The BI needs to be 7.3 at least, maybe even 7.7.
Remove the F-16s F-15s, Gripen, Rafael, and the like, and you’ve got a deal.
Doesn’t it only have like 6 mins of fuel? And 60 rounds of ammo?
12.3 is understandable.
2 mins and 120 rounds with a stupid high TWR, and magical levels of efficiency.
It should be 7.3, because it is untouchable at 6.7.
Problem with 12.3 is it will still suck up the current 12.0 tanks so we are not decompressing.
CR2, Leclerc and the M1 have no business facing the STRV-122 or any of the Leopard 2A7s
That’s probably because highly skilled players fly it. I rarely see it. And I know you can pretty much fly it to the battlefield, fly around for 1 min then your forced back the the AF due to no fuel.
They are better in preformance but other tanks can still hold their own against the leos. I think them going to .3 higher would be reasonable.
You forgot the T-80U(s), T-72B3
Do you mean Tiger 1H? And even so that wouldn’t be true as both are about equal to one another. I agree with the rest of the post mostly
What other tank can match them? They are top of the food chain, the idea is decompress an additional 0.3 will change nothing.
It’s definitely not meaningless, it still has a large impact on the jumbo still being quite a decent tank
Least they can take a hit and have armour that has the potential to stop a round (granted not always)
?? The CR2/Lerclerc/M1 are nowhere near bad enough to justify NEVER facing any strv122? Especially the abrams…
In exchange for god awful stats in most departments that you want to have good games like gun handling and reverse speed lol
CR2 is the worst top tier tank in the game
Leclerc has no armour, any shot kills it
M1 has a huge turret ring its an easy kill with any tank.
Yes if Gaijin fix the catalogue of issues with these tanks then they could be top tier material…
yeah that is true, it isnt bad enough to never face strv122 tho
same as above
doesnt matter when it has good stats elsewhere
Most times I get hit, it’s typically a bad shot, and almost always my fuel explodes, killing the whole tanks.
I’ve also noticed a lovely new thing with all T-series.
For some reason a lot of the APFSDS rounds bounce of the floor of the tank instead of pierce through it and like it used to. Leading to even more ammo detonations. And most hits kill or full disable the tank, as a breech shot mostly kills the gun at kill all the turret crew, and usually clips the engine.
Or there’s the driver’s hatch everyone seems to be able to hit a perfect pixel on it and kill the crew all in one shot.
Not to mention the fixed reload which are slower than anyone else in game.
I was killed by a VT-1 missile from a Roland in the front plate of my CR2 is penetrated right the way through the tank. The CR2 is at the level of a Leopard 2A4/5 it was outclassed by the 2A5 we are now on the 2A7 and the CR2 L27A1 cannot penetrate that tank reliably.
There is a gulf in capabilities between these 2 machines.
Leclerc just needs some fixes as does the M1
T-series lower plate is the shot.