Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

Not compared to dual 23mm, especially at ~2.3BR. Right now, the 8 machine guns are basically like the Hurricane/early Spitfire but nose concentrated.

i’d happily welcome all GI variants, but at those tiers id probably stick with more dakka over bigger dakka
dont have any data on the 23mm Madsen but i doubt it’ll have a lot of ammo, which makes trading in 6 machine guns a somewhat less appealing

They might have more low tier but not more high tier.

Well, there is at least one more Tornado variant and 2/3(?) Eurofighter one, then F-35, then SCAF.

In lower tier, there so many variants in so many countries that Germans choices looks pityful ngl ^^"
(France itself never had the chance to recieve as much aircrafts, prototypes or anything else,… specially in the 8.0-11.0 Jets and lower Tier aircrafts x<4.3)

So maybe a tornado and a few jets a few years from now?

So in other words Germany will have the nothing for a few years while France gets more and more jets but because Germany has more low tier vehicles…let’s give France more top tier jets?

This logic is not computing…

Canada tank is even more dumb.

We have KF41 where German tank used by Hungarian got added to Italian tree, but for some reason tank used by Canada is not in USA / UK but Germany


Not enought foreigner plane?

I can see US, british and russian plane but no german plane, maybe take your tools and go design and build a german plane by your hand if you want germany to have more top tier 😅

MAYBE french have more top tier jets because we actually build jets, so throwing some shit to us isn’t the good way to get what you want…

PS : The Mig-29 is the cherry on the cake.
And I don’t see that much “Top Tier” in french TT: Mirage 2000-5F is 12.3 and Mirage 4000 12.7 but that all.

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Don’t you think it’s because there is a Hungarian subtree in the Italian TT?)

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Why would Germany get Argentinian f16’s?

German designed vehicle used by Canada > Germany Tech Tree

German designed vehicle used by Hungary > Italian tech tree

You’re reading this wrong :
France have still plenty of LOW and HIGH tier aircrafts to add,…

But France will have only variants of Rafales from now, and maybe the SCAF aswell as germany.

Variants are F.1 /F.2 /F.3 /F.3R /F.4 /F.5
And sub categorized as C, B or M Rafale

So it would be about having a new grind of a complete Rafale for some slight improvements along the way.

Thanks to Belgium, now France will also got F-35,…
And as much i’m aware of that, i’m puking to play those from french TT.

But Belgium/netherlands couldn’t be added as singular/duo TT, for aircrafts that is.

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Well, yes. I and many others have delivered critique to the game, with often constructive additions and suggestions. What Miragen was doing at the start was neither of that, mostly complaining and making very negative comments about developer/publisher decisions, while making little constructive comments (most that have already been made by the community and answered by devs and community managers with their reasoning) while being very agressive:

What we (Miragen and I) disgree on clearly is how different Tech trees should be filled (I’m more for the historical vehicles, even if they are slight modifications of already existing in-game models, while he likes to keep TTs to exclusively technologically-unique-based vehicles.).

He has also shown to be a little ignorant of the worth of possible additions the Dutch could bring to the game in terms of ‘unique’ stuff that is ‘worth it’. (which, to be fair, what is worth it is a subjective take anyway…)

For me it felt like he was almost forced to play the game with the explicit word use I read.

What are you on about? That comment is completely off-topic. If you want to make this statement as a conclusion, you do you…

And that’s the Great part about this community. :)

I did not say that, I said:

If you don’t like the play experience you can always stop.

Which referred to the French grind. (I was implying to do something else in the game and come back to try later) Of course just saying “Just stop playing if you’re not having fun.” isn’t the way to go about it. What I was trying to suggest ways for Miragen to find ways to enjoy the ‘extended grind’. It was clear that Miragen had multiple nations in the game to play.

(which btw, for balance reasons, would actually be a good thing, it should take the same amount of RP for any nation to reach top tier, while getting about the same amount of vehicles. It’s not fair if Japaness TT players only need to research 3 planes in rank VII and VIII to reach top tier compared to 6 or more in the US/USSR/UK/GER. How they go about choosing/suggesting which vehicles to fill these ‘gaps’ with, that’s what the forum is for).

Same, I have more than 4000 hours in the game, but personally the game has improved majorly from 2013, 2016 or even 2019. (Balance is still pretty bad in multiple BR-brackets and there are some very OP planes/missiles in the game) But I wouldn’t say “things continue to get worse”.

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France built F-16s? Thats news to me.

So 2 mig 29s and a tornado? Yeah, Germany is eating good.

The 5F is about to be able to hold 8 missiles while Germany is getting a phantom with aim-9Ls at 12.7.

What is the point of this tree ? I don’t see one. Why, after all these years, is there still no tree of Czechoslovakia ? One of the greatest arms powers before and during the Second World War ? Also one of the largest producers of tanks and armoured vehicles of the Cold War ? Far bigger than Israel, Hungary , Finland or this nonsensical Benelux tree.

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Ok, tell me how many Original design can be added from Czechoslovakia?

Before WWII there is like 10 aircrafts, and after WWII, there is only L-39 Albatros(and it’s variants), all other aircrafts were licensed aircrafts: MiG-19/MiG-21F-13/P14

Tell how Czechoslovakian aircrafts can be interesting? What point would there be to add them?

See? Same problem,…

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But I didn’t write about aviation but generally about the new tree … I’m more concerned with the ground tree. And even the aerial one is more unique than the Benelux tree. 10 unique machines against one.

Against one* currently present.

Hungary had the option for multiple domestic aircraft, as did BeNeLux, however through Laziness and a dedication to give everyone an F-16 for some reason, Gaijin has decided to implement it with lots of Copy Paste.

Next update I expect am Argentina F-16 for Germany, a Norwegian F-16 for Sweden, and an Egyptian/Iraq F-16 for Russia. The only nation that doesn’t have the option to get one is GB, but I am 1000% sure Gaijin will find a way. Or tell GB to forget about it, as that is also something they are very good at.


we are happy for French sub_tree,

IF the solution to fill the gap between 29G and EF2k is F4F ICE, and if that’s the answer, I don’t think anyone will agree.

Well BeNe doesn’t offer anything that could go between F-4F ICE and Typhoon either.

They promised that they had found a good solution to fill the gap between 29G and EF2k,
obviously an F4 is not a good solution.