I said they are almost unpenneable from the front and sides. I said the starting round is very anemic but the DM63 is fine.
You then go and make out my statements as I am saying the the 800t needs a better round and that there is no pennable spots on Russian tanks.
Also on that you said 800t should go up .3 br to stay away from ww2 tanks. The only ww2 tanks
The 800t sees is the kugeblitz, Maus, E-100 tortoise, and T95, Panther II and tiger II 10.5. Of that list only 2 will find the 800t a threat rather than a nuisance.
Back to the topic of the Fox researched it has 110mm of pen. That is able to go through the sides of soviet tanks. So comparing the fox to having to shoot the same spots as the 800t is an farce aswell. Also the fox is 7.7 not 8.0 the preformance difference from the two tanks is already being shown.
You are right my bad. Except the T-44 it sees is an T-44-100 Also known as the first T-54. It wasn’t even accepted until after the war as far as I know but if we want to call it an WW2 tank sure. But why split hairs on another tank that the 800t has very few spots it can pen.
The real area you see the 800t excel in is light armored vehicles so other light tanks. To say it has the same performance as an Bradley is far from the truth.
I’ve definitely penned T-54/55s in the side with sub-80mm pen rounds. Not sure where the weakspot is but I think it’s near the turret ring. It’s viable enough to shoot that since I’ve done it consistently.
In order to demonstrate BR compression, I will use the F-5 series.
It should be:
11.0 F-5C/F-5A - where the F-5C should sit, currently it is undertiered unless they fix it’s miniscule IR signature
11.3 ROCAF F-5A (it has Aim-9Ps)
11.7 F-5E/ F-5A(G)
12.0 F-5T/F-5E FCU
12.3 F-5E FCU (maybe)
But what we really have is 0.7 Brs between the worst and best, instead of the 1.3 that is needed.
You can apply this same thinking to other aircraft, and you will eventually decompress the game. Just find equivalent aircraft, and the differences between aircraft.
Bro, F5C with AIM9E is really suboptimal, it pretty much is worse than Mig21 at the same BR cause AIM9E won’t pull anything more than a straight up rear aspect. Also it is slow.
I do agree with the rest though, F5TSCU, potentially 4 python 3 as suggested in bug report accepted, with HMD at 11.3 is ridiculous.
There’s large point of compression like that and some small points where you can squeeze out 0.3.
For example the Su-27 is better than the MiG-29G is almost every way at 13.0. But moving the G down to 12.7 puts it where it would be better than the MiG-29A at the same BR. So move the Su-27 to 13.3 right? Nope. The Su-34 is 13.3 and it is better than the Su-27. The only option there is adding 0.3.
There’s quite a few points like that too. It really needs to be fixed.
Suggestion: add a quick radio command for “Point X is under attack!”, on top of the existing “Defend point X!”.
Not that people will bother to listen to comms or look at the map, but would be recomforting to at least warn the cleverer ones that the three guys who died around point A in the last minute were killed by an opposing force intent to take capture point A…
Fox is udertiered? In what world.
Its got a 30mm slow firing cannon with decent pen (more shells shattering now though)
No thermals, no armour, no ATGMs, no stabiliser
No commander overide.
What makes it better than a Mig-19 or F-100?
How is it supposed to bomb when it’ll barely beat a harrier to a base, and it will be slower than F-104s and Mig-21s?
I just wish it had flares so it had some hope of defending itself against other 9.7+ planes.
I’m genuinely going insane playing it, I’ve heard so so many people say it’s good (including @AlvisWisla), but I have no idea why it’s even considered good in the first place.
Well considering Q5 is 9.3 slower, can’t bomb base without incendiary and lock up for control. Also lacks ballistic computer. I don’t see why they should be same BR.
Regarding MiG19 and F100 they are same BR so… Also F104s and MiG21s are not that much faster, so u can still secure a base most games.
A Mig-23BN is a bomber with up to 2 bases or ordnance that can go up to mach 1.7 total, and mach 1.05 on the deck similar to a Phantom with 1 base of bombs equipped.
Flares have never been an issue for me in Mig-23BN because I’m usually gone before the A-10s arrive, and I tend to take a path the Su-25s wouldn’t.
It’s fast, ordnance laden, and with the correct strategy unkillable.