Do you want the aim-7M and aim-7MH in game until the end of the year, vote here

The issue is the two major nations for air are US and Russia. Right now Russia has a huge advantage in the R27ER that is untouchable by any other missile in the game. Adding the AIM-7P for the US would give a nation the ability to at least answer the R-27ER. It sucks that other nations dont have true top tiers, but tbh during the era we are at it really was mostly the US and USSR battling for the best plane, everyone else was kinda a side show, plus US and USSR is where the majority of air players are.

Maybe, though euro deltas are now entering the scene, with rafale and typhoon already denied because “they are too good”. What we really need is ECM and AMRAAM to counter as those would be the historical IRL counter and would benefit every nation, not just the US. If Aim-7P was the ONLY solution then it could work, but there are solutions for balance that would benefit the US and the other 7 non R27ER nations in game and not just the US

Typhone and rafale are denied because they are 21st century planes.

ah yes and the F-15 and Su-27 are from WW2

what you need is decompression, not limited weapons

The F-15 is from the 1970s, and the SU-27 is from the 1980s. That’s 20 years of technological advancement. The F-22 came out at the same time those 2 did

Thx you a lot to make this thread, I totally agree

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7M is shit, it has a strange high self-detonation rate, many people say that 7M is no different from 7F, this is really gajin’s malicious treatment, either enhance 7M, or give 7MH.

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I Agree, All AIM-7s using country need AIM-7P

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You can defeat a flanker with aim54C, but you must fire at 30-25km, point the nose until Phoenix adquire the lock, at same time the flanker are locking on you, crank and dive your plane while lock, if the r27er are coming go away fire and forget, its the best tatic.
About today they incrise the self explode time of the sparrow, its on test drive but not in the server matches

In anyway, the Usa and ussr will have the best bvr stuff, just see other missile nations, they use american or russian stuff.
I dont see the aim7P will break the nations, every radar missile you can evade if know how and do.
The aim7m is a good weapon, like every bvr missile in game you only can hit if they aprox to the missile, the aim7m do it well. The issue the r27er is the best sarh in game, but only few weapons can beat in a bvr, the Phoenix can if you fire between 35-25km and go away, if you have doubt about it i have a couple of vídeos.
And the aim7f/m if you fire first that lot of nations have.
The only plane that will have aim7P is the f14B and in future the f18 if will
The aim7mh would be the f16 and f15.
Theses improved sparrows only will give more range and energy with the same engine, nothing more, will be more competitive with r27er in that stuff.

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For now. Hopefully we’ll get meteor eventually. Though Skyflash STs at the moment slap Aim-7, just neither can hope to compete with R-27ERs.

AIM-7MH deserves to be in the game, it has lofting capabilities and mid course correction which all came out before the AIM-120 and R-77

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We will get Fox 3’s this update. If we get the F/A-18 Hornet, the AIM-7P would be good as it couldn’t carry the AIM-120

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The ER does not work on landmowers. It just goes into the ground right in front of you 100% of the time, I’ve tested it myself in both real and custom games.

However, AIM-54C are not nearly as consistent, they behave more akin to an IR missile when close by, making them even more annoying than they should be.

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Pudim and mingual, because mingal and pudim its only about mix of vaccum of ln and atm log10
Go eat bread and calc on breadship com padeiro for help

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R27 dont have jumper phoenix have go to breadship

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Velocit and speed with burn, always remember the aim54C C means ceaseless, because the engine are cease on vaccum pod that balance in favor the missile win yourselve weight, because the thrust is to high with that compense the weight, they made that on center in line with the self weigth, the aim54 c sealed means more vaccum coef and eccm better polarization

The vaccum engine coef of aim54c
The ETA booster

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