[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

I mean a russian built anti aircraft prototype made into the best premium light tank in a russian game does raise questions about its balancing. It would still rock at 11.3 but hey I’m just a player who deals with the imbalance what do I know

bruh that tank would have shot the turret to mars irl lol… nothing is stopped that round in the side of an mbt. All ap rounds have that issue

They don’t care ,they never cared ,they will never care
If they did it would be so easy to fix
Simply put empty BR between WWII tanks/planes and Cold war ones …in same way empty BR between Cold War and Modern era.

But that would mean less money since they couldn’t deliberately undertier premium vehicles to reward those that are addicted to “Look at my K/D ,isn’t i amazing”.

So keep typing ,once they count money from sales of latest undertiered premium vehicles and bias ones …they will read your posts and have great laugh about it.

i always bring the m1128 at 12.0 and it performs well, so yeah 10.7 won’t hurt it lol

You bring the wolfpack because it gives a discount for jets and helicopter, period. If gaijin suddenly decides to remove spotting discount, no one plays 10.3 vehicle at the top tier. I also use it to spawn 500 point full f15e.

i use it because i like it, i usually switch the vehicle in the light tank slot because i want to play with something specific like the m3a3, stryker or hstvl : )

Im unsure if you mean trials or tested as in used in real life scenarios.

If the latter than i suggest searching videos of Syrian rebels using them, the Kurdish groups using them and most recently the conflict in Gaza. In syria t72 was detroyed, the kurdhish destroyed an iraqi Abrams and 2 namer apcs one with aps being bypassed. This is the Hj-8 missle. i took this off wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt, the gaza one i have seen the videos so i can confirm, i am unsure about the rest.

this shows you are uneducated to all living hell Russia and soviets before them lead the Cold war in military technology and they do to this day as proven in ukraine when a T72B destroyed leopard 2A6s easily might i add AND Russia should FOR SAKE OF BALANCE just like abrams got a 5s reload and just how sweden has a unrealistic armor thickness
Russia should have for sake of balance again a 25km/h reverse gear fixed 6 sec reload and a 620mm penning APFSDS to make them playable at top tier

Russia as a nation in war thunder is so shit that they made T34 armor 2x thinner everywhere compared to irl
T-34-85 has almost double its real life reload
mantlet on the IS2 and lower plate being weakspots despite them being the most armored parts
and not to mention ISU and SU series of tanks yk the things that had protection equal to jagtigers and jagpanthers irl they can be penned ANYWHERE from the front by a shell penning 90mm

now back to top tier Russian toptier will be unplayable completely until reverse gear is fixed
SU34 gets its real life max load capacity better engines and a HMD that it has
T80BVM and T90M and thereby T90A and T72B3 are able to tank shells to their lower plate and full coverage of the front plate same as irl again source is go fucking look at telegram AGAIN there are videos of T80BVM tanks shaking off DM63 frontally also additional relikt for the lfp of russian tanks in top tier and a reload of if not 6 than fixed 6.5-7 seconds either or cos that is closes to irl
AND additionally if you look at theXray of vehicles in top tier Russia when looking down you can see that the gun has the space to depress 1-2 more degrees but it is limited by the game to not do so

Holy copium.

If you have a source for it, bug report it.

Reload rate is used as a balancing tool. Not to mention that a lot of WW2 and early cold war vehicles don’t have their fastest possible reload. Shermans with 75 and 76 mm guns were stated to have a max reload of 20 RPM, and stuff like Centurions could reload way faster (search up “Bang On, Always!”, specifically look at the 1 minute mark).

Again, if the armor is wrong and you have proof, bug report it.

Same, again.


Nothing in testing after WW2 could penetrate a Jagdtigers front glacis.

I see new changes of BR. Hunter f.58 (Swiss) go to 10.0 - after 70 battles 95% of battles was on 10.7, full downtier i saw once. Now it is going fight always with supersonic planes. Great move :)

Hunter to 10.0, whilst J35 A a Mach 2 plane more manoeuvrable than MiG21 goes down to 9.3. Makes great sense.

About that,
As much as it doesn’t makes sense… see the toolkit.
Hunter has CMs and good missiles. J35A is pure flight performance and can be countered by most IR that are not AIM-9B/R-3S.
Now even if you try and pull the rockets trick in J35A, you have 6 and you mess the performance…

However considering all 9.3 jets are either - lack flares and fly badly, or are simply too slow. F100 for instance, compared to J35A, slower, less manoeuvrable and less missiles. Same for MiG-19s. When you look at that BR, the only competitors are in fact MiG-21s and F-104s which clearly, are less manoeuvrable and carry less missiles.

These BR changes make very little difference and makes some compression even worse. A5C, 10.7, whilst J35XS makes it down to 10.3, having every possible advantage except 9J vs Magic 1, which also should be mentioned is 6v2, and that it lacks 6 flares, 12v18. That barely makes up for the speed and manoeuvrability nvm a lower BR.

Am I the only one noticing that the economy of tank battles is quite disproportionate? Unlike air battles where it’s even quick to research superior tank planes, playing tanks is torturous, Even more researching the 11.7 like Abrams, maybe we should ask for a new economy?

J35A have same BR with J32B now 💀

Their balancing is so wild.

Guys, any idea how we could fix spawnkilling in air arcade? Not really fun when you spawn and a fighter is sitting right above your spawn at very high altitude, and either you try to climb and kill them, lose all your energy and become food for them, or you try to ignore them and go away and get dive-shot and you can’t do much. Really annoying

The Chi-Nu is utterly painful to play and outlcassed by every single tank at 3.3 in GRB.

It has no redeeming qualities, and should be 3.0.

I’ve been saying this for what feels like an eternity.

Whoever decided to make the J32B, J29F and J29A repair costs to 11,823 SL, 12,652 SL and 13,060 SL respectively should go and see a doctor because these planes are hilariously undertiered and every match having to pay well over 10 grand is just rough for vehicles as underperforming as these.