[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

USS Flagstaff is at 3.7 with only one Bofors plus 2x double .50 cal turrets. Yeah it’s fast but that honestly doesn’t help it that much because of how hard it is to control.

I mean, F-5E is same BR with better missiles and significantly better FM

Yup, just you. That is a one way ticket to compression hell for everyone.

Yeah, that’s an awful idea that only serves to make USA more pampered.

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how about.keep.everything the same and raise f15c,f16c to 14.0

Ah, I agree. I feel battle rating Su-27 Flanker-B and J-11 at 13.0 BR it’s high

Now Belgium F-16A Block 15 12.7 BR. but F-16A Block 10 from USAF might decrease to 12.3 because mounted AIM-9J & AIM-9L

For F-15A Baz, I want gajin remove AIM-9M & reverse radar to AN/APG-63 (pre-PSP). and reduce BR to 12.7

F-15A (USAF) increase BR to 13.3 but could add AIM-120A

I hope that Gaijin increase Ground RB’s maximum br.
How Leopard 2a7&Strv 122 series=Ariete AMV&Merkava Mk.4M???
If players use good and true MBT, then they MUST pay more spawn points.

Merkava mk.4 series and Ariete series aren’t true MBT.

Because their armor is too thin to call as a MBT, and they are too slow and heavy to call as a light tank.
But is their performace good as ordinary SPATG(having excellent AP rounds or fast reloading speed)?

No. Because they have ordinary APFSDS&reloading speed. (And Ariete’s gunner optic has 8.0x-12.0x zoom, So Ariete is also not good in close-range combat.)

So they are bad performanced Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun.

yeah, we all love WHEN DEVELOPER MAKE 0 ANOUNSMENT TO MOVE VEHICLES ON BR! WHY WOUD THEY ? ITS AMERICANS VEHICLES ! TEHY CAN SUFFER WITH THEY BR VS PANCIR C1! 0 anounsment about move a-10 to 10.7\10.3 just becouse ! who care ??? we better add new wariand SU 25 who destroy whole enemy team, cuz its rasian game and there is order by goverment !

Examples of vehicles sharing the same BR while differs significantly in performance
T-72B and T-72B(1989)
Leo2A5 and Leo2A7V
T-80U and T-80U-E1
Ariete(P) and Leopard2A4
ZTZ-59D1 and T-55A

M60 tts Taiwan and t-72, ztz 96, . Taiwanese M60 is should be 8.7 at best

It only really gets a significant change when you use it in 11.0+, so only in max uptier, but that’s unlikely.

Difference: slightly better penetration, better thermals (you still can use gen 2 on commander thermals to find enemies, thermals are mainly for spotting, even gen 1 can do it as in our game thermal generations dont differ as much as IRL.
I believe using thermals for firing in this game is a bad habit, together with range finding.
Would be nice if they added DeltaD.
What is a difference is addon armour and spall liner, however I wouldnt call addon armour a life changer, as with any armour people will go for weakspots, unless you use positioning and sudden attacks to make it effective.

Biggest change is 40° horizontal, gunsight sure is gen 2.
Really should have been a TT tank, with 3BM60.
Hopefully they do add T-80UA to 11.7.

Doesnt really make sense, rounds shouldnt be the only balancing matter, Gaijin really thinks DM33 is gonna make it comparable.

Yeah no, it is not good for something to suffer however, I can see you’re nothing more than an average smart hater.

that isn’t how this works bud, its an MBT


I installed War Thunder just to play with the Tiger tank. As a player, there are two things I would like to change. The Tiger E and H tanks are not fun to play with. I hope you lower the BR levels. If not, add some armor and a powerful weapon. Or at least one. That was the first.

The second thing I would like to change in the game is please remove the planes from tank combat. Thank you.

They literally said they were going to do this over a month ago, clown tier take much?

These are not that far apart.

It’s better for one jet to suffer than many. F-5C is a problematic jet that makes many jets suffer

Ariete is gimped asf ingame irl it’s just as capable as any other tank

That isn’t true either. Ariete is a 2nd rate MBT irl.