[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

Basically, yes.


Leopards are broken rn. Germany and Swed is just running over everyone since the update. They need a nerf! I know this will take months and RIP top tier once again.


This is exactly how Br Compression works.
Why wouldn’t they simply move the other jets up to 12.7 ?
Two ERCCM Magic 2s are not to be underestimated here.
And those Matra 530F are random at best but they still can ruin the day of any F 111, F105 or any other high altitude bomber.

But I personally think that the F1C in the Tree performes fine. Enough flares and Chaf to counter any AAM coming at you combined with one of the best heat Seeking AAM is a nice pakage.
Bombing bases is sadly imposible with this thing though. Missile thunder is real

Some Helis have countermeasures installed against that.
Those things distribute heat enough so that other AAM have huge proplems locking the heli and not the Countermeasures.
This of course also impacts the AAMs lock range

I think that the mods are about to give up at this point.
Many people just swore on sweden bias because of the 122+ geting a better hull than the 2A7V.
now you come along with Gaijin possibly hating scandinavia because of the random matchmaker…
It is no big surprise that the mods propably will not even bother reading though these complaints.
Many single complaints can not make up one picture of the whole playerbase.

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Completely disagree, take a look at them. Su-85 has square commander’s cupola, SU-85M has rounded one.
Su-85M can actually use its armour on distance with some guns, while Su-85 will have worse armour than T-34 due to lesser angling.

8 KM, lock is based on weather and basically how well your thing can see the target.
Vikhr excells at range and speed, AGMs are a balance in range, ATGM speed, penetration and tandem.
Theres like 11.7 Chinese ATGM which has 10 km range with even better pen than AGM but it has even worse speed. Fire and forget missiles, well obviously dont need any tracking, just point and wait for it to reach someone who doesnt even know about your existence in any way until it hits them.

I’d like to know the same thing but about the Harrier Gr.1

Agree with you. Some heli contains different systems.
But questions about FairPlay - why does one nation have modern countermeasures and others do not?

Also last game - I was attacked by su-25 behind by an autocannon (means he was very close) but I cannot see him on my radar (use 360 degree observe air enemy)

Attacked by guided missile - and never saw ECM at work

From wiki
new Longbow radar, improved Hellfires, and an improved ECM package.

So where is ECM and new radar ?

It does make the complaint more stereotypical.
Sincere complaints should be formulated in a polite way.
Otherwise I do not think that Gaijin will even put up with that.
It must be stressfull enough for the Mods to read through complaint after complaint with some players geting angrier than others.

Utilising a polite manner or not should not be a question here imo

Devs also ignore the community and their problems most of the time. I wonder why.
Just compare War Thunder to World of Tanks.
309/782 vehicles in that game are premiums.
That ratio is huge in comparison to War Thunder
The premiums in WT are copy paste most of the time and not OP in addition to that.
No game is perfect of course.
But I think that the community as a whole should start apreciating even more what Gaijin does.
Maybe we will be able to imporve the game even further with the majority of the community not throwing random insults at the mods wich still are not developers.

I never played the apache before
but if that is a sincere problem you are having you may aswell write a bug report about it
A game can not be perfect all of the time

