[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

How battle results count towards pass challenges:
I played two naval battles with the Japanese destroyer Hatsuzuki III era 4.7 and I did not receive a single point towards the challenge 0/10000
Same situation with bombs to challenge 3 players with a bomb no less than 999kg, I drop 4x1000 from Do217E-2, kill 2 and get nothing…

are you ok? enlisted is doing fine its just not as popular as war thunder

Hello! I was told this is the place to talk about general matchmaking. @EddieVanHalo this is the place we were eventually told to talk about your topic.

Anyway, I am interested in how many people immediately leave the game (zero death leaving, not 1-death), when they get maps they hate or full uptiers?

Is this something people should do more often? it would probably go a long way toward convincing Gaijin to not use those maps if they have to scramble to find enough players when half of them just leave after matchmaking. But more importantly: you just don’t have to play it yourself. Or to maybe finally change matchmaking to +/- 0.7 BR

How many people do this like me? And I think more people should.

Crew lock is not a big deal at all if you have 3 or 4 nations with lineups you enjoy in them.


I don’t do it any differently, especially with all the little shit Maps in the Hightier, that maked for Lowtier under 6.0.

I think even fewer people are interested in the time block for the crew.
Even if I only have one tank because Gaijin blocks the crew, I only go into the next round with one tank.
If I lose the tank even though things are going well, shit happens, but it’s still better than just crappy cards or absurd matchaking.

You don’t have different lineups you enjoy in 3 or 4 different nations? It only crew locks one country

(Also, are you the “Sister_Fister” from Age of Empires who had to change their name and made it “Sister_Respecter” lol? Or different person?)

I do.

I do when:

It is a combonation of bad map and an uptier.
I have already had multple bad maps or uptiers in a row.
Or when I just don’t feel like playing anymore.

I was mad while writing that lol

Some days I just don’t want to play all the nations and only want to play 1 or 2 tanks.
That’s why.

Another person.
The name was created as a joke with a few friends.
Actually, “Fister” is missing a P for “Pfister”, but unfortunately that was lost in the change and spending money on another letter would be nonsense, so it stayed as it is.

How to decompress BR in 2 simple steps.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Use the newly created gaps to put overperformers up and underperformers down.

Step 3:

Try to space out vehicles that don’t fight well together, example being T32 and HEAT slingers.

Is this a viable solution?
  • yea
  • nay
0 voters

I should clarify, this is ideal and not exactly a quick fix like step 1 and 2.

oh lol

It’s very, for lack of a better way to say it right now, number-y. I’d suggest trying to find a way to make it more understandable from a glance for newer players


It takes every BR we currently have and puts one above and one below. This gives space for every “Vehicle that can’t go up because it’s not strong enough, but is too strong at its current BR” to be moved.

Was told to come here to ask. I think I can boil down my whole question to this.

“Can someone that is queing GRB at 10.7 or 11.0, see something that is queing with a 12.3 plane in their lineup”?


“Is the amount of 11.3 players that can be in a match with 12.3 planes limited to 4?”

Im trying to find out if its worth bringing higher than 11.7 craft into GRB, if its cratering the MM like I think it is, I’m starting to think not.

There might also be something to be said about using a 12.7 plane in this case to completely exlcude you from 1 death 11.0/11.3 premium users for possibly better matches?

No. You can only face vehicles that are within 1.0 BR of your vehicle.

Only 4 people are allowed to be the top BR in a match. If the top BR is 12.3, then there will only be 4 12.3 players.

That would be possible.

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Balance? I don’t think there is the slightest balance in this game, but just as the two sides of the war are not necessarily equal, I think it is acceptable to properly restore the inequality of history, but it is clear that Gaijin, BVVD, has made a mess in this regard, full of BVVD prejudice and arrogance, and we play a game where someone who does not play the game at all determines the weight of a certain vehicle, is this reasonable? This idiot will only look at big data to balance, and this big data will be impossible to match the psychological expectations of BVVD because of all kinds of data, resulting in a complete imbalance in the game. My suggestion is that if the BVVD is going to move the weights of a vehicle, let him play the vehicle for a hundred rounds, rather than randomly adjusting it to an untrustworthy number. It only makes it seem like the bvvd is a fool.


I suspect there’s no chance of solid-shot AP being fixed any time soon, is there?

Yo, do i just post How Seperating Br's by war might look. (Also br changes) here? I wanted it to stay at general but eh

Decent? It literally competes with the 2nd best and is extremely close to being the best…

Are you kidding? Do you know what the Russians, Chinese and British tanks get?