Drones remain useless in Ground RB

Then where is your thread demanding removal of cockpit canopy controls or shovels? No one uses them and they are less useful than drones.

I don’t know what you mean by saying “shovels”.

Cockpit canopy controls are for simulator, and they work as they’re intended to work? Why would you remove a working feature.

The shovels on some tanks that allow you to dig.

Yeah entrenching is a working feature it’s niche but it’s there for people who want to use it. Drones are equally a niche feature but they aren’t functional in their current state. They should be removed or fixed.

I see people get kills with drone so it works for some people i guess. I have gotten kills them after their br change. Some times even with enemy spaa up

Certainly it’s possible. They aren’t effective enough to justify their existence and their lack of effectiveness is due to the altitude at which they spawn.

Drones are a feature for people without a proper CAS plane, wich wanted to use some sort of CAS…

You are the first one to claim smth without proving smth, but wants people to claim data for you.


Yes that is the intended purpose of drones. They currently can not fulfill that purpose.

Gaijin doesn’t offer user data no one has data but Gaijin. We can only apply our personal game experiences.

That lead us to “The Majority of players” want smth?

Sounds about right…

The majority of players have reacted positively to the scout drone feature. If you believe otherwise as I’ve asked previously show me information to the contrary and I’ll believe you.

Similar to how most threads work.
“Majority of players” = 1-3 people agreed with me.

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I don’t say “majority of players” because 3 people in a thread stated they enjoy scout drones. Posts when the scout drones were added across various social media be it Youtube comments on a video / Reddit appeared positive towards scout drones. If you’ve found it to be different to this then please run a poll and show me data proving otherwise.

True. If they remove them, then non-cas players are back to not having cas. And no one wants to see them buffed. If gaijin buffed drones, there might be another riot

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It would be nice to see new drones maybe a kamikaze one or something like that maybe they can even make them researchable as part of the heli tree or something

Why should “we”?
Your opinion is yours.

It’s the same in Social media or the forums.

It’s not the “majority”. It’s a small portion of old and new players.

If you want to prove a point, maybe begin with facts and don’t start with phrases.

Claiming someone should do a poll for you is just a lazy take on your side.

If you wish to show me that your statement is correct then provide evidence for it. If you don’t then I will continue to believe my current observation that the majority of players view the addition of scout drones as positive.

It would not be worth the effort to make a poll anyway.

If you don’t find your opinion worth value then please do the other users of the forum the benefit of not sharing it.

If you don’t wish to discuss War Thunder then why are you on this forum? If you want to discuss the game then do so.