It shouldn’t.
Mister, if you plan to claim the casement aka tank destroyer versions of the T-34 and Is-1 series should have armor comparable to the jagdpanthers and jagdtiger you better have a source to back it up than
“I made it the hell up or Trust me bro” and send a bug report to gaijin to have it corrected or denied, and if you use telegram of all places as a justification to claim all this you should have sent links, screenshots etc than just saying “Go look at XYZ there” without even giving any proper direction to where it can be found on that site.
My comment was specifically about NATO tanks would be busted if they added the realistic penetration values to the 120mm ammunitions which range about ~700-970mm at 2000m away depending which NATO nations’ 11.7-12.0 tank you pick. Which in War Thunder’s knife fight combat we devolve into during matches would be about ~750mm to over 1000mm at point blank. Case and point, It would be lobsided and not be fun nor balanced
Have a nice day and hopefully you won’t take another year to come around and respond to these comments.
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The Mig-23BN needs to go to 9.3.
Reason: It has no flares, no missiles, and mid flight performance. It has zero ways of defending itself, and it’s useless when facing stuff just 0.3 better. This isn’t a compression issue, it’s just an awful plane. If anything gets behind you, you are dead. You also are unable to actually fight or do anything without losing all of your speed (I once had an F-1 out dive me), and I’ve had a J32 dogfight better than me.
It’s also 0.3 lower than the Magic-1 equipped Mirages and the F-8E (FN) which is just ridiculous.
The T-2 is better, the Q-5s are better, and the Mig-21S is better. There’s also no way it’s a better plane than the F-100s or Mig-19PTs.
FIX the Matchmaker
I play Ita G91Y at 9.0 NO Flares SUBsonic NO Missiles v SU17 R60 SUPERSonic / F-104 /MIG21
These Uptiers I absolutely hate it I hate it so hard i will never spend a single penny UNTIL THERE ARE FINALLY IMPROVEMENTS
Nobody want VArieTy for the sake of getting UPTIERED EVERY MATCH!!!
Gross, more compression advocation from you. Pretty much writing you off as another compression lover at this point who has forgotten the plot.
You are also unfair to face for any 8.0-8.7 jet.
It’s an issue with the arguably overtiered Q-5s (relative to the placement of the Mig-19s and F-104s) are way better at the same BR.
I honestly don’t think it is even better than the F-104A, and it’s probably worse than the F-100s.
“the current lines of compression are this and thats why I support making it worse to make it more in line with the things I previously fought against”
I think the Sherman Jumbo 76 should go to 10000.0 Br
Giving the J-8B PL-5Cs and moving it to 11.7 might not be a horrible idea, especially because the J-7E is 11.3 and China has no aircraft from 11.3-12.3. What do you guys think?
I wouldn’t mind it.
Moving the JH-7A down in BR, or adding a different variant of the J-7E with better missiles at a higher BR would be a good idea too.
J-7G would be absolutely lovely if Gaijin remembers China high tier exists
That would not be optimal. J-8B is more or less balanced where it is; it has PL-5B as a good rear aspect missile and Aspide as the all-aspect radar missile. Giving it PL-5C would be redundant given the Aspide exists, and would give the plane a BR where it is not as fun to play. Maybe if Gaijin added more J-8 variants, but currently I find it a terrible idea.
An interesting point, thank you for your input
How on earth Su-25 (10.3) which is subsonic with only 2 R60M can be at the same BR with the recent moved down supersonic MIG-21 MF & SMT (10.7 to 10.3) with 4 R60M? Also, what kind of crack is used when thinking MF & SMT should go down to 10.3? These questions are neutral, no bias, and just need a preschool logic. Everyone who play more than 1 nation, had no bias to anything, and just a little education will easily find it’s unbalanced (God forbid 9.7 planes that frequently face it). Tim variety and Defyn can’t even find the logic of MF & SMT being lowered to 10.3 since other equal planes still sits at 10.7 at the very least.
They only have regular R-60s, and the MF and SMT should be 10.7.
And the Su-25 is fine at 10.3.
Ahh my bad on “M” part, thanks for the correction. Yeah, MF & SMT should go back to 10.7 since other equal planes sits at that BR. The fact that 9.3 planes which able to met them too like F-100D, MiG-19, Lightning, J32, Su-7B, Yak 38, nerfed F-104A/C, etc, shares BR bracket with MF & SMT felt so wrong they’re basically asking god forgiveness.
Facing it REGULARLY with 9.7-10.0 planes like Jaguar GR1, Hunter F6 and F58, early Mirages, Super Etendard, etc felt unbalanced too.
At that BR bracket they’re either as fast (not really) but no CM with less count of comparable/worse missiles, or subsonic with CM with less count of comparable/worse missiles.
Objectively made 10.3 MF & SMT became OP at it’s current BR. Even my beloved F8E, Mirage 3E, F-5A, etc which i think equal enough for it to have the same BR still correctly sits at 10.7.
Then why am i in a lvl 7.7 balsa wood kiddy kite against 200 level 12 Corelian starfighters and all lvl 100 pilots?