[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

If by “works fine” you mean “is extremely behind the curve regarding competitiveness to its peers”


Its peers in game are:
Tornado F-3(late)
All AIM-120 harriers
Among those, it is excellent.
Of course its worse than 13.0s, its a lower BR

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No, its peers are 13.0s because that is what it actually matches with consistently. It is also worse than the Harrier

  1. The harrier also sees 13.0s, same with J-8F
  2. The F-4F KWS/LV ICE is a better plane then any harrier in game. It is faster, better armed, and with at worst an equal radar.
  3. It is worse then 13.0s. That is why it is not a 13.0
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The harrier sees MAJORITY downtiers currently in air RB.

Not in air RB, no. Fully false. AV-8B is far more meta due to both its BR placement as well as its ability to actually reasonably defend itself.

No shit, it’s also an awful 12.7 that belongs at 12.3 currently.

The harrier is slower, with less missiles, and at best equally performing missiles. It is ever so slightly better at turning and can troll with VTOL, but in no way is the 8V8B+ or GR-whatever better. I will say that it deserves 12.3 and not 12.7, but the 11.3s would suffer greatly from more AMRAAMs

Yeah doesnt actually matter, F4F KWS is slow as shit compared to what it faces too but cant turn at all. The harrier can defend itself.

Doesn’t matter. F-4F only gains 2 9Ms. This is not equal to being forced into all 13.0 games while the harrier gets to enjoy luxurious matchmaking at 12.3.

??? Miles apart.

Tbh the harrier is only good at turning for the 6 people who know how to VIFF

No? Even without it’s not bad, with VIFFing (at least against the average player, VIFFing is useless against good players) it’s very good.

Partial (45~ degree) VIFFing is how harriers get their manouverability

AV-8B has good agility to begin with, and is enhanced by VIFFing.

I only have experience fighting the crappy British one, so i had no idea.

You should probably not speak on things you know you are not aware of then.

I was under the impression that the late harriers flew the same as the GR-7, but the B+ is, i agree, better than the ICE. I would hope yo see the ICE to 12.3, and the SU-27SM/F-15C/F-16C/M2K etc… to 13.0

GR.7 is also very agile… It also has the 2nd generation wing type…

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Yes but it retains the weaker engine. I was under the impression they were very sluggish in acceleration midair. Apparently that is not the case with AV-8B+

You should try Mig-29SMT

No it’s not.
AV-8B+ doesn’t have a datalink feature.

I was just trying to get the other guy to cease pinging me tbh

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i dont know how he even says the f4f is fine at 12.7…