[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

I wouldn’t call A-10 and Su-25 superior platforms.
As for Mirage and Mig-21, just force a headon and pass by.

Move the Merkava Mk.2D down to 9.3 or give it M426. It should in no way be the same BR as the Sabra and the extra composite compared to the 2B really doesn’t help.

Reduce Merkava Mk.3 reload to 5.0 seconds to be in line with M1A1.

I would to bring in mind in hope to lower br for a/c in hoping to provide a balance game play. The topic i wish to bring is Lowering br for A/C such as F16A variants (including F16A ADF and F16AJ) due to not having proper Armaments to fight A/C with Fox 3.

Do keep in mind these A/C do not have TWS and is sitting at 12.7. They constantly facing 13.7 A/C with Fox 3. I want to to bring this to light so that grinding with these A/C is not impossible. I hope Giajin please take this in consideration in hopes of providing a balance gameplay.

The BR I’m recommending is 11.7 or raising the BR of all A/C with Fox 3 so that grinding with F-16A Variant is not insufferable.

The F-16As shouldn’t be below 12.3, and even that’s pushing it. A Sea Harrier with only 4 Aim-9Ls is at 11.0, and an F-16 is at least 1.3 or more BRs better than that. There’s also no way The F-16A is an equal to the F-5E FCU.

We need decompression instead.

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I can Agree with this but also the F-4EJ Kai (Japan) is 12.3 and get the same armaments (Aim 9L & Aim 7F) but have more of them compared to the F-16AJ (12.7 Japan). Not only that the American F-16A only gets Aim 9L’s and no Radar missiles and sets at 12.7. Same could be said for the Netz (Israel F-16A) which gets Python 3’s, the F-5E FCU and the F-5T SCU gets Python 3 at 11.3. The only thing that the F-16’s have going for is its maneuver ability and tight turning rate and thats not good enough at the BR its at, having to fight Fox 3 missiles.

Currently I play under 11.7 BR whenever possible, because of Fakour and other R-27ER/Fox 3 spam.

Does anyone do the same for their ARB experience?

De-compression is needed for this BR. It is just frustrating to see half of the team wiped out by IRIAFs (goes for both friendly team and enemy team BTW). Especially when your plane has a bad RWR, such as Mirage F1C.


9.3-10.3 matchmaking is broken!
I write post, but it is closed, maybe someone see it here:
I was played some german 9.3 battles (50), most of them are full uptier with Russia on other side (few are with russia). Who play with Russia always win :) But that isn’t problem. Problem is when you play full uptier, one team often don’t even have one full uptier vehicle. For example my last battle: enemy team with russian: 3 players on 10.3, and 3 on 9.7. Other one: 2 on 9.7 rest 9.3 or bellow. Sorry for my bad writing but you can see it. I check full replay and no one on lower br team take vehicle 10.3-10.0.
PS. I’m second at the end of battle playing full stock lineup…

link for replay: Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On


Why is the TTD at 10.3 but the Leopard 2AV at 10.0? They’re equivalents to each other but different BRs.

The TTD has a better round and armor profile, but the 2AV has a better reload and better mobility.

Either the TTD should go down, the 2AV up, or the TTD should have the reload decreased to 6 seconds instead of 6.7.


Gaijin is weirdly obsessed with strangling the last remnants of balance out of their game. More compression for everyone! Your flareless plane struggle against an AIM-9L? Have an R-73!


HAHAHAHAHAHA did you see the news today?

Yeah they seem like they are doing this on purpose. It was just a big scam when they “decompressed” because today they just reverted 90% of changes.

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Now I think Gaijin should decompress office

I’m only commenting upon vehicles I have played enough to be able to say something with confidence. I’m pretty sure that the 2s38 is under tiered but I don’t own it. I’m only mentioning things I own and have spaded.

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You can just look at it and its placement and know it is undertiered. HSTVL is its closest equal and that’s 11.7, over a whole BR difference

Like I said, I agree with you, it’s just I like to get personal experience to verify what I expect from the stat cards before making definitive statements.

You may as well claim the HSTV-L should be 10.3

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oh hell no, thats in the right spot. its the 2s38 that’s in the wrong spot

My point is you’re implying the 2S38 and HSTV-L are equals without considering what places these vehicles at their respective BRs.


HSTVL is balanced. Spammy dart canon faces top tier.

2s38 is russian premium and likely one of the biggest money milkers for gaijin as its so OP


I agree

Non-sequitur, its status as a premium in War Thunder has nothing to do with the real life characteristics of the vehicle