinction between an F-104S and an F-104S ASA as far as I know?
If you can prove that it is in fact the OG F-104S then you should post a bug report/historical report instead of complaining on the forum.
Almost every 11.0BR jet is unplayable. The F-104S is not the only one suffering.
And while the F-4 certainly has a far better advantage over the F-104 in a TSS-style 1v1 duels but, what we are playing is a random battles that does not require a duel. You can literally stay fast and keep bnz instead hold S key.
Besides, when compared to other 10.7BR/11.0BR aircraft, it is far better to most 10.7BR aircraft and quite decent for 11.0BR. In fact, iirc, the F-104S is the fastest aircraft after the MiG-23M/MF at 11.0BR, and its T/W is far better than that of the F-4E at 11.0BR. Not even comparing it to other 11.0BR aircraft and complaining to change the BR while ignoring the F-104G (Germany) is just a clown move.
I’ve been wondering why the ASA can’t have 6 missiles.
I’ve asked here on the forum and apparently it can carry 4 AIM-9Ls and 2 Js.
They aren’t worth much more then wasting enemy flares but if it’s historical, why not?
ASA/ASA-M manual says it can carry just x4 AIM-9Ls iirc
It can have its BR lowered if it loses its flares.
funny because the asa doesn’t have a pd radar
With the current BR’s the f-104s and TAF is too good to be moved down and is too bad to stay at its br. Gaijin needs to decompress air jets then deal with this issue
Oh Didn’t it?
I was confused for sonehow.
Same as F104asa, F104ASA’s rwr is totally broken…
11.0 for the F-104S TAF or any F-104 be it the Techtree S of S ASA which is even higher, is not justifiable.
The way this game works puts you in an Uptier 9 out 10 games and you are Facing Mig-29’s and F-16’s.
Now if any of you think that the F-104S TAF is good at 11.0, well i got this to say.
You are entitled to your oppinion even if you are wrong.
Just look at the F-4EJ it sits at 11.0 and is by far a way more capable jet at its BR not just in terms of Flight Performance but also in weapons.
The only reason why the F-104S went up was because of complaining A-10 and Su-25 sweatlords that got murdered by the F-104 and could do very little against them.
But hey thats what you get when you take a slow strike craft into air RB
The only advantage of the F104 is the speed, considering the f104a is 9.3, it is not acceptable to say that because the f104 is too fast it needs a higher BR, so it is better to make the most of F104 -0.3,
By the way, in 11.3, The 104ASA SL speed is lower than mig23ML, and F104ASA’s RWR is still broken.
It is quite funny how almost all of the complainers who complain about changing the F-104S to 10.7BR from 11.0BR ignore that F-104G(Germany) is sitting at 10.7BR with x4 AIM-9J and it is pretty decent.
Let it sit where it sit at but give it 9L then it fair enough
Maybe because 10.7 do not see the same ammount of 12.0 battle that 11.0 see?
Or the fact that even 11.3 planes are far faster and better armed than the 104S?
The F104 S TAF have speed as his only selling point and is constantly forced to play against planes that you can’t even be compared to
But your beloved 104G is fine so fuck italy right?
We do have a f104 with 9Ls, but it is in 11.3, which is one of the worst jet at this BR
The beauty of compression plus the hate gaijin have for italy
I don’t know how to deal with F4S or MIG23L, now they put JA37D to 11.3, which means the 9L is not a balance reason for F104ASA
I Dont’ know either. I play my taf hoping that a mig 29/F14/F16 don’t just decide that he want an easy kill. This is why air combat mode is also the only game mode that i play in arcade from time to time
F104ASA’s RWR is broken, which means when the RWR rings, you don’t even know where the missiles will come from, even if they are 11.3 jets, I think all of f104 should -0.3(except F104A in 9.3)
Looks like gaijin just desn’t care and isn’t interested in making the italian tech tree appealing in any shape or form.