Disturbing map trend

@PompousMagnus <= vocal minority right here

Anyhow maps which would require 4min of driving in TT MBT to get somewhere does not exist in WT.

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way to much work

yes the 4 other people in here who do not understand how this game works banding together in ignorance. Many such cases.

then dont complain

then dont false report? like what?

A number of your posts are toxic or insulting, and break forum rules.


Most people are capable of discussing without the excessive use of all-caps and insults towards other people.

Most people meaning humanity, not just this forum. I’m not sure where such (excessive use of all-caps, insults) would even be tolerated, much less accepted.

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Screenshot 2024-10-08 222255
It is against forum rules btw.

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yup now i understand why no one uses the official forums now.

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There are many mre topic where much more unique IDs ar engaged in discussion about this core issue. In last dev sever nearly 4k people voted against downsizing of the Eastern Province map (few hundred voted Yes)

You shoul in the other hand should not be ignorant to fact that not everybody is Tik Tok Kid looking for reskinned CS GO…

I understant that many lack a skill how to read a map or terrain, how to position vehicle properly, cannot maintain situational awarness or cannot anicipate enemy movement in the terrain and other skills to be successful on large maps, however those skill can be learned so there is no reason why to push small maps in enviroments which are least suitable for deployment of mechanised forces.

Anyhow nobody forces you to play big maps you can always quit a map you don’t like, but us who sees that the largest maps are still to small, there is no such option.


LMFAO, sad…

LMAO, 4k people voOoooted. Lets be charitable and say that 80k players are on wt at any given time, that 4k is literally less than about 4% of the total player base playing currently. Its most likely less than 1% of total war thunder players. Generally, mostly the vocal minority who complains about literally everything as well. Also gaijin did go through with those map changes btw the community didnt do anything.

And you wonder why people find your posts less than respectful.

Is this how you talk to people? Randomly raise your voice, make mocking extensions of sound?

I genuinely do not understand why the forum rules grate on you. All they ask is you behave like a civilized, well-mannered human being able to pay respect to those you converse with even if you find yourself disagreeing. Is this such a high ask? Is this something that is difficult to satisfy?

Even Space Station 13 furry players can adhere to such basic social etiquette when posting on #general-feedback or github reports.


If nobody uses the forum then who are addressing?

Apparently the same like 10 people.

All those map bans are done by bot accounts to inflate the player base, the only real opinion is in writen form on the forum. Numbers on statstics always lie, they only show what you want them to show. Truth comes from the writen word by people in this forum by simply being active in the game and verbarly giving there opinions. If you dont play you cant write here. Numbers even more lie and are not true in the game of the internet and ability of bot farms. For a few dollars you can push anything you want. Its part of marketing, simepl basics of marketing in 21st century. Then you say hey look at the numbers…

Here is a advise for gajin. Start every 3 months a survey to all palyers INGAME! give 50 ge or what ever or adecal something for the time spend doing it to get real and acurate date, not “numbers”, how the staate of the game and comunity is.

Only idiots living far away from reality belive “numbers” in this day and age.
The marketing team should get back to very basics of markting it self and engage with the custemor base. For the sake of retantion and expansion.

Also the only numbers you should trust are the ones you have researched your self.

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I like the big maps, maybe we can start a poll?

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I could address one person and he could be the leader of millions so …

There is already a post on this matter, please continue there.