Drones remain useless in Ground RB

Random irrelevant words offtopic to the thread.

Do you have an opinion on drones you wish to share or is your only reason for posting to derail threads with irrelevant conversation?

Opposes my opinion of what?

What is it you’re taking a stand against? What are you opposing?

The only thing I remember with scout drones is that one clip of some guy using it to do an NLOS launch and hit on an Abrams in the QN506 that was really cool

Otherwise yes they exist I guess they’re annoying and sometimes really out of place for the vehicle they’re on but I think you’re talking about strike drones…
In which case they are deservedly useless. Strike drones literally cannot be used IRL without air superiority. There’s a reason there isn’t strike drones in active warfare where both sides can contest the air, it’s because it’s an expensive piece of machinery that you’d be wasting because it’ll be destroyed long before it actually gets to its target. They have no counter to anti-air because they literally aren’t supposed to.


The thread was created to discuss strike drones yes.

If they can not be made usable they should be removed.

What % usage rate should a mechanic have in order to meet your “useful” threshold?

People use the strike drones, their total usage isn’t my issue. My issue is that they are useless in their current state.

This would be nice for sim battles and to realistic battles to an extent, I feel like scouting should’ve been the obvious feature for drones (not the deployable light tank drones), but the scouting cooldown should be long enough to not scout the entire enemy team in one go. Or simply give it the same scouting ability of light tank drones by pinging the location of the enemy on the map.

The altitude at which drones spawn makes them useless.

The only current purpose they serve is to use up spawn points to quit to hanger and avoid crew lock.


Exactly. They are useless.

plus theyre cas, so yknow, ideally they never get buffed

Yes if they’re not going to be made functional they should be removed entirely.

They should be removed from the game or give them a support role in scouting with a maximum of 2 drones per side. The scouting drones should spawn above the battlefield to avoid SPAA detection like hey were originally but without ordinance.

Yes if they’re not going to be made functional they should be removed entirely.

i mean they are functional are they not? i might not be a military expert but drones… against modern anti air systems and enemy aircraft dont seem like… a good fit…

from what ive seen theyre mostly good against enemies with no air cover, and or middle eastern children

No at the current altitude they spawn at they are completely worthless.

too low down to not instantly die to spaa im guessing?

Well a Non-aircraft/only ground vehicules focused player, would have the choice to use an aircraft(as a drone is an aircraft) and let him have a CAS support role if he thinks it would be useful.

That’s WHY Gaijin added them in the first place.

This reason still remains, when considering that Many newplayers does buy a premium tank, and only play it until they’ll be playing Top-tier → having Drone is good to avoid ODL for the best of them.