1 think i will say for this game after me and my friend got to top tier he has germany and i play soviets
that is the pure fact and i dont want to hear nobody even argue about it at this point the PURE FACT that Russian bias isnt real
STRV 122B PLSS pens turret of T90M, T90A, T80UK, T72B3, T80BVM etc etc etc
and i mean turret through era through composite and it leaves on the other side
in the lobby on protection map it says it cant pen but we tested it with leopard 2A6 and it goes through like armor isnt even there
next thing is
why is T90M so shit? only 4KM/H when irl it can go 16km/h in reverse?
also as i said era and turret armor are just non existant i mean i shoot leopards side i do nothing to it his gunner is yellow and nothing is damaged and than he turns shoots my front plate for example and not the driver port i saw the f***ing replay not the port or the lower plate THE FRONT PLATE AND ERA ARMOR ON IT and just decimates my tank into nothingness
3BM60 cant go through front plate of STRV122B PLSS or LEO 2A7 or A6
lower plates do nothing only thing i can to do is shoot gun and go to the side and than i need 5-7 shots to kill the damn thing
before this update Russia was a struggle at top tier even with BVM this issue kept being there of leopards penning and 1shotting me anywhere but i could kill them in 1 hit too so it wasnt a big deal
now however its a huge problem and people are downplaying it and nobody is talking about it
also Russian lower plates are non existant too? there is no armor there like at all not even anything basically air
when irl there is composites and ERA so why dont we have that?
somebody say something ffs i tried Leo 2A6 on my friends account and i just hold w and kill everything by pointing and clicking on it and i go almost undamaged every game
if u dont believe me go try T90M or T80BVM or T80UK u will die like ur armor isnt there but u wont be able to do anything to the enemies
pls talk about this ffs its ruining the game USA and Russia cant compete with damn Sweeden a country that couldnt scrap 5 tanks in their entire military also yea same with USA basically i get 1 shot by Leopards and STRVs its annoying as fuck and i believe they need to put some reworks on Russian and american tanks to fix their armor and mobility since this update really fucked them completely

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i been saying this since the update but my things just keep getting deleted off subreddits and discord servers if i try to mention it

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yes buff leopards more as if they arent op as shit already

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Anyone who’s sane doesn’t argue that Russian bias isn’t some kind of magical forcefield generated by Stalinium and Gaijin cope for Russian vehicles.
It’s just that they’ve consistently gotten preferential treatment for the large majority of things that have been implemented to the game.


Considering that people are either thinking that leos because of reussian MBTs or russian MBTs because of leos are in need of a buff shows to me how stuff is seemingly balanced in between the two.

Mathematically speaking of course.
Meanwhile noone seems to mention that Arietes/Leclercs (and merkavas) are not in need of a buff.

So everyone would in theory love a buff on those tanks or at least a br rebalancing since they are not a topic a conflict since they are not in the three major nations.
I think that it is kinda funny how everyone talks a lot about leos and T90s while the Type 10 is easily capable of doing more damage too the enemy than leos and T 90s could ever hope to do

Leopards dont need a nerf, other tanks need to be buffed

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After getting some friends baited back in into playing WT, I have to say, that the Matchmaking for everything below 6.3-6.7 is atrocious. We played through the US tree and we faced only downtiers from 1.3-3.7 there wasnt a single match where we were top tier. Afterwards we played 5.0 and there it was around 20% top tier matches which is fine in my books. Then back to only downtiers when playing 5.3-5.7. It only got better when reaching 6.3 where it was how it should be same for 6.7.

Why is there no pity mechanic like in some other games with the WT MM? Is it that hard to implement or what the hell is happening there

What can I say about those “decisions” of “game designers”?

  1. You trying to get “balance” by equaling BR and matchmaking. This is very easy solution and it lead to absolute fiction battles, so all vehicles can be considered as fiction vehicles. So your “attempts” to keep “some realistic values based on sikret documents” is just a bullsh…t. You can make any vehicle with any stats and put it to the game just “for balance”.
  2. Thank you for disclosing part that you making matchmaking on the player performance. Just curios - what else is dependent on it? This is offtopic, sorry, but I bet that some “decisions” are made based on this “calculations”. Anyway, when you trying to “balance” by matchmaking teams… Well, in 50% times one team just win in 3 minutes flawlessly. Something is wrong with your “balance”, maybe?

My question to the developers is what are you going to do with this BR 12.3? At this point, playing, for example, F4-J (11.3), the fight with this plane against the F-16, F-15 or SU-27 is not very balanced, to put it mildly.

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3 STRVs all have spawl liners is OP.

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