Ejecters in SIM

Are our dear developers going to do anything with this? This problem is getting bigger and bigger. One week ago i saw the only guy in 5 battles doing this stuff. But now you can find them in every single match. As soon as the see missile comming - hold j for 3 seconds. A few days ago i saw a guy with 20+ ejections per match. It’s insane. He had been killed only for 2-3 times by other player. Devs turned Sim into farm mode for rb players during events. Bravo.


Consider this like a challenge. Use Fox-2 missiles or guns for hidden attack.
Learn, impove yourself, be better every day!
This is what this game is for, right?


To be real, I raised this concern over a year ago.

If they’re directly being engaged, it’s bad playership. Otherwise, the suggestion needs to be made to credit the nearest player with the kill, no matter the objection from the excusers of this.

Either they’re flying back to re-arm as they should be, or they’re giving a kill to someone for thier death to respawn.


Man, are you kidding me? You mean being able to find enemy, avoid his missiles, dogfight him etc isn’t the way players get better, but learning how to sneakill ejectrs is? Instead of fighting other players I have to spend time and efforts to kill a guy who will just ejects in case of emergency? Either you are trolling or you have no idea what you are talking about.


PVE is a mistake


how to farm?

Destroy farmers, after that they will try to insult you.


lmao, jokes aside i really need a way to farm mission point(air), how to?

No jokes, destroying pve farmers is best way

lolwat? There is something done about this: The 80:20 rewards penalty.
Do you want it back to 50:50 where you don’t get 50% of your rewards if you die before returning to airfield?

No. Just increase rewards based on time. You just want to statpad and that’s obvious.

Then don’t complain that people aren’t letting you fly like a zombie and farm easy kills with missiles

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Those sim fighter lovers are trying to tell you not do zombing.

But zombing (Take F-111A or F-4 and spam rockets on airfield) is usually fastest. I think there are a lot of guides on YouTube. Just make sure don’t ask others to play peace (PvE?) in chat, and don’t rage cry when you get killed, in order to not get chat banned.

Nope, not in the slightest… I hate people j-ing out to avoid being killed, or returning to rearm as it’s obvious the more that people are doing it that it’s a genuine player problem.

They surely wouldn’t like it being done to them, so them doing it is out of spite and denial of a kill for a petty reason, or they’re just spamming one-way flights to farm RP, of which it shouldn’t matter who’s credited the kill if they’re dying anyway.

Returning to rearm is not an exploit. Your posts scream anti-player.

I’m not going to demand a statpadder feature be added just cause <2% of enemies that crash near me do it intentionally.


I’m sorry, but whose missiles are you going to avoid, and whom are you going to dogfight? Straigt flying farmers? Really?

What is the problem with that? Even me (PvE player) was able to get kills with Fox-2 missiles, doing it in stealth mode. Yes, it is much harder than just pressing a couple of buttons for Fox-1 (and especially for Fox-3) missile, but it is possible. And I did it in PvP sessions.
Now you are complaining that you are asked to learn how to kill farmers in stealth mode…really?

Also, I have another solutions for you:

  1. Do not join sessions, but create your own sessions and write in the chat that you are going to do PvP fight.
    Farmers will not stay in your session

  2. It looks like this forum if full of Top Gun Academy players who love 100% PvP, fly only fighter planes and never J-out. Add them in your friendlist and always play interesting and intensive PvP sessions. What is the problem with that?

In rb if someone j out the nearest ennemy gets a kill. That should be in sim too, but it isnt. Why?

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You’ve misinterpreted this statement I have made, please re-read it.

Nope, as I said, read again.

It’s not statpadding as it’s not about the stats, it’s about the player who exploits using the j-out method to avoid dying to someone who has them dead to rights.

Again, read what I have said, and if you think you don’t understand, ask for clarification.

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Almost no one intentionally crashes. J-ing out in-air gives rewards to closest person as-is.

You’re ignorant of the issue then… I know peopel j-out to avoid being got, as per this thread and the various videos I have shown where peopel do…

Dead to rights, totally going to die, j-out to avoid crediting you with the kill, and tell you that you suck…


There are no other sessions.

Not necessary, see above.