[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

#3rd best nation in the meta
T-90M and T-80BVM are competitive
Pantsir is the best AAA in game
SU-25SM3 makes excellent cas

Not doing quite as well
VT-4, WZ-10001, ZTZ-99 are all fine, but not great.
TOR is a good AA system
Helis are good for anti air work
Lack high tier support vehicles

A bit of a bother innit
Chally 2s are playable but no more
M-113 ADATS is garbage
Tornado/GR-7 are both competent CAS

I will also add that when i made that post i was unaware of the effectiveness of heavy armor and spall liners

Only Rus and Chinese can have working Ammo rest slingshot rocks at the enemy Brits with APDS slingshot flowers .


Need serious rework wonder why they broke them 1 year ago and have no fix yet multiple Tickets got sent they know the issues but still Fix cosmetic stuff and missiles radars and so on.

Are you serious? Russian and Chinese tanks literally have the worst APFSDS at top tier? Chinese tanks from 8.0-onwards mainly use Western cannons.

Who let their pet monkey post onto the forums?

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Leclercs want to know your location.

Yeah, the LeClercs… With almost identical shell performance, but a 5s reload. The 2nd best reload possible in the game. With the best possible ammo configuration for said reload.

The LeClercs are not lacking in firepower at all…

So is China with the ATGMs available on MBTs ?

And both have way less butchered armor.

Are you actually equating the ATGMs on MBTs as… firepower?
Chinese tanks, way less butchered armor…? Do you even know how butchered the 99A and VT-4A1 are?

Because I keep up on all of the reports for the LeClercs and the Chinese tanks. You’re utterly delusional.

Well… Yes ?

Be able to shot 800mm pen ATGM is still a firepower capability and can have some use basic APFSDS or HEATFS don’t have.

ATGMs at top tier. Where an APFSDS round will reach a target faster, be unimpeded by various obstacles, and will have greater overall effectiveness because everything has spaced armor or composite armor.

Are you actually insane? Like, literally. Have you tried using ATGMs at top tier instead of APFSDS on tanks that can? Do tell me which one ended up being more effective.

I’m actually stunned by what you’ve written. Literally mouth agape at the lunacy.

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Seems to me you need to check one more time because Rus and Chinese use APHE that 90% of the time if pene kill others use APCBC that need serious rework not to mention unfair BR,s 7.7 British with 84mm pounder can’t pene meds from the front event with 385mm pene not to mention 0 spalling and if pene the spaling stop at first Module so Pet Monkey obvious Biased toward’s them your Icon say it all Brits from 8.0 use 105mm Royar Ordinance obviously is wrong all the Cent got upgraded in 1959 to 105 mm royal ordinance and Gaijin know have mess up with APCR 1 year + multiple threads are posted on Bug reports nothing chance 1 + year , they fix Cosmetic BS and every think else except some nations .

Not to mention 20 pdr OQF and QF -17 because of Stabilizer are Uptiered 1 BR up and Dispresion of the cannon is the worst in the game for it’s BR.

I have a list.

1)There’s a significant issue with matchmaking as germans - you are almost always max uptiered. I don’t play arcade, but rb and sb you’re always the lowest tier in the battle, at least from my experience.

to give an example, playing panthers, (6.0 now i think they need to go back to 5.7 but anyway) and generally always at 7.0 br games, occaisionally i get lucky and i’m in a 6.7 game.

accept everyone is playing 7.0, move up to my tiger 105, and panther 2. now i’m facing 8.0’s.

move to 8.0 with leopards and then i’m even further up. in short i’m always paying 100sp for my vehicles as germans.

this has to be a bug.

  1. high explosive and mg’s vs buildings.

I get the recent patch where you’ve made it so mg’s can’t demolish buildings in the new map - it still exists of the alaska map and the american desert map.

High explosive should do way more damage vs buildings. while machine guns shouldn’t really do anything, high explosive should be doing what mg’s are doing in the bug - taking out the side of a building. especially those paper asian ones from the korean and japanese maps.

currently ap rounds that should maybe take a door off are doing significantly more damage vs buildings.

from highest to lowest damage should realistically be

  • Large caliber HE 105 upward
  • Guided missiles (TOW, Milan, Hellfire etc seeing these can flatten half a building in one go not sure if they should be above HESH)
    -HEAT and medium caliber HE (i don’t think theres and HEDP rounds in game yet, could be wrong)
    -AP with explosive filler
    then these should be negligible but should realistically go straight through and still damage the vehicle behind depending on what its going through
    -AP without explosive filler

3 need more map bans. i don’t know what your thinking behind the current map modifications are, but you’ve sucessfully made a large number just stink, and then these the ones that were always bad. The vietnam map IMO has always been the worst one.

i had a 4th but i’ve forgotten it, so i’ll come back and edit it back in here later

I don’t think this is a bug, it’s just that the amount of people who can be max uptiered into a match and max downtiered into a match is too high. Right now 25% of people get full uptiers, 25% get full downtiers, and 50% get something inbetween. What really should happen is 12.5% get full uptier, 12.5% get full downtier, and 75% get something in the middle.

The VLT-2 has nothing to do in 3.7 IMO.

2x bofors, 2x20mm, 2 torps for 3.7, made in wood (one of the rare boat still in full wood at this br).

Similar at 3.0 with the PT-59, USA have 2xbofors, 4x2 12.7 and 6x12.7, but no torps. Way better volum of fire, can impact way more the others enemy boats and the game in general.

Are those 2 low range (2km) torps worth 0.7 more ?

Seems like VLT-2 is the higher BR torp boat of the game, it seems really behind every other rank IV coastal ships.

question, what happened to the promised air spawns for the slower vehicles like the a10?

I made my way from 5.7 to 6.7 and I hate my life. The IS-2 is soo underpowered at this rating, while everyone can penetrate yourself, you have to hit a tiny machine gun on USA tanks while having an enourmous reload time and not talking about the T-44. Who thought that T-44 should be at 6.7? While it is a better version of the t-34, having a good hull armor the gun on this thing is no match to the tanks you are facing, basically in an uptier you are totally screwed in this thing. The SU-122-54 is decent but still everyone can penetrate you everywhere. The only okayish vehicle at this lineup is the anti-air, which is still 6.3, and do not reply with saying that “Just play 7.3, it is much better”, why would the tanks be in the game if I cannot play them? Also, only 25% winrate explains a lot. The IS-2 (1944) needs a lower batterating, something like 6.3 as the normal one.


I play 7.7 mostly to take advantage of 6.7 german teams sucking ass

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claiming the T-44 is weak is very wild. The IS-2 is in a tough spot balance wise, like the maus

maybe we should add .5s, like 7.5, 1.5 , etc.

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7.0 7.7 br cant catch ai in sim battle, do something about it quick pls its unbelevably retarded

I think AIM-120 and other similar missiles should increase spawn cost in GRB of the aircraft as they are imo too effective, more than any SAM actually, what do you think?