Don't Forget The Older Planes You Have!

Mates I have a lot of aircraft at BR 12.7 above. But you know what, here in the last month or so I started flying a few of those planes that I acquired along the way. Planes that were good planes, you just sometimes forget that with the “Grind Mindset”.
In particular, when I first hit the tip of the iceberg for the jets, right around BR 8 through maybe BR 9.3, I just wanted some jets that were faster, afterburners, better missiles…etc. I wasnt experienced enough yet to know just how good some of those jets really were.
I just started flying the German CL 13 MK. 6 again, and I will tell you what, that thing is like a Formula 1 Sabre! I have had to resist the temptation to carry those entry level Aim9Bs, just like at times in props, sometimes you have to resist the temptation to add a couple of gunpods, which REDUCES your performance really. Oh yes I understand wanting to have some fun with some 30mm gunpods, but in the end it generally costs you in performance and positioning as your plane is flying like a bathtub.
Man, that CL 13 MK6 is straight fire! Drop the Aim9bs, which are negligible anyway LOL, and use that thing like the fastest Zero on the field.
The point is mates, if you have accumulated a lot of planes, and youre well up into jets, dont forget about all those planes that are fun to fly that you have in your inventory. Now, as well, you have better skills I hope than when you were initially flying them, and LOL you can just Seal Club.
Forget the “grind mindset” we sometimes get into, and enjoy your planes. YOUVE EARNED THEM. Have some fun. Boi! this CL 13 Mk 6 is so fun! Good Luck Mates and Good Hunting.
WHATS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE OLD PLANES, one of mine is the Zero, Reisen, I control the skies in that, despite how slow it is. And then, I have also been enjoying Thach’s Buffalo, which is also a historical plane, because Thach was one of the pilots who developed tactics to circumvent the Zeros early dominance in the Pacific. Good Luck mates and tell me what some of your favorite planes were along the way.


its unfortunate gaijin’s business strategy involves invalidating older stuff with balance changes, intentional or not. lots of things I want to fly I can’t do and enjoy it because they’ve been power crept so hard


If nothing else as well. The Spade bonus is actually quite decent. Unlocked a few aircraft rather quickly by spading aircraft most of the way before the update and then finishing them afterwards. Its a pretty reliable way to dump chunks of RP into something. But its also a fun way to go back and replay older aircraft whilst still working towards your goals.

But yeah. I’ve had some fun recently going back and playing things like the Javelin and Hunter again, but man, those BRs need some work.


Yes, it does seem all the updates involve the upper tiers, and its quite a shame, you really learn how to fly in a sense flying some of those props,…energy, identifying the capabilities of the planes youre flying against. Positional Awareness.
Well I guess this is a business, and WT seems to be leaning towards making some money, I would imagine that most of these entry level players are interested in jets. The F18 for example, many crying about that, however, the F18 not a really super good plane in the general sceme of things.
If you want an F18, hop into a Mig 29, really. I get it mate

unfortunately the mig29 is sad in WT

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What about just having fun mate? You know what Im saying.
Forget the spading and research, fly those damn planes you have, I know you have a big inventory, fly them for the sake of having fun.
But is it the “GRIND” that holds you back? Why not just fly a plane for the sake of flying it? I say that with the utmost respect, its a question really.
Mate you have all those planes, it doesnt have to be about grinding and research.


LOL youre right, it used to be pretty good, but after you fire your r27ers, youre stuck with r60ms. But, thats what I do now, I enjoy taking those planes and seeing what I can do with them. But Im going to be honest. These are not real world airplanes, and so they are not consistent. I really hate the way the physics of this game can change from week to week, that is …frustrating…what kind of plane am I flying this week?

But how quick we get off topic, some of you pilots who have a lot of planes, which ones were your Favorites>

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MiG-19S is still crazy to fly even if its meta days are over. Same with T-2K I think.

F-4E is also extremely fun/good still despite the years. I think the F-4E has been “good” for longer than any other jet near its BR.


I think another plane that has been good for awhile is the F5. I recently aquired the F5 /Thai Fighter, whats not to like, an F5 with all its capabilities, with 4 all aspect missiles? You just have to keep its speed up.
Ive recently been looking at one of the mid tier Phantoms, the one with the “built in cannon”, Im thinking about taking it out. Yes, there are some consistently good planes, LOL, I always try to look for whats OP now… and thats the way it is, Ive recently come to the conclusion that if the devs arent screwing with some plane or another, they would not have a job. LOL

I just don’t really enjoy playing anything not strictly Top Tier, hahah.

