The J32B needs to be 9.0 ASAP it is abysmal to play at 9.3.
It would easily be the best 9.0, but it’s also no on par with other 9.3 aircraft.
We need decompression, and Gaijin refuses to do that.
Recent BR changes ruined any chance of decompression ever happening. How’s everyone’s hopes on this game?
Already lost any hopes since Harriers comes to game.
I was comparing only Hunter and J35A.
Now if you see the overall picture the situation is very bad.
Also, i made a poll for decompression yesterday, for max BR go to 15.0 in order to make some space for the vehicles below, that includes this BR range because if top tier moves up, it will create some space.
I will tell you that the attendance is very low, i was expecting everyone to vote for decompression and that is not the case with the community it seems. If it had attendance we could tell we’re pushing for it, if people don’t care, why GJ should?
The community is largely apathetic to the idea of BR compression. They don’t notice or care.
They are not apathetic at all to contsantly cry that the vehicles they like (currently play ) are in a bad spot or nerf X and Y because i can’t manage against it.
When you are given an option to prove a point , poll in that case, you go in and vote it. If it manages some hundrends or thousands votes , then we can talk about pushing the idea to GJ.
Venting off in the forums is ok and sure we feel better afterwards because " i told it" , but leads to nowhere.
yeah cause 99% of players only whine about what they perceive as injustices to vehicles they play rather than comment on the big picture.
idk why you tell the rest of this to me because I already told you what I believe, gaijin doesn’t use this forum so we’re all here for entertainment purely
You were proposing a maximum BR of 15.0, where the current is 14.0. That is a massive increase which would not be good for the game.
Do not make such conclusions that players do not want decompression, from your poll with such dramatic conditions.
1.3 is not a massive increase, it is easily done and would have minimal to no impact on the game’s matchmaking times which is the only thing you could be referring to here
Players do not want decompression. It is evident through interacting with the community.
You and I are not the ones with statistics on queue times. Gaijin is. Not only do they have data on queue times, they also have the statistics on how it affects players.
Many people incorrectly assume that queue times are low across the board. They are not. If you play on less populated servers, at less common times, in less popular modes, at less played BRs, you can and will get long queue times. This is true for a sizeable amount of players, although they are almost never the ones to speak up.
There are many valid reasons Gaijin decompresses by 0.7 most of the time.
You listen to what they say too much.
You are AllNationEnjoyer. But are you AllModeEnjoyer? Do you play on a server with low population like SA? I speak from experience about queue times, and my reasoning follows from there.
Again, my point is it needs decompression. As others you say yes it needs and state your opinion.
Keep using strong words like “dramatic” without really knowing what are you saying. TT to go up 1 BR is not that much , if you have in mind how much space the tiers below need. You have flareless chickens meeting All-aspect constantly . Now they downtiered 21SMT/MF/J7D to be able to meet 9.3s …hell they shouldn’t see below 10,0. But they are too bad to see over 11.0 (essentially themselves upgraded and with all-aspect). Where do you place them?
+1 BR as max BR is nothing big in reality.
MiG-21s should not have been downtiered in the first place. The pre-February balance situation was fine for MiG-21SMT and MiG-21MF,; they were adequate at the BR. Strong engines, countermeasures, and good handling characteristics make them usable even in full uptiers. And J-7D is 10.7, you do not know what you are saying either.
+1 BR is 3 entire brackets. The current situation of the game does not call for such a large change. The more decompression is done, the more thin players are spread over BR brackets. Decompression is final, and cannot be reverted, due to the negative player reaction that would ensue.
People frequently speak of the negatives of the status quo. But what of the positives? Greater variety of possible matches, greater diversity of vehicles in the battle, much lower queue times. War Thunder would be bland without the colourful range of vehicles in each battle.
No such thing exists in the jet game (at least ARB and ASB).
In ARB people are flooded with rank 7 premiums like F-4S, MiG-23ML, Mirage F1C-200 and in SBEC there is F-4E/EJ and F-111, Tornado spam during the event days.
To claim diversity of vehicles is not present is to deny reality itself. Your premise, of premium jets being common, is wrong in the first place. Premium vehicles are only dominant during sales. And at few BRs are they even found in high numbers.
Even if the premise was true, your argument is still invalid. A lack of diversity in game vehicles does not justify a further decrease in diversity. It is similar to the way many players argue for unrealistic mechanics, or paper vehicles, based entirely on their belief that WT is unrealistic. What is the logic? There is none.
In which world?
I can see tons of premium jet spammers since Gaijin added premium jets since 2019. No matter it is during a sale or not. At best, what has changed in the last few years is that people have changed the premium jets they spam, just like Hunter FGA.9 in 2019-2020, same goes with F-5C in 2021, F-4S in last 2 or 3 years.
When there are literally only 2-3 types of vehicles that you will face as enemies in the game, diversity is almost non-existent. In the case of SBEC, People just get on the meta vehicle of the day or in the case of grinders just spam the premium vehicles or bombers like zombies.
Where sould i post a request for the FFA P-16 to go down to 8.7.
Gaijin’s current matchmaker has about 5% of the originality and capability it used to have to make unique matches. It was gutted throughout the years to produce only mixed match, symmetrical team slop.