Discussion on errors of MBT2000/khalid/VT4 in game

firstly, thank you to the developers for responding to the questions raised by the players. In the DEV server, developers have fixed many 99A errors. This is exciting good news. But it’s not finished yet, looking forward to the final product.


Discussion on ZTZ99A model errors in game - Machinery of War Discussion / Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum

this time, we will focus our attention on these highly anticipated tanks. MBT2000/Khalid/VT4 series.
I have summarized five confirmed errors so far.
they are:

  1. hull armor thickness/coverage area error
  2. VT4 missing turret top ERA. wrong ERA coverage area with the hull
    3.the armor on the top of the gun mount is too thin
  3. missing compartment armor
    5.MBT2000/Khalid ammunition rack position too low
    (edited on:2024/9/8)

let’s first take a look at the first one:
1. hull armor thickness/coverage area error

technically speaking, these three tanks is derivative relationship.
In terms of protection, MBT2000 is almost the same as Khalid. the main difference lies in ERA
and VT4 is a major upgrade of MBT2000.
so, this error exists on all three tanks at the same time

this is an image from the factory, Khalid tank in production. the welding marks are clearly visible

If lines are drawn to connect these welding marks, the size, position, and area of the armor package can be determined.


In the projected area of the lower deck, the coverage area of the armor pack accounts for 2/3. In the game, this area is much smaller. armor only occupies half of the area



In the picture. the green area is the missing part in the game. this greatly reduces hull protective capabilities
issues exists simultaneously on MBT2000/Khalid/VT4


let’s take a look at the second question again:
2. VT4 missing turret top ERA. wrong ERA coverage area with the hull

VT4 missing turret top ERA:
at present, the VT4A1 in the game is the latest style at the 2022 Zhuhai Airshow. Many ERAs have been added to the top of its turret. And this part is missing in the game, these photos are good proof.


wrong ERA coverage area with the hull:
different from the early version VT4 with FY2 installation.
VT4 is installed after FY4. The ERA of the hull extends to more areas. The coverage area has slightly increased.
In the game, the coverage area of FY4 is not sufficient.


next is the third one:
3.the armor on the top of the gun mount is too thin
due to the large tilt angle at the top of the VT4 turret, it is unable to eject the shells. so even a 40mm gun can easily penetrate here.
and this is a rather deadly area. After being penetrated, it will kill both the gunner and the commander.
after repair, it will be able to withstand the firing of small caliber machine guns


the fourth question:
4. missing compartment armor
this part is also very simple. The missing armor is located at the rear of the turret and in the engine compartment


the fifth and final question:
5.MBT2000/Khalid ammunition rack position too low

currently in the game. the ammunition rack height of VT4 is correct.
but, the height of MBT2000 and Khalid’s ammunition racks is much lower. So much so that it is separated from the feet of the crew.
their ammunition racks should be lifted upwards.


this photo shows the height of the seats for the crew members of Khalid. It can be seen that there is no problem with the position of the crew members in the game.
the gunner’s helmet was almost stuck to the ceiling


so the problem only lies on the ammunition rack.

the above are the areas where I found that the game does not match reality.

there is another issues caused by laziness:
the turrets ERA of these vehicles have all been made into a single piece.
they should be split into multiple parts, just like soviet tanks
this has also caused players to complain for a long time.



welcome to discuss and share your opinions


Gaijin have indeed made many mistakes in MBT2000 and VT4


Actually the turret ERA of VT4 should be covered by HHS like russian tanks.That will makes it hardly to be destroyed. But now, Gaijin may thought it’s a total part of ERA.haha. What a joke.


This is probably VT-4’s interior


Wow what a work… well done mate

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Not only that, but they modeled the entirety of the turret ERA as one single block, so you lose all protection on 1 side in a single shot.

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I was hoping someone would work their magic here - the VT-4 has many issues in game, and I hope they’ll be addressed properly. Well done compiling everything in such a readable way - I hope this’ll lead to some changes like we’re starting to see on the ZTZ99A.

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VT4 looks different here

Is that a spall liner on the ceiling and walls, or just something left over from manufacturing? I remember hearing the VT-4 is meant to have one in at least the turret back when it was first added, but nothing seems to have come from that.

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VT-4 has spall liner on the turrets roof. You can check the VT series discussion thread


You are right, I got a bit confused after seeing that white box like thing on the left side of the gunner. VT-4 has a similar thing.
But the Al Khalid in your picture has the newer composite turret which we dont have in game. Army Chief Visits HMC Taxila and Inspects Al-Khalid Tank. | World Defense
Composite turret


There is another issue, the front of the VT-4 should have more ERA zones. Currently, there are only two ERA zones on the front of the VT-4, which makes it easier to destroy in the game.

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nice job!lots of wrong places need to be fixed

bro, do you have any other visual evidence to prove the existence of this triangular armor?
in the official server, this section is empty.

i think they accidentally added a fuel tank there.
its probably not empty irl but its probably not fuel either

can someone confirm the AL-Khalid has Laser warning system?

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I don’t know, but I found this


yeah thats a LWS proof right there


Yellow colored section has visible welding marks which likely indicates there’s composite armor.
But the issue is there isn’t much space left between those two sections, so its hard to say whether there is any composite armor in that part.

Also in real life that fuel tank part is slightly smaller than what we have in game.


Where is that piece of homogeneous steel filler that Al-Khalid-1 is missing?