Disturbing map trend

Am I the only one who finds a recent trend in maps? Where they cut off large portions of a map or eliminate any sort of verticality or what have you. Having like half the map a red area one cannot enter is really not fun to me. Same with having all the maps become super flat. Yes I agree spawn camping is an issue but I dont think this fixes it. How does not being able to use half the map going to help? How does eliminating all hill help? I dont get it and I love this game and put TONS of time into it but this map BS and everyone having to fight over a narrow lane really is making this difficult. Many vehicles are not made for head on pitched battles. Many of those are some of the most fun but this really makes it hard to play them and only makes a few vehicles viable. Please stop this!! PLEASE!!


We all see it, no one knows why they do it as literally no one is asking for it and they never explain it.




Well when it says “leaked!” and puts REAL IN BIG EXCITED CAPS you know it MUST be true…

Dunno why we have such bad math/geometry going on, but this definitely isn’t rotated 90 degrees…

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OP/unintended spots*

Ask for changes to be made, instead of complaining about changes that aren’t even that bad. This is so overexaggerated. Don’t just say map small=bad.

I fully believe that most of the map changes are not that bad, but they are usually not good either. I think nearly every WT map is just awful too.

Gaijin don’t care, how they’ve managed to make it this far not caring about the player base is beyond me, but I have seen a major decline in top tier battles and this is probably a major reason yet we have crickets from them.

It’s already rotated there to be fair, default it’s like this.



We need a petition to stop this Red line BS. Nobody likes it.


Removing the mountain area from tunisia was a disgrace and gaijin should feel ashamed


The new map design is like e-sports brainrot from league or counter strike. You have 2 or 3 lanes, little to no flanking ability, 99% of engagements are super close range… I thought i was playing a “realistic” combat game?


We (players) have been complaining about MAP DESIGN for years and keeping getting little to no improvements on the topic! The maps they are creating are an absolute JOKE!! no imagination, no sniping spots no anything but tank battles being held in back alley ways!


Tanks are actually just counter strike playermodels in disguise so it makes sense to funnel them all to one point cause someone has to plant the bomb dude

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The fact a few of you are running about proclaiming that the game is counterstrike shows you’re all just upset.

It’s actually pitiful.

Funny thing, I am upset because they keep making maps smaller and the game becomes less enjoyable because of that.


Cool, not upset about new maps not being added, or BR gaps being filled, or role gaps being filled?

Oh, well, considering that this topic is about maps I think it would be somewhat odd if I started to mention BR gaps and role gaps. It would appear I have the ability to be upset at multiple things at once, huh.
But, on the subject of maps, do you not think that perhaps such new maps would be subject to the exact same condensing as the maps being discussed? That just because they are new, they are inherently better? A newer map may be created from the beginning in this “style,” whereas at least old maps have an actual map surrounding the tiny alley players into. Seems a bit silly to cordon off the maps like that, I think.

Not from the outset, as the map changes that people complain about are usually because they’ve limited thier play on that map, to make it so they can’t do what they don’t want them to do, such as in these situations here.

Even if the gaijins map is bigger, it usually has a hill in the middle everyone needs to climb.
So you are driving for some longish time without seeing a single enemy, only to have battle for a 100 sq meters, and whoever wins the hill, instantly spawn camps other team.
Kursk, Mazdok, Japan, Fulda… Most big, open maps are created alike.

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Recently the game has pissed me off even more, on top of CAS spam ruining the gameplay of ground vehicles and now they further fk the ground vehicles by making the map smaller. It’s a matter of time I call it a day.


I think gaijin need to add more spawn points instead of forbidding those sniper points.