Heh, somebody reported the Praetorian should not detect flares as threats and the MAW should be detecting burnt out missiles and both were accepted immediatly lol
Yea, getting spawncamped by the tech mods
As im sure you can imagine, there are reports flying left, right and centre, not just on one aircraft and I am not just being pinged on reports alone.
You can PM me directly, or any one of the 7 Community Managers besides myself for serious topics: Who is who and Reporting Procedure
For forwarding reports, if I catch something, then I of course will always aim to when I can, however you can also PM any Tech Mod for this.
But just pinging me alone is not and should not be an automatic expectation. Sadly I cant catch everything and have other tasks too.
Well you answer mostly
It doesn’t mean I cant miss things too.
Nothing to worry about. Thanks for help :)
Nice, now lets see whether it’ll be thrown in the trash or actually acted upon and German EFT keeps its Brimstones via a Tranche change.
So the only issue Is the Italian Eurofighter wich doesn’t have any serial Number nor Trance or block…
Double AMRAAM Pylons?
From gszabi
us departament of the air force says otherwise…
in case of doubt send request/question to country of origin DoD
Would have to be 2nd to the outer wing pylon
Guys, AAMRAAM should also have the capacity to be mounted on the outer wing pylon.
Those are ASRAAM
You have no proofs that mraams can be mounted on ther pylons than outer
Don’t forget about such a thing as: “tHeRe ArE nO tEcHnIcaL ReStRiCtIoNs oN iTs UsE”
It is not amraams
Oh oops
I’m saying it would have to be the 2nd to the outer wing pylon because that’s the only pylon with double rails. Logical?
Do I have proof no, but where else would it go