Leaving aside the fact that I’m a modern/present day machinery enthusiast, gameplay wise, I find the lower BRs boring for these reasons;

-More often than not, it merely boils down to: whenever climbs higher, wins. So it feels like a climbing simulator.

-This whole initial pet of the match is tediously long, specially in propeller tier planes. Most of the matches consist of 4-6 minutes of climbing, then action happens in 5-45 seconds, and it’s all over…

-All planes are pretty much rendered pointless and obsolete thanks to the very balanced and totally-not-compressed matchmaking. The other day, I tried playing F-86F-35… and I kept facing damn 30G IR missiles with it, even all-aspect ones, and supersonics. What a waste of time it was…

Sometimes I like playing a few matches with P-40E, but the whole “whoever has the best climb rate wins 99% of the times after the initial 5 minute long climbing simulation” thing really turns me off from it.

I suppose it’s only a matter of taste though!


What if you find yourself, well at an altitude disadvantage…what if everything is not aligned with the best situation, then what are you going to do…fold up, or figure out a way to try to come up ahead mate? What if you find yourself at a disadvantage at the start of the match…??? Hmmm. this is the situation that makes you a fighter.

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I havent flown the Mig 19 yet, I kind of skipped over it, Im going to give it a try, it looks very fabulous, in a good pilots hand

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I will agree with the tediousness, these are planes I fly when I just want to relax and concentrate on the position of all the enemy

The Positional Awareness, no matter what Tier, flying the props really gives you that sense, but it also becomes apparent in the jets as well, although it comes a bit quicker.
The position you place yourself in, looking at the field…in jets its just a little quicker, its an evaluation

A7M2, several Italian props, and the F4U-7.

I decided to play the A7M2 so I can get more RP from spading it, and I quite like it. It has a good climbrate (20-23m/s), turns almost as good as a zero (so better than anything else you’ll face), and the Japanese finally learned about the concept of top speed when designing it. My main complaints are that it locks up hard after 650ish kmh, and that it’s roll rate is sub par.

I felt like playing the Italian air tree (partly because I want the saggitario 2), and I enjoyed playing the C.205s and the G.56. I also completely forgot I had the Hungarian 109 F-4.

The F4U-7 is relatively good, with great cannons and ammo count.

You should. No supersonic plane with outclimb you or out dogfight you until around 12.0/12.3.


More of a sim answer than RB but…

I’d love to fly my banshee and sabre.

Issue is, it costs 13-18K silver lions to spawn them in, while reward/15 mins is capped at 19-20k. Yes, 18k to spawn, 20K max reward if you survive 15 mins and land.

I stick to prop tier as a consequence. Spawns are 3-5k, max income is around 8-12k.

On that note,

I kind of rushed past the P-51 “Cannon” mustang when I first started the game and solely did the navy fighter line. Navy fighters are still my staple - F4U-1/4, A6m3/m5 and hopefully one day i can get competent with the f6f-5 - but the cannon mustang has been an amazing plane to return to and learn how to fly with full-real controls. She’s fast, she hits hard (so don’t need to have consistently good aim for multiple shots), she is stable and well-behaved and doesn’t want to kill me whenever I turn and the cockpit is decent.

F4U-4 is kind of similar. I saw all the posts saying it sucks because 50 cals and kept trying to force the F4U-4B instead with the cannons. Which led to frustration since it costs a ton of SL to use (11K to spawn). This meant despite wanting to fly corsairs, I couldn’t and had to grind SL in naval and ground and RB to afford it. Then I saw the F4U-4 is basically same bracket and way cheaper 4000 silver lions to use… and the 50 cals rip just fine (especially since it’s basically an infinite ammo hack) and while harder to fly than the P-51, she’s still very noob friendly.

For this though, I will have to say altitude is not everything. It’s speed + retention + ability to turn altitude into energy (be it being able to reset after your dive or top speeds). Having a lot of speed and time and space to do your magic can minimize the climb rate disadvantage. Issue is, way ARB is designed (super fast ticket bleed, 16v16 in 1 grid square that causes snowballs) does make executing this much harder - which is kind of what nudged me over to air sim (which still has a lot of issues, but at least heavy fighters have space to shine)

Do understand though if it’s not in your field of interests, but just wanted to say you get far more options than just “whoever has best climb rate.” Although a lot of it depends on how easily baited/how disciplined your opponent is.

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Not really if you play 7.0BR and higher.

I haven’t climbed in over 4 years because I get very bored, but at least I haven’t had any problems with it.

Imo prop gameplay is boring. The early jets are great though. P-80A-5 still slaps.



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