[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

You forgot to mention that the only nation that doesn’t have preguidance is italy.
It is the nation with the most nerfed tanks there is because of its continuous BR increase, Italian players are good at playing, but their means are bad Gaijin should lower the BR of several Italian vehicles.

Bruh why play glassbox Leopard 1 from the 60´s when having to play against modern chinese tanks from 1989

What ”modern” tank are you referring to?

I want gaijin increase max BR to 12.3 or 12.7 in ground RB and ground SB for ground vehicle top tier next month


Hi, i don’t know where i can ask my question, but i think it’s about the “balance”.
So, today i’ve noticed some strange thing with RP’s


How this could happen? I’ve got 3412RP, but it says i got just 1581. I’m pretty sure that it is not 10% difference in research penalty.
Is it some kind of “new balanced economy” or a bug?

PTL02 year of construction 1990
PTZ89 entered service in 1989

Leopard 1 entered service in 1965 and was designed in 1956 like bruhhh cant imagine many things happening in those 30 to almost 40 years difference sarcasm
atleast give the Leopard 1 APDS-FS not this rigged APDS which just splitter and whats the point of HEAT-FS when facing something with ERA? like bruuuh Leopard 1 is a tin can on tracks that explodes by looking at it while most of the times i shoot at others i need up to 3 shots to kill them
This warthunder damage model cam in the hangar is a joke in itself aswell when i look where to shot the T-54 as an example with the Leopard 1 ANY ROUND its green as green can be everywhere then iam in game shooting at those before looked up weakspots pufffffff BOUNCE

And why in the name of god is the OF-40 the same BR as the Leopard 1???

Cant imagine why armour only effective against low caliber (20mm) autocannons should be effective against MBTs.
Quite literally a cannon on tracks of it’s time.

I didnt said that i want to remove armour i said i want it to be like in the hangar protection analyses and not an sometimes it works other times it doesnt kind of thing

I am about calling Leopard 1 a tin can on tracks.

Well it is “almost” paper like armour (ok some 20 - 30mm guns cant penetrate) and an ammo layout that looks like sardines in a tin can just waiting to pop off

i’ve talked to a lot of people and we all seem to agree top tier br in air rb should be by now like 16.0. give true decompression inbetween eras

F-5C in Realistic is the same BR as F-5E this is a Joke 11BR in mean time at 9.3 you still have the F-104s and Mig-19s killing 8,7 with impunity Gaijin seriously start doing some Balance because all the chances is to make premiums unplayable so ppl buy new one’s later , your ppl say that players don’t put money in the game wonder why .

f4s/j should go to 12.3 in rb air they have better rader and aam when people use rb71 and 530f

f14a.should go to 12.7 and f14 13.0,they are better than av8b+ 13.0 and j8f 13.0


I fully agree with you. Summer sale , buy these Mediocre jets that were once OP but we’ve nerfed most of them. Great now that you bought 1-4 of these “deals” we are going to jack the BR up on all of them HAHAHA. I feel cheated, wanted to get some playable jets to help with the grind as most of us would like to. I picked up the F5-C 10.3 , Saab35XS 10.7, and the Kfir Conard 10.7. Now it was bad enough fighting Mig 23ML and F4S constantly with all aspect missiles and some “OK” radar missiles. Now if you play the Saab you get to run into F14 early’s with the phoenix missiles… No RWR and poor performance over mach1. Almost as bad in the conard but least you get a Ping to guess at the angle its coming from. Then you have the F5C. I really was enjoying this jet, maneuvered well had decent cannon ammo cool! Now I can’t catch any one if I am up tierd, have two horrible missiles that don’t ever work unless the person is not paying attention or spammed all their flares. I feel I was robbed of my money and support says “Tough luck” pretty much and directed me here. I will never put another cent into this game when a jet you buy is one rating, then the next month gets screwed hard in BR changes to where they are not even fun to play. I bought a 10.3 jet not an 11.0. Not even a new jet!

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No RWR, No all-aspect ir/sarh missile, lack of countermeasure… I don’t understand why they up J35XS to 11.3.
I’m seriously wondering what their intentions are.


the J35XS is very misplaced in its new 11.3 BR. I’m pretty certain the person who made that call never flew the thing more than once and in a down tier at that. It was already struggling in an uptier at 10.7.
No RWR, very few countermeasures, no BVR missiles, and only rear aspect missiles means this thing is just a flying target for anyone at 11.3 or higher.

The bias towards Russia should be immediately stopped. In top and sub top games, Russia has received various unfair, damaging, and unreasonable enhancements, which have greatly disrupted the gaming environment for other players. This unreasonable strengthening includes but is not limited to: the weight of Project 292 is too low, and Russia has gained unparalleled offensive capabilities under the weight of 10.3; The weight of 2S38 is too low, and 2S38 is not even mass-produced in reality; The Armor S1, as the only AA with a range of 15 kilometers, is equipped with the most advanced missiles and radar, far ahead of other AAs in terms of comprehensive capabilities; The Su-25SM3 has the longest range air to ground missile and can complete attacks without any danger when the range of other AA missiles is around 12 kilometers; Significantly increasing the respawn point of active radar missiles is only to ensure the survivability of a large number of Russian attack aircraft; Fossil explosive reactive armor has unreasonable defense, often making it impossible for armor piercing shells to continue flying after penetrating the explosive reactive armor; The fuel tank in Russian tanks only shows a small amount of fragments after being fired by shells, which is not present on vehicles from other countries; At the same time, Russian vehicles are almost ahead of other countries’ vehicles in terms of armor and firepower under a weight of 10.0-12.7 (for example, BMP-2M has a high-speed machine gun and four missiles that can be launched on the move, T80UD has almost the strongest firepower and protection under a weight of 10.0…); And they have launched too many advanced vehicles from Russia while refusing to launch vehicles from other countries for various reasons (such as 2S38 only launching its first prototype in 2018, Su25SM3 only appearing in 2012, Armor S1 only appearing in 2015, T90M only entering service in 2020, T80BVM only entering service in 2018), while turning a blind eye to advanced vehicles and weapons from other countries (such as M1A2 SEPV3, which entered service in 2017, and Avengers missile system, which entered service in 1989). Such behavior is extremely irresponsible and has led to the deterioration of the gaming environment. The interests of game developers and players should be aligned, and games should be developed with a responsible attitude in order to achieve significant growth


Yeah exactly it’s a joke on the people who support the game seriously what Company

F-5C and A the same BR as F-5E and J-7E the OP Troll in China

XS and Canard 11.3 will constantly fight vs F-14s , Kurnass 2000 this one have Python 3

For God’s sake, MLD is 11.7 , Bis with All Aspects are 11.3 and so on this balance is no balance at all is just a reason to destroy all the premiums
Lazur is 11.3 how that happens not 12 like the F-4S
I’m sure they will put another 20 Jets till October

There is warrant for BR changes/decompression/era separation. However WT is structurally designed to be in tiers with sometimes uptier/downtier. Is it always fair? No. Will it be fair or balanced? No. They will need to redesign the entire way researching works and tiers/era before implementing any new change. As much as we all desire it and it just makes sense for us now, WT was not made yesterday with all these issues in hindsight.

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