How is what I said relevant?
Realistic tank usage relies upon scoot and shoot/berm drilling, ambushes, repositioning and long range engagements. Not knife fighting in streets.
You claim it’s irrelevant because “it’s a game.”
Also, why the all-caps? Are you trying to intimidate by being loud or think my vision is too poor to read small text?
Yes, it’s a game. A game to allow anyone a chance to experience flying famous aircraft and later, famous armoured fighting vehicles. And less famous, obscure weird things too.
Originally I came to this game to fly around with the stuka and fockewulf in 2015ish. Then tanks got added and I decided I much prefer the slower paced, measured gameplay over the arcade speedy mess of WoT.
Then I disappeared because exams, tech college, undergrad. Then I messed around flying various weird jets in KSP:FAR and doing difficult landings. Wanted to do carrier landings. Remembered Warthunder had awesome battles of america vs japan over the pacific with carrier take off and landing.
So I started playing ARB and hated it because matches were over way too fast for how I remember, maps were way smaller for how I remember and despite reaching tier 4 props, I havn’t had a single carrier ops.
Ended up playing air sim instead with ground as a side treat. I finally had fun flying planes in WT again.
If ground sim had better queue mechanics and times and I didn’t get told repeatedly that my lineup is incompatible, you bet I’d play it over RB whenever the stupid battlepass tasks permitted.
However, ground sim frustratingly only has 1 BR bracket open below top tier and that bracket never has what I want to drive.
Seriously, they butchered ARB into Air Arcade (but with realistic flight models).
They’re butchering GRB into Ground arcade (but without markers and realistic performance). (Actually, didn’t it use to be that you could drive into a rock or a tree and knock out a crewmember? What happened to that?)