[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

It’s not the F-14s, they’re lowkey mid. It’s people who don’t know how to dodge phoenixes. If gaijin was more comprehensive and taught people how to dodge radar missiles as an in game tutorial we wouldn’t have this issue. Don’t blame one plane because your teammates can’t go sideways or cut the grass.

Only balance that exists in this game is at two BR;s

Reserve tanks and 11.7

Since they can’t screw either by inserting OP premium garbage

It will never be fixed since you expect people that broke it to fix it

Good Luck with that.

Yes, please, educate War Thunder the Video Game players about not having the the first shot advantage in a fight. In fact, people got used to flying low to counter phoenixes in the past, but now it got its multipath buff without any changes to its BR, any implementations of kinematic characteristics that made phoenix unsuitable against fighters. Even after all your team defended it, you are low altitude, defensive and losing the first shot advantage with SARH when you turn back into the fight on a macro scale.

Nothing changes the fact that only one nation got access to Fox-3 at a low BR. An early kill is very valuable for getting the snowball rolling, thats a fully kitted plane out of the fight before they can affect anything. Thats an extra person on the other team getting 2v1 on a micro scale.

Hey man multipathing isn’t actually that hard. I do it because I don’t like notching. It’s pretty easy to do (I hate golan heights). The phoenix actually should have more chaff rejection and better mobility through dual plane.

I’m not denying phoenixes have an impact on the match but if you hate it for that adding more Fox-3 slingers won’t help. The Tomcat would fail spectacularly at higher BRs, look what happens to F-14Bs at 13.7.

The issue isn’t one of 2 people dying, because people crashing on the other team or team kills usually balance that out. The issue is 5 of your teammates dying because they don’t know how to counter it. That my friend, is a skill issue on their part.

(Let’s be real though if they can’t dodge a phoenix they weren’t going to do much for the match anyways)

Please don’t insinuate that I cant defend against Fox 3, I can just fine, I do play top tier from time to time. Just as I won’t make a case against your stats in general and with the Mirage F1 specifically, which I also do fly and meet F-14 regularly.

What I hate is teams unevenly disintegrate because the other team has more F-14 (exacerbated by only 1 nation having it). Leaving the players knowing how to defend swamped by the other team. Even if you say that those players aren’t worth anything, which I disagree, they can still at the very least cost the enemy team missiles and attention by the very act of being there, being shot.

Adding more on the same nation would probably make it worse. Adding more to another nation would partially alleviate this (because WT MM likes to group the same nation together), even if players die off quickly by Fox 3, I would still prefer it to happen equally on both sides a.k.a. a balanced game.

Every plane struggles in a full uptier, but it is better to have one plane suffer than to have the whole lobby does. Even so, it isn’t even my preferred solution, just the lazy one that Gaijin usually opt for.

I never intended to insinuate you didn’t know how to dodge Fox-3s, I’m sorry if I came off that way. I won’t say I’m the best player in the world either, this is a new account and I’m trying to get used to playing on Xbox after I was forced to sell off my PC and lost the old account because you can’t transfer accounts between the two from PC :(

It is certainly an issue that the match maker doesn’t assist in. The best solution would be to reduce the BR spread to 0.7 above or below. I do not see that happening though.

I believe adding more low BR Fox-3 slingers to any nation doesn’t help anyone, as much as I would like to see them added to the game people would use the same points against such aircraft as they do against the F-14.

I fail to see why it wouldn’t work, but I could always be wrong. Im not opposed fox 3 in the game, even low BR one, even one which splash you on the ground.

But if my team disintegrate because of the nation I choose*, I find it unfair, a bias even, hence my post in this thread.

I only suggested, if you want go the “keep it as it” aka fun route, then I say add more telephone pole fox 3 slingers to other nations to keep it fair. If not, implement some sort of energy bleed against maneuvering targets like real life so it isnt as effective against people actively bleeding it, but against “bot” base bomber, it should be the same.

*in my post: My case, which I see and notice from time to time, could be anecdotal, could be selective bias: Most 12.3 and 12.7 foreign plane get into one team, the rest is filled with US planes at say, 12.0 and 13.0. And most of the 12.3 and 12.7 F-14 get put into the other team. Hence the imbalance in Fox 3 capability.

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I think something like a MiG-31 with Fox-3s would be fun, with the caveat of a changed MM so they cannot be on a team with Tomcats, as the US+Sov combo does happen sometimes. Idk when the realistic MM became the same as the arcade one, probably after the T-2 was added. The only reason things like the Tomcat are dangerous is because they split up teams and drain people of mental capacity for the merge (consciously staying below 60m or finding notch angle).

