[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings


in wart thunder for simulated players the dropping of “laser” GBUs is quite delicate, in cockpit view, we are missing the audible signal or HUD indication of dropping the “laser” GBUs. Currently in simulated cockpit view, for a hit on target you have to be about 5 to 3 kilometers away + a 45 degree nose down angle for the GBU laser to detect the laser while in reality the CCIP helps us to make shots at more 10,000 meters easy

with smooth bombs we have the CCRP system which will drop the bomb at the right time even if we have the bomb release button held all the way, we could all simply have the same system with the GBUs as the designation pod places CCRP points to place the laser

example in video : https://youtu.be/RY_rVxgvpn4?t=296

maximum support will be a pleasure and do not hesitate to provide further information in this report !

I know Gaijin uses statistics to determine BR.
I am pretty sure Gaijin has some pretty wide tolerances in those statistics, meaning a 5-10% difference is most likely not enough to change a BR and a 20% difference might not be either depending on some sanity checking of vehicle capabilities.

All of that being said it is easy to infer that they do not account for skill when determining BR. That is to say they use raw statistics and do not adjust based on the type of people playing the vehicle. E.G. the Tiger II H is 5.7 and the M4A3E2 is 5.7 when the Tiger is objectively and meaningfully better in almost every way.

This can only be explained by the lack of experience of those who play certain vehicles. It is broadly understood that certain types of vehicles attract more newer players and other types of vehicles attract more seasoned players.

This creates a feedback loop where more obscure nations get unfair BR’s which mean fewer new players play the vehicles which leads to the limited stats for the vehicle to be experienced players which keeps the BR artificially high.

All of this is just a longwinded way of saying that Gaijin should only use stats for vehicles played by level 100 players. Meaning the stats for determing a vehicles BR should only be taken from the performance of that vehicle in the hands of a level 100 player.

There are enough in the game to give meaningful stats.

Another method would be to weigh the stats. For example take all stats and weight them by the experience level of the person playing the vehicle. A low level players stats would have less value than a high level player.

Either way, I do not agree with their current philosophy of just letting nuanced and experienced players getting punished for doing well.

This is not true.
Jumbo has better gun handling, gun depression and reload speed. It also has a vertical stabilizer which will also help for sure.

I’m probably a very good example of why this would be flawed as well.
Like 98% of my games were played with ground vehicles only, so my experience using air is extremely limited. I’m a level 100 player, but in fact my air experience is like of someone that’s level 20ish that played aircraft only.

Giving my aircraft “feedback” the maximum value isn’t optimal for reasons I mentioned above.

Trying to claim that the dinky 75mm on the Sherman is any sort of competitive at that BR is ridiculous.

Never said it has a good gun.

Then the fact that it gets reload rate and stabilization is meaningless.

It’s far from meaningless.

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You do understand you shot 3 panels of bag era, and 2 panel of the bigger relict era? I don’t know the exact combined value off the top of my head, but combine that with hitting a road wheel or idler, then the armor itself, will degrade the shell quite a lot.

The Tiger is not objectively better.

The “Jumbo” has absolutely insane turret armor, far better angles, bounces alot it shouldn’t, its machine gun port can be very trolly. And it has the pen to kill the Tiger using APCR very easily done.

Plus the reload is better on the jumbo, so you can pick apart a Tiger, and track it with the .50cal easily

This any experienced player would play USA especially with the CAS elements, not to mention the prototype M6a1’s, (T1E1), (T1E1-90) are great.

They’re equal tanks in my opinion.

The 75mm Jumbo is fine at 5.7, but I wouldn’t mind if it was 5.3. The 76mm jumbo just suffers from compression.

No they’re both at a good BR. But in terms of advantages, the Jumbo has it in reload alone.

It’s interesting you say this.

You have a total of 10 French and 42 USA matches on the M4A3E2. Your K/D is 35 kills and 46 deaths between the two.

On the Tiger H1 you have 41 matches with a K/D of 28 kills and 36 deaths.

It is fairly obvious you are a poor tanker with both of these vehicles.

Now lets compare that to my stats. I don’t play USA. SO I only use the French Jumbo in which I have 1022 matches with 1362 kills and 902 deaths.

I only have the Tigris (Italian Premium which is a mix between Tigher H1 and Tiger E) I have 17 matches with 17 matches where I have 40 kills and 18 deaths.

I see which one of us knows what they are talking about.

The Tiger I is better all day every day. A person’s lack of skill is the whole point of my argument. By arguing they are the same you are proving my point. People without skill should not be the determiner of the BR of a vehicle.

Lmao pulled those stats quick. And I like how you pulled my worst stats from my worst crews. The cherry picking was severe.

You skipped my cobra king which is positive.

You skipped my other tigers which are positive.

You didn’t even ask how / why they are the way they are.

  1. I have only really played USA solo, and I typically uptier the jumbo to 6.0
  2. Germany and Italy I play in a squad leading to higher KD values.
  3. I haven’t spaded the French one ;)

So get off your high horse, you make only yourself look bad.

Tigris often sees downtiers… no surprises you can have a more positive kd

Your kd in the Tiger E is 1.33

Your kd in your French M4a3e2 is 1.55

Your a liar

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85 matches with 75 kills and 71 deaths

Tiger E, 15 matches 12 kills 12 deaths
Tiger West 47 matches 50 deaths 139 kills
Tiger Ost 33 matches 51 kills and 28 deaths

Huh. Weird. Your stats on your Cobra King are ass compared to your tigers. And your tiger stats on anything but the two brand new premiums are awful. So. Let’s examine how you’ve done very well with the two 5.7 Tigers. The ones that have existed for a week. In the current environment. Could it be. Perhaps. That they are better and under BR?

Hmm also odd, which one has the higher crew I’ll let you guess ;)

Also your a lair, your own stats betray you, your more positive in the jumbo than the tiger

But yes the two fronts pack tigers should be 6.0 I don’t disagree there.

They shouldn’t be lower than the Tigris, and the a heavy tank no.6 should become a 5.7

The biggest threat are by far the panthers,
And especially since every match I’ve gotten has been a full uptier it’s been annoying, but I’ve been able to consistently barrel snipe, track, and free kill, or commander hatch the tigers.

Level 100 is meaningless.

While this is ASB and not GRB, do you think this player is not someone who knows their thing?

(I had a lot of fun 1v1ing them and had to look them up, hence having their stats)

Their performance the last month


A level 26 with 225 hours of flight time, mostly in Bf109 G2.

A much more reasonable approach is to require at least ~60 or so games in a vehicle for AAB/ARB/GAB/GRB/GSB before a player’s stat is considered. This guarantees they spaded the vehicle (30 games should be enough) AND played games in it enough to learn its quirks once fully spaded.

For ASB, probably 10 matches are sufficient given 1 match is around 90 minutes compared the rest of the modes’ 10-15 minutes.

You can’t really spade all vehicles in 30 or 60 games, maybe lower tier ones.

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Remove SU-34 from GF for balance, please. It is ruining top tier GF.

Move the Leopard 2A7 and Strv 122 to 13.7 or 14.0 they outclass every other tank in game by a large margin.

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