[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

And it is even getting worse.

The easiest why to solve this problem is to implement a mode “1 BR”. I mean straight 10,0 or only 6,7 or what ever. But this +/- 1BR is getting more broken. Try to fly 12,0 !!! If you are matched BR up good luck … AIM 54 and the first Fox’s are waiting for you . Safe kill for them and no XP for you

Yes … bombs are crazy currently … 500lbs or 1000lbs do not kill a light tank … and the answer from the developer when i open a ticket “Sry, but there is possibility that this happens” … really ?=?=?

Nice joke,

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Can you send a screenshot of this?

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Is it possible to do smth with overcrowded USA at top tier ARB, so we don’t have them in both teams simultaneously? Why so many players choose it?

when is the challanger 3’ s mobility or armour getting fixed? rights now its speed/mobility is really really subpar its pretty close to the maus in mobility and even when i get the engine upgrade (next year with how i and it are preforming atm) it will still be far to slow. now if the armour actualy meant something i would be fine with it being extremly slow or the gun was so amazing it could reliably pen tanks frontaly over great distances. it just has not 1 single benefit at the moment.

this problem is also with most of the chally 2,s its just not fun to arive later so you cant cap cant get into the good spots on time and cant tank damage even frontaly with their gaint weakspots unlike most other nations esp germany russia and sweden.

i just cant grasp how this is realistic or balanced in anyway.
can i find the win rates somewhere? maybe i just suck hard at the game or brits are purposfully made bad.

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When will the hypocrisy end gaijin
images (17)
Q-5A doesn’t have it’s historical pl-2 aams doesn’t have flares, it having 7.7 cas options in 9.3 br , doesn’t have it’s historical ballistics computer and 4x under wing pylons and is still somehow .3 br above than the alpha jets
images (18) which mind you has ballistics computer , flairs , more payload , better gun
Every tt except china , has a good cas option at that pay to win 9.3 br , Americans have a-4 early , germans- french have alpha jets , Israel has a-4s soviets have su-25 variants . Will the damage done by the former Chinese tt advisor be ever reversed , is the separate grb rating just a gimmick just like spall liners and dozer blades ?
Either fix this abomination or give us a new better cas options (that can match it’s peers in capability ) at 9.0/9.3


Good news to see that most craft with fox-3 missiles got their BR shot upwards. Which really helps the lives of a lot of 11.0 to 11.7 aircraft in terms of balance.

However, USA, Sweden, and Israel are very noticeable as needing the same treatment still. Namely for the F-16C, F-15C MSIP II, AV-8B plus, JAS39C, Baz Meshupar, and Barak II.

This obviously should be changed, bringing them in line with the rest of the Fox-3 mounting craft, as well as other top tier Gripen, F-15, F-16, and harrier variants in terms of BR.

Beyond that, something that I have been questioning for a while is why the alpha jets in game cannot access IR missiles.

Idk what you’re on about, they uptiered all of these jets too.

Did it IRL

Next time i have issues like that of course I will do that. For sure.

The version of the Alpha Jet that had IR missiles is not currently in-game.

As of the time of writing that comment, it hadn’t taken affect yet. As of writing this replyit still has not changed.

(USA tech tree as it appears to me as I write this)

They are 13.7 in all modes. Your game is displaying wrong.

I just figured out my goof. Your right.

You are not alone. I played all through Brit tanks and top tier suffer compared to almost every other nation. They are slow and stay slow even after the upgrades. Theres little benefit in grinding out a tank when even the maxed version is terrible. You definitely have to change your playstyle. Its doable but its not a top performing nation for a reason. Britian definitely needs some love and a maybe revamp to the nations BR ratings.

F-5C has no speed to catch its current enemies at all; missiles are dogsh*t, and even when you sneak up on people, when they simply turn without noticing your missile, they dodge them. Its main ability was dogfighting capabilities, but as of now that is mostly negated due to the things it faces having very similar capabilities, not even considering the radar missiles it faces. Moreover, other F-5 variants either being the same BR or simply just one bracket high is pretty laughable.

Players talk to Gaijin about realism, Gaijin talks to players about game balance.
Players talk to Gaijin about game balance, Gaijin talks to players about mechanics.
Players talk to Gaijin about mechanics, Gaijin talks to players about Economy.
Players talk to Gaijin about Economy, Gaijin says they DON’T understand:(


Lmao. The alpha jet is not better than what the chinese, americans etc. get. Cope

The f5c suffers now? Good.

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I noticed how the HMS Renown is 7.0 despite having none of the survivability or firepower of the other 7.0 noob mobiles such as Alaska or the Kronstadt (which is a fictional pile of trash that should be entirely deleted from the game anyway. They literally broke their own rules just to keep the bias alive…).

Gaijin does a poor job at balancing and idk why they don’t increase the max br of naval battles.

Is it me that think J-11, Su-27 should be at 13.0, F-15A ,F-16A series should be at 12.7 and J-11A, Su-27SM should be at 13.3?

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