Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

But I didn’t write about aviation but generally about the new tree … I’m more concerned with the ground tree. And even the aerial one is more unique than the Benelux tree. 10 unique machines against one.

Against one* currently present.

Hungary had the option for multiple domestic aircraft, as did BeNeLux, however through Laziness and a dedication to give everyone an F-16 for some reason, Gaijin has decided to implement it with lots of Copy Paste.

Next update I expect am Argentina F-16 for Germany, a Norwegian F-16 for Sweden, and an Egyptian/Iraq F-16 for Russia. The only nation that doesn’t have the option to get one is GB, but I am 1000% sure Gaijin will find a way. Or tell GB to forget about it, as that is also something they are very good at.


we are happy for French sub_tree,

IF the solution to fill the gap between 29G and EF2k is F4F ICE, and if that’s the answer, I don’t think anyone will agree.

Well BeNe doesn’t offer anything that could go between F-4F ICE and Typhoon either.

They promised that they had found a good solution to fill the gap between 29G and EF2k,
obviously an F4 is not a good solution.

Let’s see for the next update then, unless you want to pressure GJN to add one new plane NOW to the German TT (go here: For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet or here: Lets talk about the state of Germany)

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i done that. Now I’m asking for an explanation about filling the gap between 29G and EF2000,

Really excited for the G.I, but I was expecting more WWII and pre-WWII indigenous dutch planes, like the Fokker T.V, TVIII or T.IX, D.XXI, D.23, Koolhoven F.K. 58…


very cooool!!!thanks!!!
hope to see soon a belgian fairey battle or a dutch f2a .

This guy need to get the last word, something to compensate I bet.

Anyway, I’m happy to get this sub-tree soon, thank you Gaijin 💗

I really don’t see why german’s players think it should be in their TT 🤣


Netherlands shouldn’t have been added to France. Their WT air force is already in a good shape, while Ger would have needed the dutch F-16. For Germany are dark times ahead, with that Aim-9L (lol) armed Phantom (lol2) as top BR jet. France had no gap, thx to their domestic Mirages. Wounder why they got this subtree in the first plance. Looks like overkill.

Crazy to think that toptier isnt the only thing in the game right? France has far fewer choices as you go down into lower ranks. Whereas germany has multiple competitive aircraft at various BRs. The F-104G, Meteor and such will be great additions to france, as germany also has a much larger air tree.


Why specifically a Dutch F-16? It would be a one-off addition like the Argentine TAM série… There is no room for a Dutch subtree of any kind in Germany. And even then the F-4F will still be a decent enough plane for top tier, definitely when multipathing will get a rework soon. The Eurofighter Typhoon Will also not be that far away in the future. And don’t forget that Gaijin has said on multiple occasions that they are working on a plane to bridge the gap…

And TBF, the poor state of the German defence industry is one of the reasons I don’t invest much time into it in game, at least for air. If I want DDR I play Russia, if I want West Germany I play UK or US.

You yourself are very vocal about foreign equipment/subtrees being added to several nations, why is it suddenly ok for you when it’s about the F-16?

Gaijin has made a statement exactly why they did. (And for air arcade this does fill gaps. Don’t forget that air arcade is basically one of the most played gamemode in WT, even if it doesn’t feel like it.)

Personally I wanted an independent BeNeLux Tech tree.


Cause they merged forces.

You do know the Dutch air force doesn’t even work together with the German one? Even in NATO exercises they rarely do.



But yeh, lets add it to France…cause…why actually? Once they go for the ground tree, France will get everything German from SPAA, SPGs, MBTs…its just sick.

you haven’t made a point! You post a photo of nothing and go “seeeee”

I agree that France is also a very bad choice for the Netherlands, but so is Germany (an even worse choice if gaijin were to do a whole sub-tree).

At least as the BeNeLux subtree it’s still somewhat coherent.

It still should be an independent tech tree.


Yes, you get it.