[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

In ground yeah it’s annoying when that happens

What’s even more annoying is when you get USA, Britain and France on one side for some reason, going against everyone else (USSR, Germany, Sweden, China, Japan).

That is more normal and usually doesnt give one side a massive advantage

Yeah right, Britain and France have top tier lineups everyone should be feared of lol.

well you could hope the french and british players were a couple skill groups higher than M1A1 AIM spammers

Who does one have to frak to get a decent team in this game???

[matchmaking] Suggestion: Before I join battles, I have a clean line-up of (example) BR 7.0 vehicle and then I start the battle. But when the battle starts - I have to fight against BR 8.0 vehicles. I did not join a battle against BR 8.0 but for a fair fight against BR 7.0

At BR 7.0 most tanks have 75-88 mm. cannons but on BR 8.0 most have 105 mm. cannons and accordingly ammunitions and often with better speed, armour etc. Why are some players getting favoured by Gaijin for making a lot of easy kills - on our expenses ?
These “downtired” enemies always have the highest kill-rate … and that’s logic. This is more “match fixing” than “match making”

Imagine if you was joining a Formula-3 in a race car… and when the race begun, you had to battle against Formula-1 racing cars ? … Can you imagine who will win that race ?
I can very well bear to lose… But I hate being screwed in a game where I spend money and my free time where I was supposed to enjoy myself.

Solution: If Gaijin announced a battles in max BR levels (example BR 7.0) then I can make a line-up accordingly. It can be made with + 0,3 BR (if Gaijin are not changing all the BR levels) and if someone have the need for fighting against downtired vehicle, they are welcome to join the BR 7.0 battle with a lower BR level.

We have 10 countries in the game - and I’m sure, that we will still have a lot of different opponents / vehicles in the battle.

Then we will have fair and equal opportunities for fighting against each other.


Those bags ate my 829a2 from about that far away the other day and my fate was same. It can be infuriating.

I just don’t understand how it’s possible to code things this badly tbh. Even if they want intrinsic Russian bias in the game, this is not the way to do it subtly, which leads me to believe it’s just incompetency.


Those bags that hold the best ERA in the world, and game… Relikt is no joke, and the metal containers that will be holding them soon are just as good, if not better. You need the A3/A4 before that’s gonna happen easily or w/o follow-up shots.

Supposed to hold relikt but shown to hold sand by destroyed bvm’s in Ukraine


Worst thing about abrams is you flick a booger at it and it disables turret or gun.

What one tank has done does not apply to the general condition in which the gear is issued. Like any military, there will always be people willing to sell government assets for personal gain.

Aim for the turret ring, not the ERA backpack.


We need to talk about how horrible the Mirage F1C-200 is in BR 11.3, you literally pay to suffer. I regret buying it.

  1. You will fall in 90% of matches with the top tier (12.3 or 12.0)

  2. Your enemies will have four or more missiles available and several options, with their planes having a much better radar.

  3. The Cyrano IV radar is terrible compared to top tier radars.

  4. You will literally only have one decent missile option which is the Magic 2, only two and they are easily lost against flares.

  5. Matra Super, Matra 530 and 530E are useless in the F1C-200

  6. If the justification for him being in BR 11.3 is his BVR Matra Super missiles, then remove them, he is dead weight.

  7. Gaijin, please move the Mirage F1C-200 to a lower BR, either 11.0 or 10.7

11.0 would be fine.
Would be nice to see the Mirage IIIEX, IIING, or 50 get added so they could at least be 10.7-11.0 if not.

I am Back 🤪

I have a question for the Gaijin development team, how deep is your resentment against the Scandinavian peoples?
I’ve been playing for several weeks now, almost exclusively in the Swedish nation, and I’m sorry to say that the matchmaking is terrible.

I can’t say whether it only affects me, but if that’s your view of fairness, I for one would only like to be matched against Russia and China in the future, regardless of whether I use the nations of the USA, Germany or Great Britain.
Practical Simulator MM for Realistic Battles.

A picture explains how I came up with all this!

What we see is a standard team that I am matched with in more than 60% of battles

1/3 only has one premium tank and disappears after the first death, but this problem doesn’t only affect the Swedes, only here you notice it more.
The Swedes are always matched against Russia in solo play in 99% of cases.

In the combat group we also tried out the mix of nations.
Waiting time in the national mix:
Sweden/Ru more than 4 minutes on average or even aborted.
Sweden/USA/Germany less than 90sec on average.

But as far as the Swedish vehicles are concerned:

  • 60% of all hits inexplicably set the tank on fire, why?
    In the combat group I now have the nickname Burningman because someone always follow me for helping, as two fire extinguishers are not enough in battle.

  • in the other 40% the vehicle is destroyed directly.
    What I saw defies all logic.
    A glancing shot in the CV’s or Strf’s is calculated in the game engine so that the shot is directed into the tank and eliminates the crew or destroys the ammunition depot.
    You can sometimes simulate this even in the garage.
    The principle of spall protection only seems to exist in a few nations, not by the swedish?
    or the saying that sometimes no armor is better than heavy armor does not apply here.
    That the Swedish IFW’s have no armor against large weapons with their aluminum sheet and composite armor (which is supposed to protect against fragmentation) and in reality we see, it works fine!

My advice to anyone fighting with the Swedes is to be a group of three and fight together with the two nations USA and Germany.
If there are four of you, then the USA, Germany and the British together with the Swedes.
If Gaijin wants separation, these 4 nations together are an unbeatable quartet.

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Matchmaking: Well of course its not possible to have " balanced " or even " realistic " battles if your whole “gameplay” is just throwing dozens of random vehicles of a “bracket” in an Arena type of battle since thats what it is in your map design. You state “some vehicles wouldnt even have fought together in the same operation even if theyre from the same year”. Here lays the major problem of your game: there is Z E R O mission design. If you would create maps suiting to to specific missions for each side, different goals for each side, with dynamic missions and progressions and give players finally the feeling to be in a “operation” where teams have to split different roles to the availble vehicles with a fixed given slot and amount of such vehicles. maybe add a new game mode at least and call it operations where people need to create teams and need to complete a mission which can take 1 hour or more like steal beasts is doing. I dont get how you call it Realistic Battles when i have to face Abrams and Leos 2A4s in a t72M.

Also in simulations battles u doing fine already to sort the vehicles that are allowed in game, the enemy is clear and you know what you face, no one is coming with a tiger into a BR10 match so why is it possible in RB?

This game needs more “depth” insteat new vehicles evry 4 weeks…


Yeah, I’m wondering too… As you represent 1/16 of a team… it’s mathematical impossible that YOU are the one causing the team loosing. The explanation is to be found somewhere else … in the matchmaking … (matchfixing) system, where you in more than 60% of the battles will have to fight against BR downtired enemies - who are always on the top-kill-rate list (better gun and ammunition etc… Those favoured and downtired players are getting a lot of easy targets / kills… on your expenses.

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Another day of horrific matchmaking. It’s the main reason that I will stop playing for the day. Regularly. Sometimes daily.


Hey guys,
Can someone explain to me game mechanics for AIM-92 on AH-64-D
By the missile card:
guidance - laser
Lock range (rear-aspect) 6 km
Why Apache cannot lock any Russian helicopter? No matter what distance, aspect etc.

Other question Kamov can launch rocket from 10km distance, Apache - 5km (based on game wiki). And cannot lock.
What game scenario do you mean by this?
Just for my understanding - Kamov helicopters just a game cheating or what?

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