[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

I think the IS-2 was just fine at 5.7.
I honestly enjoyed playing the T-34-85 at 5.7 more. So it going all the way up to 6.3 seems insane to me.

At least the IS-2 (1944) had its LFP thickness increased, but the IS-2 is just a very poor vehicle at 6.3 in my eyes. The 1944 is still worse than something like the T26E5 or Super Pershing, too. Just not the best heavy tanks, honestly.

If they decrease overall spawn of fighters with only anti-air capabilities, maybe.

I believe the Mirage F1C is no longer suitable to remain at a BR of 11.3.
In Air RB mode, multi-path clutter has been weakened, which means the threat from AIM-7F and AIM-54A/C missiles has further increased. The Mirage F1C has to perform more maneuvers to evade missiles, and its weak engine and poor energy retention make its performance even worse. This change also means that the threat posed by the Mirage F1C’s Super 530F missiles has further decreased since everyone carries chaff, which disrupts the Super 530F with 100% effectiveness.

Both the Mirage F1C and F1C-200 use outdated RWRs. You cannot accurately know who fired the incoming missile, what type of missile it is, or sometimes the RWR won’t alert you at all.

The Mirage F1C’s only real threat to enemies are the two Magic 2 missiles with a range of 2 km, while the F-4S can carry up to six AIM-7F missiles that can be fired head-on at 10 km, or five AIM-7F missiles plus two AIM-9H missiles. All F-4S missiles can be guided by the helmet-mounted sight, which further increases the F-4S’s suppression over the Mirage F1C. Even if the Mirage F1C evades all AIM-7F missiles, after evading, it will be left without altitude and speed, making it easy to kill.

Additionally, with both carrying 20 minutes of fuel, the F-4S has a thrust-to-weight ratio that is 0.2 higher than the Mirage F1C! The F1C can hardly win an energy fight against the F-4S.

I believe a BR of 11.0 is reasonable for the Mirage F1C; 11.3 is too high.

In Ground RB, the Mirage F1C’s outdated RWR makes it difficult to avoid SPAA, and it might not even be aware of their presence.

The Mirage F1C also has a low payload capacity. For example, the F-4S can carry 24 500 lb SAMP Mk 82 bombs, while the Mirage F1C can only carry 5. The F-4S can also carry 60 Zuni Mk32 Mod 0 ATAP rockets, which allow for efficient and precise CAS, whereas the Mirage F1C lacks such payload options.
I believe the Mirage F1C’s BR in Ground RB can be lowered to 10.3. Compared to the Su-22M3 of the same BR, it has better all-aspect missiles, but only one-third the quantity, worse thrust, but more countermeasures. Overall, it’s balanced.

no, as in 100% of my games are up-tier. all, every single one as germans

Normal que dans une bataille aérienne Full 11.3 de mon coté en face on se tape que du F14 et 16? Le matchmaking devient vraiment a chié

exploiting game mechanics and broken match making means you suck arse, good to see you’re honest about it though.

and i remembered what my fourth point is. the early quitting penalty needs to go, especially when uptiered. it doesn’t disencentivise early quitting. it disencentivises playing a game thats features are broken

You should change your comment in english, if you want to be understand in the ‘international section’. Also, it’s about popularity with the moment : sales.

im not going to pretend im a good player, I’m here for simple enjoyment which low skill germans bring

It still depends on your BR, though, and imo only 2 people should be max uptiered or downtiered

Not balanced with magic 2s.


Is this the pinned thread where all our complaints go to be ignored at once all in a single neat location?

Dear @Gaijin,

a very interesting question that concerns me is how long can a dead Russian pilot fight?

If a KA-50/52 is hit by 3x VT1 missiles it should at least be incapable of fighting, if in real life it can’t even survive a Stinger.

IRL proved that Ka52 can land after 2 stingers hit and even continue his flight for some time.
In the game ka-52 can’t survive even one 13,2mm hit. KA52(not 50), ah1z, uh-60, mi-25,35 are broken for 2 major patches. Bug confirmed, but not fixed.
Ka50, ah64, EC tigers and others fuselages are completely invisible and can survive any amount of hits of any shell.
Proof. My video

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The game’s matchmaking is disgraceful. More than 80% of games are roflstomps, which are over in less than 8-10 minutes. The developers either don’t care, are simply incompetent or maybe like watching teams get rolled so haven’t tried to address it. I called them out on ingame chat and of course I got chat-banned for ‘abuse’ (for saying that they’re high lol). Anyhow, the quality of games isn’t going to improve unless this is addressed in some way, which I’m doubtful given their track record in dealing with some other issues.


everyone except USSR and germany getting 13.0, the battle rating compression and having to fight 13.0 fox 3 planes while not having anything close to that as a germany main makes this game unplayable for me. i spent a few thousand bucks on this, but i won’t because it’s quite obvious that gaijin doesn’t care for it’s whales.

Germany . Is. Fine.
Not meta for the update, yes.
Still 2nd best ground tree, yes.
F4F ICE works fine as a missile boat, yes.
Yall will get some ahistorical nonsense, give it 1-2 updates.

you’re on something stupid.

Its an adequate radar with good missiles and enough speed to be somewhat competitive

Hello, I have a question about the game.
Why does the Leclerc have higher visibility than all other MBTs (except the Merkava), and on what basis is this parameter determined?

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The phantom is far better at top tier than a harrier or J-8, and in a downtier is downright goofy. Its not good, but by no means unusable

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