On the topic of realistic missile physics I feel GJ might be unwilling to do so, hopium for all lol.

(Also this is a great discussion that hasn’t come down to ad hominem attacks and “you’re bad, no you’re bad”. Second one today, the trolls and idiots must be sleeping)

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Like this, why does the enemy team gets 3 Tomcats, and my team gets shafted?

It really only need one of them to ball out to crumple my team, because the effect of early kills.

I’m glad we had this talk, grinding the event with Tommy Cruiser on my ass really got to my nerves.

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It’s just a rather unfortunate situation that could have been fixed if Top Gun 2 came out like a year later lol

Bet that guy with 6 kills is gonna get that event

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Guess which plane overperformed and who won this match, Gaijin. Balance your damned game. Yes, give the Iranian F-14 to the US, that will be great for gameplay. You guys don’t even play your own game, because balancing with spreadsheets is soooo easy. If US players are bad, then let them lose (or just don’t group planes of the same nation together), don’t balance their team comp and planes around their abysmal WR. (Look at WT Data Project spreadsheet)

Apparently, me, a Mirage 2000, with 4 missiles, probably can get 2 kills mid match, 2 more afterwards and potentially more with FM and guns after, is 12.3, the same BR as a plane that can get 1 to 6 kills before SARH can even be launched. And theyre all in the same team. Hand me a Gaijin employee card, I’ll fix the game for you.

off topic: can you share the link of wt data project? thanks

Sorry for the late reply.

Thank you

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Clearly, who has better avionics has the advantage:

It’s not even the fact the Iranian one is going to the US that maddens me. It’s the fact that like all the other F-14s, it’ll be hideously undertiered. Straight up came out of a match where it was F-14s and J35s in the same game. Needless to say, whenever one popped up I mercilessly Skyflashed it (Tornado F.3 my beloved) because those things screw the game for everyone with their Phoenixes, AIM-7Fs and Turn rate.


i just hope brits get a rework. the theme for brits seems slow slow turning maybe some armour here and there and the gun cant be better then any other nation. ow and the maps dont allow good brits playstyle as the usualy favor the big nations and in urban esp russia from i can see.

brits either need good armour wich that frontaly they can take some shots or they need to have the best guns to compensate for being slow and basicly having no armour. germany russia and sweden have a 3 in plenty supply


Bias toward Russia stopped before I played ground if it ever existed, which was 2015 when I started seriously playing ground RB.

Su-25SM3 being equivalent to AV-8B isn’t bias.
2S38’s power to weight is currently equivalent to Begleitpanzer.
Pantsir’s missile still doesn’t out-range the 16+km CAS all but Japan has.

Soviet firepower is the “3rd worst” at 11.7 beating DM43/OFL F1 120, and L27A1.
Armor of T-90M, Soviet’s most armored tank, is on-par with 2A7V/2A7HU, and Strv 122.
Armor of T-80BVM is as if you swapped M1A2’s hull and turret armor with each other for some reason.

Yes, Soviet vehicles are inferior which is why in-game they need newer equipment to compete against the superiority of older NATO equipment.


this is just a polite disagrement nothing personal at all.

while russia is on par with germany and sweden, britain is nowhere close to them. russia imo does get some faverable matchmaking and has some or maybe quite a few vehicles that need a br increase. 2s38 should get the puma treatment 100%.

the 2s38 may have the same power to wight ratio. yet the begleit cant just yolo any soviet mbt frontaly. it needs to be in the proper posistions and actualy flank. nato tanks at 9 or 10.0 generaly have weak frontal armour. so weak that the 2s38 can frontaly pen or sometimes even onshot them. brits at 11.3 still have frontal armour weak enough for the 2s38 so that is can still pen them frontaly with some effort. the begleit cant do anyting simaler to soviet or swedisch tanks etc cuz it doesnt have darts. yes it has an atgm but that is slower then pew pew with 0,5 seconds interval.

indeed soviet tanks are on par with leo 2 7av and strv etc but soviets have the crasiest lights in the game. the best choppers and at straffing planes. wich both can take more damage then nato counterparts for whatever reason.
brits have nothing close to that, nothing. even the desert warrior wich i like is nothing close to begleit or bmp2 or 2s38 or the cv,s from sweden. its slower has a weaker gun but yeah 2 atgm launchers. but i rather it had a good 30mm so i can actualy reliably pen side armour of leo2,s with my main gun and take them out with the same effort as a begleit or bmp 2.

britian is just not competitive currently. their tanks usualy lake either speed or armour or both. speed/mobility being the more crucial factor. and they dont have imo at least anyting at all that makes up for those clear and very damming flaws.

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