[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

The 9.7 ranking of the Q-5L air history mode is too high. There are no missiles, no heat decoys, and no body advantage. Why is it given this weight? It should be placed at 9.0 or below.

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Chinese M60A3 without M774 and ERA but still at 9.0, the same br of its US twin which is slightly better.
T-80B with no commander fire control, worse mobility and depression angle and slower firing rate compared to Leo2A4 but still at 10.3. If compared to the T-90S, the situation would be worse.
T-72B with much worse firepower and slower reverse speed compared to ZTZ-96A but shares the same br with the latter.
T-64A(1971) at 9.3 is a disaster for its players. No laser rangefinder, no NSVT HMG and inferior protection and mobility than T-72A’s.
These vehicles need to be balanced.



No its actually not that bad you are comparing it to one of the better 10.3 vehicles

More of a compression issue

I wouldnt want to fight a T64 in a Amx-30 with only heat
ALso LR isnt really needed
Worse protection eh the turret eat round for dinner the hull doesnt
Mobility might be worse

Who at gaijin still thinks the Ariete AMV deserves its br of 11.7 at best its a sidegrade to the PSO and C1 and it sits at the same br as the 2A7V and Strv 122 and T-80BVM

Also the PSO and C1 could loose their Dm53 and be moved down to 11.0

Or an alternative option give them SHARD or something similair to make them the ultimate glass canons of top tier again

Calm down before giving this French made shell to someone when France have one of the lowest pen and didn’t get new shells till the first release :(

France can have aswell it but currently the Leclerc is in a slightly better position than the ariete and i only mentioned ariete

While worse, due to compression this will be too powerful for 9.0.

T-80B has superior armour, slightly better round.
T-72B has less of weakspot than ZTZ-96A has.

just saw the BR changes that are coming up, the Fox is definitely moving to where it should be(i think 8.0 would be fine as well), and saw other people arguing about the mig-15 being moved down, is the mig-15 being moved down really that bad?(was at 8.7 being moved to 8.3)

As one of MiG-15bis/MiG-17 main, they are really bad changes because 7.7s such as F-84G and Ouragan already can’t stands for MiG-15bis.

The worst thing is Gaijin mistake the MiG-15bis ISH for what is essentially the original MiG-15 even ISH is just MiG-15bis with tiny drags.

and has CCIP for rockets, and can carry 2x 500kg bombs instead of the regular 100kgs.
The Bis Ish should be at the same BR as the Mig-15Bis.

anyone else try the A-10’s GAU avenger on a destroyer in dover strait only to find it doesn’t do much in the way of damage? the ability to cause flooding is way too rare in war thunder naval.

So, mig15bis and plenty of other migs and sabres got moved to 8.3 and 8.7, so why does the premium Japanese sabre remain at 9.0 having to face all aspect heatseekers? .7 BR difference between F30 and F40, because of two almost useless missiles? are you serious?
Why is the Shenyang F5 the same BR as the Mig19 and mig21f13?
Oh, and the Prem Vautour is still 9.0. This game is becoming more and more of a joke tbh.

Its a huge slap in the face to those who spent stupid amounts of money on these planes.


This game is a huge slap in the face you when grind TT vehicles and not buy premiums.

When you are stock at almost every br, you are easily 0.3 to 0.7 br’s behind.
At the higher br’s - this issue becomes more severe.


Yes should be placed at 6.0 because is not Mig-19 + already fight 8.7s like the other BS super sonic F-104 and Mig-19

Gaijin balance how to make older 8.7 premium useless so you buy new ones , ppl like you make the game great keep it up Gaijin wait for ppl like you to comment here for Balance

The bias against Russia is too strong, Ka52 needs hermes missile.


I’ve been playing your game since 2014. I’ve been trying to play games, especially with jet planes, for a while. I’m trying to play games with the f4s plane, but in every game I come across planes from different generations such as f15, f14, f16, mig29. As you know, all the equipment of these aircraft is very different from the previous generation aircraft. For example, if we go by F14, the F54A missile is fired from a very long distance and shoots down my plane before it can enter the battlefield.I have no choice but to become a bot target for another user. I experience this in 3 out of every 5 battles I play in the game, without exception. I am very disturbed that there is such an injustice in your game, in which I spent both time and money. Maybe 1.0 br doesn’t make much of a difference for tanks, but even 0.3 br for planes means a very different technology upgrade.Although we have discussed this issue a lot in the forum, there has been no change. This issue needs to be corrected. For air battles, a ± 0.3 br correction would be very important. It will be fun for everyone to see similar planes fight each other.


I’m trying to play games with the f4s plane, but in every game I come across planes from different generations such as f15, f14, f16, mig29. As you know, all the equipment of these aircraft is very different from the previous generation aircraft. For example, if we go by F14, the F54A missile is fired from a very long distance and shoots down my plane before it can enter the battlefield.I have no choice but to become a bot target for another user. I experience this in 3 out of every 5 battles I play in the game, without exception. I am very disturbed that there is such an injustice in your game, in which I spent both time and money. Maybe 1.0 br doesn’t make much of a difference for tanks, but even 0.3 br for planes means a very different technology upgrade.Although we have discussed this issue a lot in the forum, there has been no change. This issue needs to be corrected. For air battles, a ± 0.3 br correction would be very important. It will be fun for everyone to see similar planes fight each other.


Same here, f4 can do nothing against f16’s and mig29’s and freaking mirage.
F4S is such a waste of money for me

It’s definitely one of the better top tier premiums though. Imagine if you bought the F-104 TAF xD

thankyou gaijin for oversaturating a whole 8.0-10.0 br range with pay to win premiums so 1 death leaving german and american give no chance to smaller techtrees to play this game competitively . no wonder your cash cow projects like enlisted fail right after launch because you ppl have no motivation to deliver your customers